Moirai, Seer to the King

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by zecon125, May 12, 2019.

  1. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    General Information

    Name: Moirai
    Alias: FateSpun;Seer
    Age: “Oh ho ho! Too old, deary. Too old.”
    Gender: Feminine
    Race: Glitch(?)
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Birthday: November 18th, ????
    Sexuality: “Oh ho ho! I’ve had my chance at romance. The highs, the lows, oh ho ho! It was wonderful, deary, but let’s not try it again.”
    Occupation/Affiliation: Seer and Oracle to Abraxas Kane
    Relationship Status: Widowed
    Place of Residence: New Mari
    Financial Status: “Oh ho ho! Deary, I’ve more than money. I have memories, and I have trinkets. Oh ho ho!”
    Known Languages: Twenty-four Glitch Dialects(Including the Black Empire’s), Schelorian, English, Common, Xinoddus... etc.
    Style of Speaking: Giddy, elderly and feminine tone. Says everything in the same way a Grandmother would say “Tell me about your day, dear.”
    Volume of Voice: Inside voice.

    Physical Appearance

    Height: 4’1’’ (124.46 cm)
    Weight: 50 lb (22.67 kg)
    Eye Color: Null
    Hair Color: Null
    Complexion: Metallic, ashen grey.
    Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
    Tattoos: Null
    Piercings: Null
    Posture: Slouched forward, typically sitting down Indian style.
    Clothing: A silken, red cloak with gold cuffs, and a red shawl over. Face is always hidden by “shadow.”
    Physical Characteristics: Hunched over, ancient figure sitting indian style. The only flesh shown are the hands, whilst the rest is cloaked away. Smells of a grandmother’s house.
    Accessories: A floating carpet full of occult artifacts- Candles, skulls, tomes, a spinning wheel, oracle bones, etc.

    Character Details

    Personality: As cryptic as she is helpful and as loving as she is eerie, Moirai is an odd box of tricks. At any time she is as likely to offer you a cookie as she is to tell you about your own gruesome demise or invite you to her trans-dimensional knitting circle.
    Fears: “Oh ho ho! Schelorian hounds are cute little things, just need to put some discipline in them first!”
    General Sociability: Giddy and eager to approach.
    General Intelligence: “Oh ho ho! Am I smart, dear? Maybe I’m just some old coot on a weird carpet! Oh ho ho! Where’s the retirement home? Are you my grandchild?”

    - Baking
    - Knitting
    - Occultism
    - Stories
    - Schelorian War Machines
    - Rocket-propelled Grenades

    - ???

    - Baking
    - Knitting
    - Bone-sanding
    - Talking to the dead

    Character Details



    Fatal Flaws:

    Health Information

    Illnesses: “Oh ho ho! Fit as a fiddle, young one.”
    Allergies: Null
    Sleeping habits: “Oh ho ho! Do I sleep?”
    Energy level: Deceptively high.
    Eating habits: Moirai cooks more often then she eats.
    Memory: “Oh ho ho! Did I ever tell you about the time I met Captain Dreadwing? Oh ho ho! Quite the drinker!”
    Any unhealthy habits: Moirai walks so little that her legs have rusted, and dust clouds plume up whenever she stands.

    Relationship Details

    Significant - Adored - Respected - Liked - Neutral - Disliked - Hated - Vilified - Deathwish
    Abraxas Kane - Significant - “Oh ho ho! Kane, deary? He’s a good man, or is he? Oh ho ho! Could stand to learn what cookies are for, though.”

    Oracle - Respected - “Oh ho ho! A fellow seer, though not quite the same as moi.”

    Karnis’Nir’Vaerok - Liked - “Oh ho ho! A sad little exile, but one that knits well enough! Oh ho ho!”

    Lorch Tigren - Liked - “Oh ho ho! A lovely little Apex, probably the best knitter at the circle- Present company excluded. Oh ho ho!”

    The Drunkard - Liked - “Oh ho ho! A sad man, dear. He’s lost a lot, loved a lot, I can tell. Oh ho ho! But he can’t just give up, not yet. Not while I know how to make vodka cookies, at least! Oh ho ho!”

    (If you think I missed you, please do tell me!)​
  2. inactive account

    inactive account Inactive Account Ex-Staff Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    The young guardian, oh ho ho?