Originally posted by SKARM64 Name of Aug/Tech: Razerback MKI Description: The frame of an industrial synth But Modified to have an armoured backplate, this backplate is shaped like an Armadillo shell, which allows the bot to fold into a ball (morthball Tech) History of Aug/Tech: A Joint project of Dr Petal Peculious and Luna Matthews How does it work?: The metal shell was designed to function like an armadillo shell, so the plates can fold into a ball, The armour is just because of the material of the plates, This ranges from steel to durasteel although they rise in expense. Intended use: Made for the easier deployments of bots into either battle or to transport them around a construction site or lab. Strengths: Allows faster movement, Bullet resistance while in the shell and to shots in the back while not in the ball. Allows access to smaller spaces. Weaknesses: Movement outside the ball is slowed, Can not be used with non bot/ glitch (not sure how glitch would deal with this) Without heavy modification.front side is unprotected while standing. Can't use weapons while in ball mode. How do you believe this will assist in benefiting roleplay?: Will allow for more diverse transport and will also offer an extra way of escape for non-combative robots Attainability: [Open] Tags- [Industrial]