...Barter...? General Information Name: Null Age: Unknown Date of Birth: Unknown Sexuality: Null Nationality: Null Religion: Null Theme Music: Friends: “Mortal?” “Cantor?” Enemies: “Tolkin?” Giorno Guanicale, Renderan Mafia, Haven Senate. Citizenship Status: Null Occupation: The creature calls itself a trader. Skills: The creature has no intense skills. It trades. It takes. It hires. Personality: It barters. It takes. It hires. Phobias: Does it have one? Likes: Having. Bartering. Dislikes: Lacking. Extra: Null. Physical Appearance Physical Description: Tall. Eight feet. Gaunt. It wears an Orbide shell. A mask. It wears a cloak. Grey. It wears a shawl. Red. It carries a water tank. It wears slippers. Pink. Fuzzy. Tech and Augments used: Wouldn’t you like to know? Height: 8’0’’ Race: Null Species: Null Gender: Null Backstory and More On-going Story: Trades. Backstory: Traded. Spoilers: Will trade. Inspirations: Traders. Extra: No coin. Only specials. Secrets sold. Not given.