Genetic Novakid-Visitant Symbiosis

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Pinkbat5, Mar 21, 2019.

  1. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: Novakid-Visitant Symbiosis

    Description: Novakid-Visitant symbiosis is a version of visitant symbiosis intended specifically for novakids, and other energy-beings that can’t normally receive augments and emit light from their ‘skin.’ Unlike conventional symbiosis, bodyparts are rarely replaced, and no surgery is required; instead, the Visitant flesh hugs the novakid body like a second skin, ‘adding’ without ‘replacing.’ On the second skin, limbs, eyes and other additions can be attached, and the visitant flesh interfaces with the brand to be controlled effectively. To survive, the interior of this visitant “suit” is a pure black, feeling off the light emitted by the novakid- because of the easy feeding source, the rest of the flesh doesn’t need to be black, and can take on different colours rarely seen in Visitant otherwise.

    • Serves as an effective prosthetic in novakids where other technologies fall short.
    • More self-sufficient than the organic/synthetic variety of visitant symbiosis, as long as it contacts enough novakid skin, its exterior doesn’t even need to be black.
    • Survives high-cuil areas even better than the novakid itself.
    • Application is less invasive as it doesn’t require surgery.
    • Portions of the second skin can be removed at will, as long as the portion containing the visitant mind is still in contact with the brand.
    • Can serve as living armour (must still follow armour guidelines in Milky Way codex), extra limbs, or an extra set of eyes for the bearer.
    • Can survive in complete darkness as long as the novakid is healthy and glowing properly.

    Conditional Abilities (Optional):
    • Compatible with non-alpha visitant as well as alpha.
    • Forceful removal does not physically harm the novakid any more than removal of clothing.
    • Visitant acid-blood isn’t harmful to novakids like it is to organics.

    • Can’t /replace/ limbs without the novakid being mutilated.
    • Visitant matter quickly degrades into lusnium upon contact with ECF levels of zero. Negative cuils (such as those emitted by normantium) solidify it almost immediately.
    • While Visitant acid can’t harm the novakid bearer, the plasma-bleed of the novakid bearer CAN harm the Visitant flesh, and easily so.
    • In fact, being a Visitant in a symbiotic relationship with a novakid is much riskier for the Visitant than a symbiotic relationship with an organic. If the novakid dies and explodes, the visitant is almost guaranteed to die as well, unless it can detach and escape the blast in time. And unlike a novakid, Visitant can’t clone.
    • Detachment from the brand causes severe disorientation and a sense of “loss” for both novakid and Visitant. This disorientation can last for days, and emotional issues can persist for many weeks, months, or years after, depending on how long the two were linked.
    • Sudden, uncontrolled detachment will kill alpha visitant.

    Conditional Limitations (Optional):
    • Dim/blackcore novakids might not emit enough light to properly feed the visitant mass, nullifying the “can survive in darkness/can be colours other than black” ability. Generally speaking, high-energy blue/ultraviolet light will feed the Visitant more, so red/orange novakids are at a disadvantage.
    • Disconnected Visitant matter still needs to be fed with light to survive. Because it is disconnected, it will not be able to properly articulate when it is “hungry,” meaning the novakid must pay close attention to ensure it does not die.
    • Visitant matter must touch the brand of the novakid to initiate symbiosis. Novakid with ingrown brands and anodynes are either out of luck, or must invest in risky surgeries. While it is possible to fashion a visitant “suit” that can function by passively scanning the thoughts of its bearer, this is not true Visitant symbiosis (the novakid will not feel anything in return) and is not any more effective than any technology that uses soft-link connections.

    How does it work: Visitant symbiosis in novakids operates on the same basic principles as it does with organics. A living Visitant mind, alpha or otherwise, is deposited in some brainmatter and physically attached to the novakid brand. The Visitant mind interprets the signals of the novakid bearer’s brand and functions as an extra set of limbs or sensory organs, and in turn is able to read all of the novakid’s senses as well.

    Flavor text: Just like how organic-visitant symbiosis in realspace was adapted from its equivalent made for hyperspace races, novakid-visitant symbiosis was adapted from an old invention used to interface with glowing Firstborn. The scientific community was as giddy about discovering a light-producing species in realspace as it was upon first contact with the firstborn; while the adaptation was only recent, there’s a good chance that the Administration will be eager to hand out the technology to willing novakid test subjects.

    Referenced Technologies (Optional): (If your application is piggybacking on the use of another one as a component of it or as a use of the original app, list said applications here)

    Attainability: Semi-closed (Visitant/Hyperspace technology)

    Tags: [Industrial] [Racial]

    Category: Genetic
    schizothotep likes this.
  2. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Hi. I'll be starting the grading process on this application.
    Assuming the connection between the Visitant and Novakid is done internally and not externally, given that it is attaching from the limb to the brand, how do the portions of it running through the Novakid that make contact with the brand survive the extreme internal heat in order to do so? It's true this is less invasive than organic symbiosis, but it's still somewhat invasive in that regard. Do the Visitant used for it have specialized connectors of some sort that can survive the kind of heat inside of them? This is just assuming that some sort of wires or something would end up visibly running from the limb and connecting to the brand, which as an addition, I think would look really cool.
  3. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    It’s actually done externally, the Visitant don’t use any heat-resistant wires (which is why novakids with ingrown brands can’t get the augment.) A novakid with an arm will have a wire running from the arm over their “skin” to the brand rather than under, sort of like how some robots in cyberpunk movies just have tubes and wires running out externally. This can be dangerous since if the wire’s cut, the novakid instantly loses control of their augment. So, multiple wires are pretty common, or they’re protected in some way.
    Made a lil picture to show what I mean:
    schizothotep likes this.
  4. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Alright. That's all I need to know then. I'm giving this its first pass.
    Pinkbat5 likes this.
  5. Markus Aleksandr

    Markus Aleksandr The Liberated Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Only question I have is the following:

    Will the Visitant-portion of this symbiosis detach as a means of self-preservation (for example, the Nova is bleeding plasma everywhere), or will it always stick it through 'til the end? Are there variables that the visitant takes into account?
  6. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Depends on what the Visitant decides to do. Alphas, which are non-sapient, are reluctant to detach but will if they really have to. If an Alpha willingly detaches, it doesn't die.
    With sapient visitant, depends on what that specific character decides is the best course of action to take.
    Detaching is better than dying, but still comes with the drawbacks listed above, too. It's not something to be taken lightly.
  7. Markus Aleksandr

    Markus Aleksandr The Liberated Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Alright, good to know, for anyone who decides on using this app.
