Originally posted by the dearly departed Name of Aug/Tech: -Obvious, what's the name?- C3X "Psycho" Bloodlust Description - Psycho appears as a form of injected drug. that comes with its own unique delivery system. History of Aug/Tech:- composed of strange, chemicals of military origins, t It was designed at the orders of Earth Generals specifically for military use. It increases a soldier's pain tolerance substantially and minimalizes internal damage to the best of its capabilities.Its dampening effect on higher brain functions make for tough, but uncontrollable, troops. This drug was very popular for human assaults to match up with robotic beings, or if they didn't have the men, but wanted to do as much damage as possible. How does it work?: - It works a lot like pain killers, except way stronger and quicker to effect the entire body. The user can ignore a substantial amount of pain, though it will not stop the user from dying. A shot to the knee or any joint area can still render that limb useless. This drug was best used for just prolonging a soldier in a fight if there was no field medics with them and to reduce the long-term damage that said field medics would have to deal with later. Intended use:- To make tough and damage tolerant troops, mostly used on men Strengths:- It increases the users pain tolerance substantially, albiet not entirely. - Nanoenchanced fluid flowing alongside the blood would harden upon violent impact and revert to liquid form shortly afterwards ( Like custard.) (up to a .38 will simply get wedged in and the fluids harden around it, this renders most SMGs and pistols useless depends on what they could be modified to fire and or what it shoots to begin with, it will still cause severe external and internal bruising despite being blocked as well, plasma can still tear right through it like butter) Weaknesses: - Any form of high tech armor can confuse the user to the point of not knowing what to do or feeling trapped and go into a panic attack, likely prioritizing on trying to "Rip off" their armor, which would likely be a fruitless and dangerously time consuming endeavor. This happens because of the dampened brain functions, such heavy, thick or unusual materials being on them giving them a caged sensation from sheer primal instinct, even if it was some sort of exoskeleton, the textures and machinery associated with it would still register in their mind, the dampened higher functions making this near dementia inducing as well as giving off that caged sensation. (This counts towards power armor, armor with huds/A.I and stealth suits) - The injector goes into a bloodlust state anything inbetween the person and target will most likely be brought out of the way by violent actions, this could cause the user to be confused and or be open to free shots from the enemy as through such a dampened state, the removal of such objects could be innefective, even worse, if such objects happened to be sentient people who are likely pissed off by some "Psycho" charging through them and knocking them over, it would likely result in another hazard to put it mildly. - The relentlessness also has a weakness, the user will not know when to give up and will keep on fighting until they either kill and destroy everything they deem as a threat or the drug wears off. - It severely limits higher brain functions to the simpliest of means. - It is very hard to obtain, you'll most likely have to get it from your friendly neighborhood drug dealer, if you are not military of course, as this drug is banned from convential use in any means of medical ways - Before even being able to properly take the drug, you would need to undergo an operation to have 40-50% of your blood replaced with an artificial regeant of sorts based around your bloodtype, this operation being known only to those with knowledge of it and as such, can be an extremly expensive thing to undergo at first if it was taken on by non-military personel as they'd require the proper equipment, time and knowhow. - The drug itself, as in the liquid used to prime the others, largely comprised of nanobiotic machines in nature, would need to be designed for that user's bloodtype itself, making them even more expensive and rarer unless someone has the advanced equipment to manifacture it. - It is a highly addictive drug, the user would suffer severe withdrawal symptoms mere days after taking it. These symptoms can slightly- Though not fully- Be quelled by things of similar nature such as mixing alcohol with painkillers, although that would result in liver damage and tears in the stomach lining. -Users are often distracted easily by loud noises and sudden movements, which they must process. Due to the dampening this takes longer than a person not using the drug. Tags: [Military] Attainability: It can be purchased through means of military suppliers, or drug dealers that have replicated it, it's not a big market so very few drug dealers will actually sell it. [open]