Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by PrivateNomad, Mar 30, 2019.

  1. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    The Haven Times

    // Some video footage is posted along with a short message. \\
    We have some juicy gossip for your prying ears, dear readers. We received an anonymous video footage of Senator Telroth and Lesslyn, owner of the clothing brand Stùiricke, together on the beach exchanging some rather suggestive dialogue. But what good is my word, when you can watch for yourself?

    The camera opens on Telroth and Lesslyn on the Renderan beach, both of which are topless, Lesslyn of which is only wearing bikini bottoms and jewelry. The scene starts with them in the water.

    Lesslyn takes two talons towards his belt, making her hand walk up along the Remnant's chest. She leans back slightly, cooing out "Isn't that right, you hunk you?" When the finger-walking gets to his shoulder, she switches to give him a sort of massage, whispering into his ear.

    The remnant's smooth, frigid skin almost seems to recoil at her touch.

    She grabs the bladed head of his tail and brought it closer to her face, giggling out loud enough for the camera to hear. "So lovely!"

    Telroth readjusts himself, leaning against her with more weight as a finger runs along her moist plumage.
    She pulls the blade closer, giving it a little peck with her beak before she sets it to the side of her cheek, caressing the side of her face with his natural weapon. She goes to give him the same sort of love-peck, directly on his forehead.

    Telroth smiles, saying something to her. The only thing caught is- "Between such lovely creature and I."

    She scoots back a moment, unraveling herself from his tail at last- caressing the blade as if its a puppy. "Show me how you really feel!" The bird then slides back into Telroth's arms, whispering into his ear.

    The Thaniifarri's face reddens slightly as he grunts, pulling through as he rises up and lifts Lesslyn bridal style, easily done with one arm, before supporting the rest with the other as he makes way towards the beach.​
    -Cut feed-​

    • Two More Young Women Reported Missing in Rendera District
    • David Ward Supporters Move for Lobster Rights
    • Highschool Student Bullied for Blockcraft "Forbidden Rail Building Techniques"
    • SOLUS Industries Expand Into Atridal System
    • What Happened to Blake Esther? Some Theories.
    • Grand Protector Esas: Some Predictions
  2. schizothotep

    schizothotep Ozymandias's very own Diamond Donator

    Aug 20, 2018
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    //user knasher clicks all the articles.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2019
  3. ThatCabbage

    ThatCabbage Galactic Citizen Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    //User E66 Dislikes this article, commenting:
  4. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    //user Pura clicks on all headlines.
  5. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    /// haha esas looks at all other headlines and others might look at one here and there, except the dave one or the blockcraft one ///
  6. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Two More Young Women Reported Missing in Rendera District

    Two Renderan women, Lisa Alexander and Sofia di Biato, have reportedly suddenly gone missing. If you've seen these women, please message the Renderan Guard.

    // Two pictures of nondescript women are posted. \\

    David Ward Supporters Move for Lobster Rights

    Certain Renderan supporters of Senator David Ward have been making suggestions to grant lobsters the same rights as sapients do. One man, 19 year old Luis Roberts, says the following:
    "Lobsters are psychic, man. They know more about the universe than you and I do. Why would you fish such a beautiful creature and boil it
    ? Would YOU like to be boiled alive? I imagine it'd hurt! WOULD YOU FUCKING LIKE THAT? *Incomprehensible screaming.*"

    Highschool Student Bullied for Blockcraft "Forbidden Rail Building Techniques"

    A student in a highschool on the outskirts of the Capital District has written a letter to us describing her experiences with being bullied by her fellow peers for "Forbidden Rail Building Techniques" in the 3D videogame "Blockcraft". She only posted one image:


    SOLUS Industries Expand Into Atridal System

    SOLUS Industries has begun to move workers to establish mines in the Atridal System, a system close to Haven that is reportedly rich in raw minerals.

    What Happened to Blake Esther? Some Theories.

    When Grand Protector Blake Esther invoked the Inheritance Protocol that relinquished Grand Protector to the Supreme Commander temporarily, many were stupefied. Shortly after, it seems that Blake Esther entirely went off the radar. What happened to The Architect? Some theorize that he was affected too deeply by recent events, that the stress got to him so he handed off Grand Protector to Supreme Commander Esas, a robot that could handle the circumstances with robotic calculation. Some believe that Blake Esther is romantically involved with Senator Cilvay, and that he was emotionally affected by her recent shift away from the radar as well. Only time will tell.

    Grand Protector Esas: Some Predictions

    The Inheritance Protocol has been invoked, temporarily making Supreme Commander Esas into Grand Protector Esas. So, what can we expect of our new temporary Grand Protector? We can expect more measures, perhaps offensive, to be taken against the Ruin now that our Supreme Commander has emergency powers. We can also expect an enhancement of our fleet, which may explain SOLUS Industries' recent move into the Atridal System. Time will tell, and we may also find out what happened to Blake Esther.
    SilverGallium and schizothotep like this.