Ari Song

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by zirconzz, Dec 8, 2018.

  1. zirconzz

    zirconzz da guy Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Dec 17, 2017
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    General Information

    Surname: Song
    Formatted Name: Song Dae-Rin
    Nickname(s): Ari, Ariana
    Age: 21
    Date of Birth: April 7th, 3265
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Nationality: Daeyun*
    Race: Avian
    Gender: Female
    Relationship Status: Engaged
    Fiance: Xentl
    Current Residence: A condo on the planet of Epra.
    Financial Standing: Well Off
    Citizenship Status: Citizen of Daeyung

    Occupation: Head of Horizon Design Team
    Skills: Mathematics, Analytical Thinking, Time Management/Organization, Cooking, Gardening, Soccer, Playing Electric Guitar

    Theme Music:
    Lonely Rolling Star

    *IE from the planet of Daeyung


    Ari is a quiet yet very caring and compassionate person. On the surface she may seem a tad distant on occasion but she's actually just quite anxious most of the time. She finds large social situations to be a bit of a nightmare for her as she's not great at starting conversations, yet despite this she is oddly social on the Nexus.

    Ari generally tries to get along with and be nice to everyone, often feeling bad for being rude or in some cases, even standing up for herself in situations where others may have been rude to her. Ari is generally seen as being quite nice and forgiving by others, though she worries about her personality image often. She is rarely angry or really even frustrated and tends to be very cheerful and upbeat, oftentimes enthusiastic as well.

    She's generally nervous and worried about a lot of things, many of these things being other people and their opinions of her. She easily gets tunnel vision when working on projects, sometimes to her own detriment both physically and mentally. Ari is a very dedicated person that likes to put a lot of effort into all the work she does, even if it's a small project. She does not like boasting, from herself or others, and generally doesn't like to be in the limelight either.

    This can and usually does lead to her neglecting her needs, particularly in the food and sleep sections of things, but it tends to result in a well done job. Being a quiet person, Ari really likes her quiet time, and would usually prefer to stay home and watch movies instead of going out to a party. In summary, Ari is a bleeding heart, dedicated, cordial and friendly to almost everyone she meets. She may seem quiet at first but is a loyal and generous friend.

    Personality Type: INJF
    Phobias: Arachnophobia, Entomophobia

    Cordial Personalities
    The color purple


    Unjust Hostility
    Malicious Behavior
    Large Amounts of Attention
    Unnecessarily Loud Sounds

    Guilty Pleasures: Daeyun Drama shows, sappy movies
    Favorite Colors: Purple, blue
    Favorite Type of Music: Oddly, metal.
    Favorite Food: Poutine (her one experience with it changed her life)
    Favorite Drink: Orange soda


    Once people get to know her well, it's not uncommon for her to offer to cook for them.
    Ari has been on a no-alcohol "diet" since she last blacked out from drinking too much, in August of 3285.
    Ari's first language is actually Korean- She didn't start to learn Common until she went to Elementary School.
    Ari doesn't like swearing.

    Physical Appearance

    Ari is a rather short, light blue Avian woman, clearly quite young. She's lithe and thin, though not athletic or muscular. Many of her underlying facial features are hidden by her feathers. There are black and white markings on her face, specifically on and around her cheeks and mouth, and her plumage, without any work done to it, is similar to that of a cockatiel or cockatoo though in a much more tamed manner, closer to her head than either of the aforementioned bird species. She tends to wear more casual clothing, reserving formal dresses and such for formal events. Ari has multi-shaded gradient blue arm and tail feathers, very similar to that of a blue jay with all of the respective markings included. She has grey legs, arms (beneath her feathers), and a grey beak. Her arms are feathered until around the mid forearm, where the grey “scaled” arm, similar in appearance to her legs, is then visible. The feathers she does have on her arms sort of fluff outwards around the elbow.

    Height: 5'2.5"
    Weight: 122 lbs
    Distinguishing Features: Black and white feather markings on either side of her face.
    Build of body: Thin and lithe. Not athletic.
    Posture: Good, upright, very little slouching.


    On-going Story: Ari has moved on from Ballasivus and has been hired as the (by default) Head of the Design Team at Horizon! She hopes to finally properly marry Xentl and live a quiet life.

    Backstory: Song Dae-Rin, or as she goes nowadays, Ari Song, actually had a relatively normal life. She was born in the city of Haean, the largest city on her home planet of Daeyung, a planet in CivSpace populated mostly by Korean-descended Humans. Her family are 3rd generation refugees from Avos. Ari was the second oldest child of her mother and father, having 3 brothers, 1 older, and 2 younger. Ari was born into and remained in a low-middle class family for the majority of her life.

    Ari only just remembers her real father as she was only 2 when he walked out. Her youngest brother, Ye-Jun, was put into the full custody of her real father and as a result Ari has not seen Ye-Jun since she was an infant. Her mother, Kyu-Rin, remarried just a year later to a human named Jae-Yong, who became a very important figure in Ari's life serving as her father-figure and mentor, and the one who taught her a lot about life.

    Even from a young age Ari was interested in space. She didn't want to be bound to Daeyung forever, as much as it'd break her family's heart to move off into the cosmos one day. Ari was and still occasionally is an amateur astronomer, but as a teenager she began to really study the engineering and designs that sent people into the heavens, and decided exactly what she wanted to be then and there- An Aerospace Engineer.

    Ari wasn't a troublemaker in school and actually did quite well as she was always a studious and focused person, even in her youth. She did have the occasional trouble learning Common but overall was a pretty good student. She got in trouble outside of school once or twice for drinking underage, but wasn't really reprimanded by police because of her age and lack of any other crimes meaning she was just disciplined by her parents. As she did have quite a normal life she was actually able to apply to the University of Haean where she was quickly admitted, but wasn't able to get a scholarship which was unfortunate as her parents didn't have the money to pay for her college.

    She took out multiple student loans yet was still unable to pay the required expenses to stay in school for the full 4 years, and as a result had to put her degree in Aerospace Engineering on pause after her Sophomore year until she could come back with enough money. This sent her off into the Fringe, borrowing her (Step-)Dad's old ship to get around and occasionally stopping on planets to earn just enough money to scrape by. At the same time it had also fueled her desires to blast off into space, and she decided that she actually liked the Fringe a bit despite all of it's danger- and so she decided that she would stay.

    Eventually she came across the Atlas Corporation on the Nexus and signed up for an engineering position, where she was accepted. It was here she'd meet a good few friends and her fiance, Xentl. Through a bit of charisma and kindness Xentl managed to win Ari over pretty quickly through his charm and they quickly became, for lack of better term, lovebirds. Eventually Xentl proposed to Ari while they were on a brief spa vacation, and Ari couldn't refuse the offer. It seemed her dreams of finishing her degree would have to be put on hold a while longer.

    Though she did appreciate the Atlas Corporation for hiring her and for what working for them led to she didn't feel comfortable working for them after a certain point. Ari could see the writing on the wall from a mile away with their generally authoritarian and militaristic nature, and Ari didn't want to work on guns or armor all the time because she wasn't comfortable doing this. Ari resigned from Atlas after a discussion with her friend Irma Rhett, and was then promptly offered a position as Lead Engineer at Ballasivus Holdings by Madame Tamine. She promptly moved out of Calypso and onto her ship, where she stayed for a month or two.

    Once Ballasivus had a good amount constructed on their seabase, they actually opened up dwellings for their employees, specifically yachts/boathouses which Ari requested to move into rather quickly because she was getting tired of her cramped ship. It took a while to move everything, but around this time something far more important happened- She discovered Harvey.

    While reading the Nexus as she usually did, she saw what seemed to be an AI in distress. Through conversation she learned it was in bad shape and Ari felt that she might be able to help fix it up. She put it a frantic request with one of her bosses at Ballasivus, Amino Tais, to grab the AI and he retrieved the bot for her, who she called H4 at first.

    She essentially "adopted" H4, who she now knew properly as Harvey, as a little brother, taking full responsibility for his quick upbringing and education, though she never felt entirely comfortable being a mother like figure and as such redirected Harvey's initial comments towards her as a mother figure.

    Though a lot of the things Harvey did stressed her out she dealt with it and tried to help him in whatever ways she could. One day something just seemed to click and Harvey didn't need Ari to be his guardian anymore. In a way Ari misses those actually quite recent days but is also incredibly proud of what he's become and what he's doing with his life.

    Ari moved out from this yacht and into an apartment with her fiance. Later on they would upgrade to a condo penthouse. Inactivity in Ballasivus resulted in Ari eventually resigning. She would apply to and be hired by Horizon on their Design Team, and by default as it's only member is also the head of the department. She is planning on moving forward with her engagement and eventual wedding.

    Lover - Family - Best/Close Friend - Friend - Well Liked - Liked - Neutral - Unsure - Disliked

    Xentl - Lover, Fiance, one of her best friends and enjoys her cooking, Ari's soulmate.

    Harvey Song
    - Essentially a brother, not biological family, but family in every other way.

    - Mother, occasionally nags and argues with Ari but they always make up.

    Jae-Yong -
    (Step) Father, mentor, father figure.

    - Older brother, one of her closest and best friends, they're only about a year apart and grew up doing/liking similar things, protected Ari a lot like an older brother should.

    - Younger brother #1, annoying at times, lovable at other times, mostly the former.

    - Younger brother #2, completely innocent to the world, protect at all costs.

    Irma - One of her besties, helped introduce her to a lot of things in the Fringe.

    Peony - Another close friend, even if they are a newer friend, very sweet and lovable.

    - Very kind, likes to hang out with Ari, though they’re a tad clumsy and forgetful.

    Cierlo - Ari really likes talking to them and helping when she can, relatable Avian friends are nice and Cierlo makes her feel like a good person.

    - Older friend from Atlas, really nice guy, occasionally made baked goods for Xentl and her.

    Lorch - Super sweet guy, really nice to Ari.

    Aroha - Also nice, though often absent Analoa. Very compassionate, similar to Ari in personality so she gets along well with her.

    Cassius - Seems to really care for people including Ari’s other friends- nice guy, even if he’s a bit argumentative on the Nexus with others.

    - A nice guy, helped Ari a lot with Harvey early on and later too when he was lost in space.

    Amino Tais
    - Former Boss #1, without him she wouldn't have found Harvey.

    Madame Tamine
    - Former Boss #2, gave Ari her position at Ballasivus and help set up a lot of other stuff for her while there.

    Ernie - Basically Irma's dad, former co-worker, cool guy.

    Dave - Didn't interact with Ari that much at Atlas but seemed nice enough excluding his bursts of loudness.

    - Cierlo's (former?) boyfriend, seemed alright but Ari didn't talk with him as much as she did/does with Cierlo.

    Bunch of other folks on the Nexus - Generally nice chat community with the exclusion of some individuals.

    Ye-Jun - Youngest brother, separated when young- he and Ari don't talk much.

    Frosthand - The aforementioned other knight on the Nexus, argues with Cassius a lot.

    - They were the old host for Skyborn Sounds, Ari liked her music choice but doesn’t know much else about her. Seems nice enough.

    Yong-Hyeon - Her biological father, jerk is the tamest word she can use for him and that's pretty serious coming from Ari.

    (If I forgot your character or if you feel I should add your character please let me know! I can't really remember every character she's interacted with off the top of my head too well. - zirconzz )

    Reference Images


    To Be Added Soon: Not much, just occasional updates for history.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2021
  2. zirconzz

    zirconzz da guy Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Dec 17, 2017
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    Update 1; 3/8/19:
    Formatting overhaul + fancy colors, general information and personality edited. Slight edits to other things, overall a general quality of life update. Will be adding relationships soon!
    MaskedHero and schizothotep like this.
  3. zirconzz

    zirconzz da guy Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Dec 17, 2017
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    Update 2; (also) 3/8/19:
    Relationships added, let me know if I missed a character or if you want me to add your character by chance! Theme song is next.
  4. zirconzz

    zirconzz da guy Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Dec 17, 2017
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    Update 3; 3/16/19:
    Theme song added, finally
  5. Deleted Account

    Deleted Account Galactic Prodige Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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  6. zirconzz

    zirconzz da guy Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Dec 17, 2017
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    Update 4; 4/13/19:
    Added a bunch of new character sheet stuff, more general info, more personality stuff, more physical info, etc.
    Deleted Account and schizothotep like this.
  7. zirconzz

    zirconzz da guy Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Dec 17, 2017
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    Update 5; 2/20/20:
    Fixed a few bits of history, added more recent history, changed a few other minor things