Discussion in 'Approved' started by Bulphrog, Mar 12, 2019.

  1. Bulphrog

    Bulphrog The All-Phrogger Staff Member Community Monitor

    Sep 9, 2017
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    Name: Maestro

    Description: Maestro takes the form of a glowing golden, sometimes orange colored liquid in the same viscosity as water, if not slightly more so. The serum can also be turned into a less effective, gaseous form that has the same coloration, though slightly dulled. Delivery of the serum comes in the form of syringes, capsules, or inhalation canisters. These normally come in 30mg packages, though, higher doses (through either special or illegal means) can occur. For anyone looking to deal for the group behind the creation of such a supplement, fares will run someone more often than not 75px/10 liquid - 15 gaseous.

    Abilities: Maestro can grant the user(s) many astonishing feats and pleasurable benefits, such as improved regeneration of wounds, increased strength, higher pain threshold, an immense sense of euphoria, increased stamina, improved immune system, and sharper senses. The exact qualitative data varies from user to user, but, roundabout estimates is anywhere from doubled strength, to being able to regenerate physical trauma other than bullet-wounds within minutes. Due to the nature of bullet-wounds, it would take longer to mend the damage. (Duration is situational.)

    Conditional Abilities (Optional): If a subject is in dire need of medical attention, Maestro can be used as a stabilizer to prevent death or infection. Due to the components used in the serum, it can also provide beneficial mutations, but this is more likely to coincide with luck and the abuse of Maestro. Among this, the serum can be used once and once alone to provide the subject with temporary regenerative properties, perhaps even regrowing limbs and providing milder benefits, should the dose be high enough.

    Limitations: Maestro is highly addictive, as it should be granting its user(s) such wonderful benefits. One drawback is withdrawal. While an individual is prescribed an amount, the need for more quickly sets in, usually starting about twenty-four hours after a week-period of regularly taking it. The more the serum is taken, the more quickly it sets in the desire to have more, often quickening the time of need from a day (or two) to hours, depending on the abuse. Of course, taking Maestro will remove the ill-effects, but usually this leads into misuse. Misuse of the serum and lack of regularly taking it henceforth results in fatigue, dehydration, and lack of strength. More extreme cases may result in the degradation of the body’s musculature, coughing of blood, and/or ultimately, death. In addition, the components used in the creation of the serum increases the chance of one’s mutation in the body, resulting in perhaps disastrous outcomes.

    In addition, the gaseous form of Maestro is far less potent from the start, usually taking two hits of the stuff to start taking proper effect. With only one, the subject will only gain a mild sense of euphoria and strength, with only a true, slight increase with the latter.

    Conditional Limitations (Optional): Mutations in the body can vary from inconsequential, to dire. Examples of such are as follow: Brain damage, Mania, extraneous bone growth, increase in body size, tumors, increased skin density and rigidness, and discoloration of the eyes. Coinciding with the one-time use condition, addiction is also possible with the high-dose, or even the small dose as a stabilizer, as the body is getting altered and manipulated by the serum.

    How does it work: A mixture of modified vitamins, minerals, and steroids such as Selenium, Calcium, B12, Oxymetholone, and other experimental (in setting) products are combined to the serum dubbed as Maestro. The altered ingredients are incredibly fast-working due to organic mutagens added into the mixture to not only bolster and boost the effects, but also allow the user-base’s bodies accept the super-supplement into their system, otherwise being denied due to the sheer amount of material they are taking in.

    Flavor text: Maestro began as a simple idea by a few adventurous-minded people, most unknown by name, others too inconsequential to remark of. As time went on and the project began to gather a bit of head way, deals and negotiations were made, the drug’s conception was passed on to a shadowy group who made it into reality.

    Referenced Technologies (Optional):

    Attainability: Semi-Closed

    Tags: [Genetic]

    Category: [Industrial]
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2019
    schizothotep likes this.
  2. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Hi. Sorry it took a while to get to this. I'll be starting the grading process on this application.
    The most important things to me are the symptoms of withdrawal at specific, commonly taken dosages, how long it takes for withdrawal to set in and end (even if 'end' is the user's death at higher dosages), the ratio of potency between the gaseous and liquid forms, and a no-profit cost per amount of the drug to work with for people who intend to deal it. If you could provide those so this can move forward that would be appreciated.

    My only actual concern is the wound regeneration within seconds, and specifically seconds. I can't accept that even for smaller gunshots just due to the fact that they're probably puncturing multiple things still and causing quite a bit of internal damage. If 'seconds' is only for small flesh wounds, that would be more acceptable.
    Bulphrog likes this.
  3. Bulphrog

    Bulphrog The All-Phrogger Staff Member Community Monitor

    Sep 9, 2017
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    Made the withdrawal addition as well as the bullet-wound fix. If specifics are needed for the latter, really it would take several hours if not a day, depending on the caliber/severity. It goes with common-sense in mind.

    Addendum: Also added the potency and price.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2019
  4. Markus Aleksandr

    Markus Aleksandr The Liberated Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    With the edits in mind, I give this app its first Pass
  5. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Passed (even though it already was but just with one pass and it needs two). I apologize for this taking so long.