// A call and an answer //

Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by Bulphrog, Nov 16, 2018.

  1. Bulphrog

    Bulphrog The All-Phrogger Staff Member Community Monitor

    Sep 9, 2017
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    // The Nexus post would be posted as a lengthy video. It would start with the Doomlord Abraxas Kane, sitting upon a throne, one of two. The surroundings seemed to be a grand throne-room of sorts, though with the angle of the camera, one would find it hard to see much else aside from the dais. It was quiet outside of the low, low hum of his presence for several minutes, before he spoke. His tone was calm and gentle. \\

    "It has been some time since I have done something like this, so forgive me if I, at times, have a hard time to find the words for some things. That being said, I know some of you may have questions. 'Where have you been?', or, more than likely, 'Who the fuck are you'?" Well, I will answer as best I can. To start, I am Abraxas Kane, Doomlord of Ash and Fire. I was once one of four Doomlords who, at one time, had some measure of influence. Sadly, that time has gone, and I am the only one left, either due to my 'kin' dying, retiring, or flat-out missing. For the answer to the prior question... I died. Some of you know how, others do not. I... to put it simply, died putting the lives of others before my own. Simple as that. I was brought back, through means I won't go through, and lived quietly. I sired a son, and ruled and still ruling a small kingdom with my beloved Gene."

    "Now, I'd wager some of you might be wondering 'why come back now'? Well, I learned of what happened to the other Doomlords. It, surprising to say, wounded me to know I am more than likely the last that still holds the title. In addition to this, I wanted to formally apologize for how I may have been before my passing. I wanted, and still want, to be better than I was. That being said, I'm far from perfect, and probably might take a while to get 'better'."
    // In a brief moment, his features would simulate a smile, before returning to that imposing visage. His tone shifted to that of sincerity and meaning. \\

    "All that aside, I should get to the other reason why I'm doing this. Alongside me wanting to make things right, or at the very least putting all the bad shit I've done behind me, I wish to reach out. Before I fell, before my previous kingdom fell, I had an order of knights. They still exist, in the Undercrypt, as the Knights of Kinder, but I wish to bring them back. It's my desire to resurrect my Knights of Ash, under my rule. Why? Well, the way I see it, my order existed to keep a measure of peace and strike down those who would move against the crown, and peace is a thing that's often hard to come by, even nowadays. I know from experience and history peace is something that doesn't last in the Fringe, or even otherwise. As for the 'those who would move against the crown' bit, that would better be substituted with keeping good relations between peoples, my own or again, otherwise. All I wish to do, is at the very least, try and give people that measure of security, or even purpose. Just a little bit. The worst that could happen to any who would answer my call... would probably a few fights, maybe more. I can't promise the safety for those who wish to keep it, but I dare say that's a part of the job description."

    "As I said before, I want to be better, make things better. Not only for myself, but for those who deserve it."
    // The video would end, the symbol of a sun with two swords crossed through it appearing before a fade to black. \\

    WowGain likes this.
  2. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    // A user by the name of BronzeGold would reply. //
    It is good to have you back, old friend. I may have put down my glaive since my fall, but should you require my assistance, you need but ask.
    // End comment. //
    WowGain likes this.
  3. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // User AURUM_SON leaves a comment. \\
    It is great to see legends in activity. You know how to contact me!
    \\ End comment. //

    // User Ra'Viiskial leaves a comment. \\
    I knew you were a man of heartiness of greatness! A speech of greatness! I would be of pride to help such a cause of nobility!
    \\ End Comment. //
  4. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    //User posi3252 comments.//
  5. inactive account

    inactive account Inactive Account Ex-Staff Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // User Rose_Aurumson leaves a comment. \\
    We all try to get better, myself included. People change. That said, if you need my help, same as Belvedere- you know how to contact me.
    // End comment. \\