Regenerative limbs and digits for florans

Discussion in 'Deferred' started by Pinkbat5, Jul 10, 2017.

  1. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name of technology or augmentation:


    Regenerative parts in florans



    History of Aug/Tech: 
    This regenerative property comes from some unique species of Forans through a long line of evolution and from what the species were born from. These species act just as any other normal Floran species, but have the unique ability to regenerate body parts. These unique Florans are somewhat rare, as most of them didn't survive through evolution, or the traits were lost. However, those with the traits live in small tribes, all of the tribe usually having it.


    How does it work:


    The regenerative process is like any other plant that can re-grow lost pieces, during this time the Foran having to take in large quantities of nutrients to enable the body to actually "re-grow" lost limbs. However, during this process, the Floran is physically weak, and can be as physically weak as a human. Besides this, re-growing two limbs at a time is impossible as it takes too much nutrients to do so, meaning one limb would have to be covered as the other limb re-grows. This process, however, has draw-backs. The limbs that are "re-grown" are no-were near as physically strong as the old limbs. There for, training must go on for the limb to be just as strong as the old limb. Besides this, if the wound is sewed shut/burned shut, such as it being cut off/blown off by a laser bolt/sword or plasma bolt/sword, the limb will be un-able to be "re-grown". There is also a limit, as organs can not be "re-grown". Instead, internal organs heal at a faster pace then normal.


    What is it's intended use:


    -This augmentation will be used for purposes besides cloning to get a limb back, as most florans are no-were near smart enough to clone themselves new limbs(or clone in general), as well as other purposes as this can be studied and be used to help with wounds, such as growing skin for new wounds




    - Limbs can be regenerated in 4 days(however, it takes 5-6 days for the said limb to get back in shape in total), hands/feet in 1.5 days, and digits in 12 hours.

    - Organs heal at a faster rate then normal florans(around 1.5x faster)




    -Wounds such as stab wounds/small bullet wounds are healed at a normal rate, as the body doesn't see fit in healing it faster, seeing it as a waste of nutrients that it could use for other things

    -Organs CAN NOT be "re-grown"

    -If a wound is burned/sewn shut, it can not be "re-grown"

    -Limbs can only be "re-grown" one at a time, and if two limbs are cut off, one must be covered as the other one is re-grown

    -THEY CAN STILL BLEED OUT, if they wound isn't taken care of immediately in the first one hour, the will most likely bleed out of too sever

    -The can't regenerate when dead(of course), and can't regenerate a head


    (The time line of the first hour)Minutes 1-4, wound bleeds. Minutes 5-9 the wounds bleeding begins to slow. Minutes 10-19, the wound has finished bleeding, and the body is now checking the damage done. minutes 20-39, body finishes checking damage and starts to prepare to regenerate. Minutes 40-59, the body has finished preparing. Minute 60, "re-growing" begins.



    -During the first 1 hour, the wound can be infected as it hasn't started to "re-grow", needing to be taken care of

    -If the limb isn't taken care of for the 1st hour, diseases can be trapped in the re-growing tissue, causing the limb to become infected, making the floran lose the limb again(if not treated) or dying(if not treated)

    -During the time of a re-growing limb, the floran gets lethargic and becomes physically weak(as weak as a weak-human)

    -"Re-grown" limbs need to be physically trained, or else they could easily fail and have to be amputated, having to be re-grown again

    -It will take time for the "re-grown" limb to be as physically strong as the old limb

    -The floran needs to take in a high diet of nutrients(especially protein) to "re-grow".(like, 2x the normal) If it does have enough it can either A)Re-grow the arm, but is very very weak or B)Not "re-grow" at all

    How do you believe this will assist in benefiting roleplay?: Adds something that makes sense for a floran, as they are like plants

    Attainability: Open

    Tags: Genetic
  2. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    deferred: redundant technology.