Originally posted by /profile/151-strangerdanger/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="151" href="/profile/151-strangerdanger/">@StrangerDanger Name of Aug/Tech: 'Nightmare Shade' (Dimethyltryptamine with Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)) Description: Dimethyltryptamine or 'Nightmare Shade' can be taken in the form of either a vapor (Such as inside a gas canister), a pill, or in the form of a syringe. If you were to give it a color though, it would be in the form of a purple gas or liquid. History of Aug/Tech: Dimethyltryptamine was first chemically produced by Richard Masnke in 1931, but it wasn't until 1951 that its effects and uses were fully examined and reported on. Drug cartels soon caught wind of this new chemical, and later created the first vaporized version of Dimethyltryptamine, leading to its high popularity among the black market and drug junkies alike. Dimethyltryptamine remained among one of the top alternatives for LSD in the drug market for several hundred years, leading for some producers to develop a version of the vapor to spread across an entire room, increasing its area of effectiveness. Although the drug is officially banned for home recreational use by many governments in the past and in Civ-Space, the scientific information for the drug is still available for researchers and psychoanalysts to produce the drug for themselves, or by cartels to continue to provide for their clients. How does it work?: ((Prepare for the text wall)) Dimethyltryptamine is a serotonergic hallucinogen whose molecular formula is C12H16N2. This chemcial can be found in over 30 different plant species, with the majority of them located in the Amazon Rainforest, where it was used by Amazonian natives as part of dream rituals to connect with nature spirits. It is also naturally produced by mammals, including humans, though in smaller amounts. If you ever have had the occasional nightmare or lucid dream, it is due to the fact that a somewhat larger amount of Dimethyltryptamine is being produced in your brain due to a subconscious reaction. However, if taken artificially, these vivid dreams will increase drastically in intensity and will last longer depending on the amount of dosage taken. Specifically, Dimethyltryptamine targets the 5-hydroxytryptamine 2A receptor (Or part of the Visual Cortex of the Brain) to produce its psychedelic effects. If taken continuously, such as by injection, it is theoretically possible to stay in a permanent "Dream Coma" until the body eventually withdraws into a permanent comatose state. The usual dosage of Dimethyltryptamine is usually within 20-50mg, where it is usually taken orally, inhaled through a vapor, or taken by injection. The effects of one dosage of Dimethyltryptamine can last between 6-12 hours (Because you'll be sleeping), with the strongest effects of Dimethyltryptamine occurring at 1.5-2.5 hours into sleep. The second chemical that was mentioned alongside Dimethyltryptamine was Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). GABA is naturally produced in the brain, and is used as a relaxant agent for the muscles to prevent it from moving while sleeping. Those who suffer from "Sleep-Walking" usually have a lack of GABA produced in their brains. If taken artificially, GABA can be used to restrain the muscles from moving while in REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. GABA is produced continuously in the brain for as long as the body is still in REM sleep. Theoretically, it is possible to keep the body in a paralytic state if a continuous supply of both GABA and Dimethyltryptamine is injected into the body. As a side note, GABA can be taken orally or by injection, and can essentially act as a tranquilizer to the body if taken in a large dosage. It is possible to produce GABA in natural amounts through the culture of certain bacteria species such as lactic bacteria (Which can be found in dairy cultures and in your stomach to help digest food. They are also partially the reason why you feel drowsy after eating big meals, but not the major factor.) Intended use: 'Nightmare Shade' can be used as a very powerful hallucinogen alternative to other drugs such as LSD for personal usage. If one wished to observe the behavior of others while asleep, they could use this drug as an option. The usage of drug varies dependently on the person, whether it be used for pleasure, research, or for more nefarious purposes. In relation to producing Dimethyltryptamine in renewable amounts (Producing GABA in renewable amounts was mentioned above), several different methods are available. As mentioned previously, Dimethyltryptamine is found in over 30 different species of plants and almost all mammalian animals to form the drug. If one wishes not to harvest the plant species for Dimethyltryptamine, they could harvest the brains of mammalian species and monsters to gather Dimethyltryptamine from the brains. This can be done using the Brain Extractor technology that is currently available in the Starbound universe to harvest brains. Both Inferior Brains and Superior Brains will be sufficient to harvest Dimethyltryptamine. Strengths: [*] Very lucid dreams and visions. Junkie users rejoice. [*] Treatment option for those who suffer from Insomnia or PTSD. [*] Can be taken orally, by injection, or by inhalation. Weaknesses: [*] Large dosage effects include involuntary vomiting and expulsion of waste (Yes, you will shit and piss yourself in your sleep.) [*] Lucid Dreams have the potential to get drawn out of control. [*] Highly addictive. [*] Has the potential to be abused by others. [*] Possible chance of coma if used for a long extended amount of time. [*] Increased Blood Pressure. How do you believe this will assist in benefiting roleplay?: Due to the dual nature of how this drug can be used, it'll either give off some very interesting drug junkie roleplay or act as an alternative non-violent way of knocking out your enemies should you happen to go into combat. Attainability: Open Tags: [Military] (Though I would somewhat argue Civilian as well for its recreational use) Extra: Works Cited(Since I'm Using Actual Science and Not BS): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N,N-Dimethyltryptamine#Routes_of_administration (For Basic Information About Dimethyltryptamine) http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/dimethyltryptamine#section=Related-Records (For Specific Information About Dimethyltryptamine) http://www.denvernaturopathic.com/news/GABA.html (For Specific Information About GABA) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2996345/ (For Information on how to produce GABA) http://starbound.wikia.com/wiki/Brain_Extractor (Proof that the Brain Extractor exists within Starbound Lore) http://www.dmtsite.com/dmt/information/history_discovery.html (The History Behind the Discovery of Dimethyltryptamine)
Deferred: Please remove brain extraction and find some other means and this can be moved back to approved.