Axap Model Androids

Discussion in 'Deferred' started by Khaos, Jul 16, 2017.

  1. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Originally posted by /profile/53-nemo-please-forgive-me/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="53" href="/profile/53-nemo-please-forgive-me/">@NEMO PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!

    Name: Axap Model Androids


    Axap model androids can come in a countless variety of designs, but they all start off as a blank frame. This blank frame is coated in a white paint to prevent rusting and provide a base for the buyer of an Axap model to work with. Besides the color and design, all Axap models are the same. Standing at just 20 centimeters, an Axap model looks akin to an action figure, their full body consisting of multiple separate parts. Protruding from in between their shoulder blades would be 'large' wings, only large in comparison to the rest of their body, spreading out 10 cm from tip to tip. On the underside of their right wrist there would be a small opening, allowing for a 4 cm vibroblade to slide out, if needed. Their left wrist would contain a small holographic projector, allowing them to display images. On the back of their neck would be a small hole, used when setting up a personality and other traits for the Axap.


    Their light weight (70 lbs.) would allow them to fly with the wings mounted to their back.

    The vibroblade is able to launch out of their wrist.

    Their small figure allows them to get into small spaces.

    Axap models can lift up to 15 lbs.

    Can be customized easily, after initial assembly.

     EMP resistant.

    Conditional abilities (optional):



    Their battery life is miniscule and requires daily charging.

    Anything about 15 pounds would put strain on their fragile arms and most likely snap them.

    Flying drains their battery extremely quickly and they can only sustain flight for one IC hour, on a full battery.

    After shooting their vibroblade out, it would require their whole forearm to be opened up so it can be placed back in properly.

    Their small size makes them easy to step on and crush under moderate weight.

    Takes them substantially longer to travel due to their size.

    Their wings will shut down if EMPed. (Still able to move the rest of their body.)

    Conditional limitations (optional):


    How does it work:

    Axap models use strands of carbon fiber to replicate muscle, servos tugging and pushing to move joints as commanded. Their AI would be contained near the Axap's 'prostate', wires running up their spine and to the multiple servos around their body. The shell that acts as the skin of the Axap would consist of a cerulium and durasteel alloy.

    Flavor text:

    Axap model androids were originally intended to be a children's toy, created by a father for his daughter. Along with the Axap the father created a simulation disk, supposed to act as a playhouse for her daughter and the Axap. The father soon started to sell the androids and simulations disks, a few that got their hands on them quickly taking advantage of the easy customization for the simulated room. Within no time simulated battles became popular among Axap owners, a few set ups turning into gambling on who the winner would be. With the chance of making it big was set on the table, people took to cheating, rigging simulations so they had an unfair advantage. Police were quick to catch wind on this and were set on cracking down on the gambling rings, making them illegal to take part in or even watch. Years passed and rules were set up around the simulated battles, allowing for legal matches. People jumped on this and simulated battles grew in numbers, stores opened for equipment specialized for Axaps.

    Referenced Technologies (optional):



  2. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Deferred: Redundant technology. Can be done via engineered lifeforms and so on.