Medical T.N.G.S ((repost))

Discussion in 'Denied' started by DocShibe, Jul 4, 2017.

  1. DocShibe

    DocShibe New Arrival Silver Donator

    Jun 29, 2017
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     Name of Aug/Tech: T.N.G.S (Toxin Nullifying Genetic Solution)

    Description: Its an operation you cant see it silly admin

    History of Aug/Tech: A research project Mari has been working on using Dr. shibes research into transgenic engineering

    How does it work?:

                           By useing dna code from several animals and plants this operation provides reistence to cememical agents, poisons and varius other things depending on the type of operation, split into 5 different types:


    Type one: gaseous chemical resistance

    -this operation boasts high resistance to gas based poisons, this means any air based inhalant, this includes but is not limited to, Co2, amoinia, mustered gas, chlorine gas


    Type two: metallic poisons

    - heavy metals that enter the skin and can be toxic if they build up over time, any metallic agents include but are not limited to: lead, arsenic, mercury, and other metals and minerals

    type three: Alkaloid poisons

    -these poisons deal with the nervous system in one way or another, crippling or stunning the target , these include but are not limited to apropine, Quinoline, and stychintine

    Type four: Non-Alkaloid poisons

    -these poisons are known for causeing hypotic, nerotic, or systematic effects, these include but are not limited too, turpintine, digoxin, Barbiturates but does not stop overdoses effects

    Intended use:

    Stop toxin and chem based weapons


     Poison and chemical resistance



    can only have one per person, any more can cause a coma, if not death due to gene complications

    Immune system will be more susceptible to infections not directly linked to the resistance

    organics only


    How do you believe this will assist in benefiting role-play?:

    poison is always a tricky thing to bring into role play, its either useless or over-powered, this is my solution to that problem, both infoming about what poison is, and what it does

    Attainability: Semi closed MSG Doc shibe for information on this
  2. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    denied: too unbalanced