Sub-Species Application: Vandamál

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Roren, Nov 5, 2018.

  1. Roren

    Roren Galactic Citizen

    Jul 13, 2018
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    The Pitch:
    Quiet, nearly mute Glitch Vikings.

    Detailed Snapshot:
    Biology: The Vandamál seem to be much taller and stronger compared to normal Glitch, with the males having long, bolted beards, sometimes containing gears and parts similar to braids in them. The females tend to have braids on their heads, and a female is usually either as tall or slightly taller than a Glitch male. Some may even engrave or paint runes on their bodies. They have trouble understanding much more high-tech weapons like guns and energy weaponry. An example of this is a Vandamál running their finger across a plasma blade only to lose that finger, or using it on a grindstone just to destroy the grindstone by accident. Drifting away from the mental aspects for a moment, it should be noted that their 'hulls' are composed of much harder metals, such as iron, or on extremely rare occasions, titanium. This leaves them much more durable than the glitch on the outside, but, on the inside, it's a different story. Their internals are a mix between synthetic muscles, hydraulic actuators, and solenoids, making them seem more like a warehouse machine on the inside. Instead of using traditional coolant systems, they use steam to keep their systems running at a stable temperature. The steam systems are powered by alcohol they ingest on a near day-to-day basis, and the distribution of it is automatically regulated by their bodies. If their bodies are actually pierced, they run the risk of heavy damage if the steam pipes are punctured. Now, back onto their general mindset. They are generally cautious of those who attempt to enter and commune on their land, and will challenge most outsiders to a sort of "duel". If they lose, they are either thrown out or taken captive, but if they win, they are allowed to stay.

    Culture: Their culture mimics the Vikings of old, but takes the same path that the Glitch do by making them more...odd. While the Glitch aim for height, they aim for length. Most clans tend to live in a singular longhouse that extends much further than a normal one would, with the back always containing a sort-of mead hall. They always seem to come from some clan, each bearing their own insignias or emblems, but some Vandamál cast away their clan's to wander, alone. It is unknown why exactly, for they are nearly mute, speaking instead through their minds to other Vandamál or Glitch. If the technology was harvested from a dead one, someone could absolutely modify a foreign machine to understand them. As for the "nearly" part of the "nearly mute" statement, they tend to use their prefixes as battlecries, warnings, or to simply inform those who ask how they are doing. Much like the Glitch, they seem to have a hierarchy of their own, with Jarls typically governing their people.

    History: For every prey, there is a predator. Long ago, the race who designed the Glitch had decided that in order to keep kingdoms from growing out of control, they would have to design some sort of culling race that would prey on the outskirts or the weak. Thus, the Vandamál were created. Always either cruising the borders by land or sea, they only make large-scale raids if they detect weakness of the kingdom or settlement, ransacking them and taking what they want. Recently, their numbers have shrunk due to some kingdoms actively declaring war on the smaller clans, destroying them completely or integrating them into their society. They can now commonly be found as sellswords or in glitch kingdoms, but clans still do exist up in isolated areas, farming, hunting, and fishing.

    Technology: Their technology is fairly basic, just like the Glitch, but they aren't uncreative. They can make special drones that appear similar to a raven from a distance, with a direct link to an eyepatch of sorts. Whatever the raven sees, they see.

    Additional details: They can be modified just as much as a Glitch can, with new arms, eyes, et cetera.

    Pictures (optional):

    Cosigners: @PrivateNomad @zecon125 @PanKruk
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2023
  2. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Roren likes this.
  3. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Could always use some vikinger robots. Cosign.
    Roren likes this.
  4. schizothotep

    schizothotep Ozymandias's very own Diamond Donator

    Aug 20, 2018
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    Seems real neat-o to have more Glitch.
    Roren likes this.
  5. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Hey @Roren I'll be looking at your application today!

    At the moment this submission is getting a pending for the following reason:
    - As it stands, this can be done with ordinary glitch as a culture a character came from, and has been done a few times in the past. If remained unchanged the application will get a deferral based upon that.
    HOWEVER if you want to put more substance into making it a proper subspecies it will receive further grading. A prompt to get you started thinking on that rout could be that you have a good makings of a culture but a different culture is not enough to escape typical glitch species, needs a bit more help in other regards. What would being forged as a predator of sorts of the glitch make them anatomically and socially?

    If you are fine with the deferral please state so, if not; I am basically asking you to please revise the application to include more substance, and let me know to revisit it when you're done. If you wanna talk in DM's you know how to get to me.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2018
    Roren likes this.
  6. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    After discussion and changes and compromises made accordingly, I grant your subspecies a Pass
    WowGain and Roren like this.