:|: Ria Tiara :|:

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by .:BurningFox:., Jan 24, 2019.

  1. .:BurningFox:.

    .:BurningFox:. New Arrival Diamond Donator

    Jan 23, 2019
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    Name: Ria Tiara.
    Alias: TiaraRed32. Goes by 'Red' as a nickname, rarely.
    Age: 24 years old.
    Gender: Female. ♀
    Race: Human.
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
    Birthday: 03/08/3263 (3rd of August)
    Sexuality: Homosexual.
    Occupation/Affiliation: Unemployed.
    Relationship Status: Single; not looking.

    Place of Residence: Primarily her ship, though she rests elsewhere time to time.
    Financial Status: Barely scraping by.

    Known Languages: Common.
    Accent: Normal 'American'.
    Style of Speaking: Stoic, calm, and quite flat; Ria speaks with a tone that conveys disinterest, distrust, and concern. All in all, she seems fairly anti-social just from her very tone.
    Volume of Voice: Low to medium, unless emotional, in which case it spikes to very loud.


    5’3” (161 cm)
    Weight: 126 lbs (54.5 kg)
    Eye Colour: Sky blue.
    Hair: Ria’s hair is a deep red, and has a visible look of a lot of time and effort being put into it. When it comes to length, the hair at the fringe easily reaches her eyebrows, and is swept to the right. At the back, it reaches just below her shoulder blades.
    Complexion: Ria’s skin is fairly pale, as if she doesn’t go out all too much.
    Handedness: Left-handed.
    Tattoos: None.
    Piercings: None.
    Posture: Upright and firm in most cases. She gives off a sense of being on guard.

    Clothing: For an outfit, she sports a basic, black leather jacket with long sleeves - the jacket itself shows signs of age. Underneath, she wears a relatively thick shirt with a plain design. Below the waist, she wears a plain, dark grey skirt. Slightly above her hip, she has a belt which straps on securely and holds a holster for a pistol. Inside, a worn nine millimetre pistol can be found. Attached to the belt, she has a few loose pouches clipped on which contain ammunition for said pistol. On her feet, she has thickly padded leather boots which reach just under her knees. They seem to have long lost their shine, however, and like the rest of her clothes, look pretty dated.

    Physical Characteristics: Despite being a little on the short side, Ria is a well built girl in terms of structure. She is significantly curved at the hips like most women would dream of, but her upper body lacks in comparison. Ria's eyes are a bright sky blue, shining with fierce determination. In most situations, Ria's face remains fixed and serious, her expression always showing some kind of irritancy - or deep focus - alert at all times for any kind of danger.

    Accessories: Three pouches on her hip's belt are slotted carefully. They store spare ammunition clips for her weapon, or anything else that may be necessary to carry. She also carries a large backpack when exploring for extended periods, containing a handful of essential supplies.

    Personality: Mostly isolated and self-centred, Ria finds it very difficult to trust people due to past events. She is selfish, to a degree - and generally has a distaste to getting close with others. She prefers to avoid huge social events as they make her excruciatingly nervous, though she isn’t above talking or co-ordinating to/with team members when it calls for it. Overall, Ria takes things overly seriously and with very little room for jokes, though does have a light hearted side, which isn’t very commonly seen.

    Fears: Being abandoned, betrayed, or stolen from are all constant fears in the back of Ria’s mind, pushing her to stay away from people and subconsciously avoiding building any relationships. Any form of unwarranted physical contact sparks a major discomfort and outright freak-out in some cases, mainly down to deep underlying trauma.

    General Sociability: Quite anti-social. Avoids contact often, though occasionally pushes herself to at least try.
    General Intelligence: Above average. She's not totally dim-witted, and actually put some effort into learning about things, though she occasionally has very dim moments.

    Peace & quiet - Ria is thankful for the occasional times she can get a moment to think to herself. She rarely passes an opportunity to get some.
    Personal space - People being up in her face at all makes her extremely uncomfortable. She tends to hold a small respect for people that keep a distance.
    Tea/Soda - She's fond of tea and soda! Very fond, in fact. She tends to drink a lot of it, though it can be a bit problematic at times (it has to go somewhere) so she restrains herself often.
    Selfless people - Anyone that fights for something other than just themselves gets respect, though it's hard to prove it's not just a charade to her.
    Compliments on her appearance - While she definitely will never show it, she does actually like occasional friendly compliments on her appearance. Especially her hair.
    Shooting - While she doesn't enjoy shooting PEOPLE, she does enjoy firing her weapon at a target - in a range, for example.
    Cooking - She's pretty good at it, in fact. Living on her own, she really went for the cooking side of things. Sadly, she can hardly ever afford proper ingredients, but when she does get them she uses them to the fullest.
    Music - Not by any means able to play an instrument, but very much fond of music, Ria can identify quite a few songs from her own race - and a few from the others!

    Large bodies of water - Being around deep water makes her somewhat sickly - mainly because she can't swim a stroke.
    Coffee - She loves the smell but hates the taste. What a strange ordeal.
    Loud sleepers - Snore in the same room as her when she's trying to sleep and you will get absolutely pummelled. Probably.
    No privacy - If you don't leave her alone occasionally, Ria will get very antsy and irritable. Eventually she'll simply snap.
    Large crowds - Being near large gatherings makes Ria extremely uncomfortable. She'll try to leave as soon as possible if she feels like things are getting too crowded.
    Selfish people - Anyone that does something just for themselves or causes trouble with completely selfish intent will be met with growing hatred from Ria.

    Shifting around - Ria often shifts her weight around during social situations, out of nervous tension most of the time.
    Fiddling with objects - Anything she has in her hands is guaranteed to be toyed with a little while she speaks or thinks - it helps keep her mind actively focused.


    Agility - Ria is swift on her feet and absolutely uses it to her advantage. She is capable of evading many things with an above average reaction time.
    Analytical - Always thinking and focused, Ria tries to observe an opponent primarily and very rarely lets her guard down.
    Determined - When Ria sets her mind on a goal, she's very likely to remain focused on that goal and get it done if it's possible to get it done at all.

    Fragility - Despite her constant physical skirmishes, Ria’s body is not very durable. She tends to evade more than tank; she can't take much of a beating.
    Too careful - When you convince yourself deep down that everyone may be an enemy, it leads to some major difficulty conveying yourself. It also leads to some unwarranted outbursts.

    Fatal Flaws:
    Temper - Ria has an extremely short fuse. It is very detrimental as she tends to fight much less rationally and becomes downright reckless; she simply focuses on venting that aggression on the cause in most cases. This leads to many problems, especially if she gets aggressive in public for whatever reason.

    Illnesses: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
    Allergies: Peanuts.
    Sleeping habits: 4/5 hours a day. Jumps to 12 hours on some days.
    Energy level: Below average.
    Eating habits: Abnormal; she doesn't eat quite enough. Basically barely scrapes by in most cases, though that's down to her income rather than personal choice. If possible she eats a lot.
    Memory: Good memory. Anything negative will stand out like Elephant level memory.
    Any unhealthy habits: Drinking; mild. Tends to hold back on it unless on her ship, in which case she can drink fairly heavily.

    Belle Parry - Respected - I might be able to trust this one...
    “Belle... Belle. Well, what can I say. She's someone I can relate to, someone that listens and someone that's endured so many hardships, yet still continues to move on with her life and helping others where she can. It's a shame it's been so long.” @9K




    Hopefully you guys like the bio! Any feedback is very much appreciated. I'll hopefully see some of you in the server!
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2021
  2. inactive account

    inactive account Inactive Account Ex-Staff Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Holy shit.

    Newbies that read this, take notes: This is how you make a first impression. A shining example of a character bio done right and you literally just joined. This is your first post, for god's sake. Even the thread's formatting is teaching me a couple of things I may wind up using on my character bios.

    Very impressive, can't wait to see her on server!
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2019
  3. .:BurningFox:.

    .:BurningFox:. New Arrival Diamond Donator

    Jan 23, 2019
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    26/01/2019 - UPDATE 1

    ♦ Added a Relationship Information section. Two additions can be seen immediately! @PanKruk @9K (I'm sure those are your forum tags, if I'm wrong I'm so sorry)
    ♦ Divided the Character Traits section with an additional Strengths & Weaknesses segment to be less of an eyesore while scrolling through it.
    ♦ Added some small other stuff here and there, most notably a couple of Likes! Ria doesn't hate everything, contrary to... uh, SOME belief, I'm sure.

    Aaaand that'll sum up the update. I'll add a backstory - along with some misc info - when I get some motivation/drive to do so. Sorry to anyone waiting on that... If... If there's anyone actually waiting on a random character bio to get updates.
  4. schizothotep

    schizothotep Ozymandias's very own Diamond Donator

    Aug 20, 2018
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    hey cassius is not that bad ok
    .:BurningFox:. likes this.
  5. inactive account

    inactive account Inactive Account Ex-Staff Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Do the purple girl get a relationship post?

    Edit: She doooooo.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2019
    .:BurningFox:. likes this.
  6. .:BurningFox:.

    .:BurningFox:. New Arrival Diamond Donator

    Jan 23, 2019
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    05/02/2019 - UPDATE 2

    ♦ Updated relationships! @9K @Loo @Lange and @WowGain have had their characters added/updated, respectfully!
    ♦ Backstory will be added next update, probably. I'm also working on some sprites and the likes to make Ria a bit more unique like Alexis is, though I'm having a bit of trouble with ideas for that, I guess.
    ♦ Will probably finish/redo the art of Ria as a full-body with shading. No promises.

    So far, it's been a blast to play here. More people are always welcome to interact with me whenever, even if my character is a little anti-social. Either way, thanks again. See you next update, maybe?
    Loo and inactive account like this.