Medical BRST (Repost)

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Kappa, Jul 3, 2017.

  1. Kappa

    Kappa Robot Man Ex-Staff

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: BRST, Binboost, Brainblast

    Description: Comes in the form of a chip that is implanted into the users brain or simply code for synthetics

    • Neurally activated and controlled
    • While online, the user will perceive his surroudings as if time has slowed down.
    • For the user, everything will run 10 times slower. Ergo, one real-time second would be like 10 to the user.

    Conditional Abilities (Optional): N/A


    • In combat, only full turns can be accelerated (4 seconds).
    • You are still stuck to your physical limitations. Your reaction time is tremendous, but the speed at which you move your body is not altered.
    • Ability threshold lies within 20 seconds (5 combat turns). For each 3 combat turns (12 seconds) that it is not used, the chip cools down and allows another use (4 seconds).
    • Overstepping the threshold is possible but will cause a headache that gets continually stronger until possible death.

    Conditional Limitations (Optional):

    How does it work:
    The BRST chip is essentially a photonic processor that is neurally linked to the user and acts as an external processing aid. It taps into the users cortex cerebri or the equal variant of that and works in tandem with it to provide an incredibly fast evaluation of incoming information and thus also an equally fast flow of reactions made by the user. In short, it overclocks one's brain. The downside to all of this is of course that the chip has no heatsink whatsoever, which means using it too many times in short succession causes it to heat up and damage the users brain, usually resulting in a very nasty headache that dies down over several hours or in some cases even serious brain damage.

    There are different versions of the BRST chip, one for organics which is just implanted onto their brain as one would expect. Then there is one for synthetics that can either be added externally or just as code. Sadly, there is no version available to Novakids as the attempts of fusing it with their Brand have proven ineffective to even lethal for them.

    Flavor text:
    A unique modification that is given out by Hightower only. Not much is known about it, but supposedly it allows the user to control time itself.

    Referenced Technologies (Optional):
    Photonic Processors

    [Semi-Closed] Produced and given out exclusively by HIS to certain contractors and their operatives


    Last edited: Dec 17, 2017
  2. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Denied. Incredibly unbalanced and unrealistic reactiontime boost.