Yeehaw, Pardners!

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by ravenholm, Feb 7, 2019.

  1. ravenholm

    ravenholm New Arrival

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Name: Dyme
    Date of Birth: First of january
    Nationality: Has the most cliche southern-cowboy accent known to anything
    Religion: None, as he has yet to hear of it.
    Theme Music:
    Friends: Criminals and dumb people.
    Enemies: Most forms of law enforcement, smart people

    Occupation: Bandit/Farmer
    Skills: Good at farming, same as he is with his shotgun and revolver.
    Personality: Adventurous, Kinda stupid, Protective of friends.
    Phobias: Getting killed, being caught, having his friends die.
    Likes: Farming, guns, reading.
    Dislikes: Cops, seeing people die needlessly, people who abuse animals

    Physical Appearance

    Physical Description: He's your average novakid, blue plasma/gas, and a brand in the shape of a horseshoe. Not very muscular, except in the arms.
    Tech and Augments used: A robotic right hand, rather cheap, but has a slightly quicker reaction time than a normal one.
    Height: 5'8
    Race: Novakid
    Species: Novakid?
    Gender: Male

    Backstory and More

    On-going Story: He's looking to join or make a gang of people like him.
    Backstory: Nothin' much, really. Lived a normal life, eventually got into the career of bandit-ing by losing a bunch of money at a casino, and then needing to rob people to get some cash back.
    Inspirations: The race itself, i guess. And one of my friends calling a non-rp novakid "Mr i start and every day with a yeehaw!"
    Extra: n/a, as of now.

    Please tell me if i should change/add anything, im always up for criticism!
  2. ravenholm

    ravenholm New Arrival

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Equipment he has:
    1x military grade shotgun, think futuristic version of the Benelli M4 Super 90
    basic revolver, uses .357 rounds.
    1x ballistic vest, protects against small arms fire, but not much else.
    1x pair of jeans with combat kneepads. Look nice.
    1x metal faceplate, can take medium sized bullets, but the glass isn't bullet-resistant.
  3. inactive account

    inactive account Inactive Account Ex-Staff Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    While the “Bandit/Cowboy” novakid trope has been done to death and back again, hopefully he’s played well on server.

    Can’t wait to see how he’s roleplayed out!