/ animal cruelty? /

Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by LillithN, Oct 5, 2018.

  1. LillithN

    LillithN L i l l i t h Impervium Donator

    Oct 5, 2017
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    / / Footage would be uploaded to Lillith Northmans old social media account that has been inactive since April, 3282. After it was shared by a few people it would begin to trend in some places but doesn't go viral, although those in a certain part of the Fringe may pick up on her name. Most comments would be questioning the authenticity given its content. / /

    "Okay, is this thing on? Yep, good!"

    Lillith Northmans smiling mug would be looking directly into the camera, the redhead looking much younger than she did during her days on Zecyria. In the background would be yellow and blue, a flat stretch of bright yellow sandy desert that disappeared about a mile out over the dunes. There wouldn't be a single cloud in the sky and the sun beats down on her tanned arms, the white top offering her no defence. As she steps away from the tripod she would be wearing blue denim shorts and with both hands urges something out of view to come towards her.

    "Come on Zahny, but no eating!"

    Into the frame would arrive a beast of epic proportions, a long and scaly black neck that listened in the sunlight, giant talons slamming down into the sand as the wyvern followed its mother until she places both hands into the air, causing the wyvern to come to a stop and lay flat on the sand. In the foreground and only about ten meters away from them would be a large bipedal creature with saggy skin that looked like a sick giant bird around 10 foot tall, missing it's feathers and a chain tied around its neck leading to a large concrete cube sitting flat on the sand. The creature looks concerned with the giant winged lizard nearby and starts to pull at the chain, it's three spindly toes digging into the sand before it soon calms down and stands still again. On both sides of its body would be the word "WELTON" drawn in with some kind of black paint. Lillith looks back to the camera and pulls down the pair of goggles that were on her head, stepping back out of view and away from the wyvern that keeps its eyes on its mother, at least with one of its four beady black eyes.

    "Okay, this is test number one. Zahnah!"

    Without hesitation and within a split second the wyvern snaps its neck towards the poor and helpless creature, opening its jaws wide before blasting the entire area in an ocean of flames, the sound so loud that anyone listening with headphones with the volume up high would suffer the consequences. It sounds like a massive bonfire as the creature disappears behind the flames, the sand popping and cracking around it before melting and sending hot molten clumps of sand shooting out of view. Instead of a quick blast to test the power of the flame itself, the wyvern continues to drench the area where the poor test subject once stood. It would continue, and continue and continue. Minutes go past and drag on as the wyvern gives its head a shake, never taking a break from its task of disintegrating its poor victim into a pile of ashes and once it had almost been five minutes it only then shows signs of stopping.

    Sputtering and coughing, the column of fire eventually begins to die down until the wyvern has to stop, taking a breath and starting again, only for around another ten seconds and significantly less intense than what had just transpired however. Once it was completely drained of fuel, the wyvern gives his head a few shakes, then his entire body as the smoke begins to dissipate and reveal a red hot molten blasted swathe of sand, the moisture from the air turning it into purple glass that almost looks like amethyst crystals. The cube of cement would be completely scorched black, the chain still red hot and as for the creature, there would not be a single trace of it left. No skin, beak or bones, all of which had been reduced back to dust. Lillith comes back onto the screen and grabs her phone, turning it around to face the area and get close ups before turning it on the wyvern who looks directly into the camera, wagging his tail in excitement before receiving a few taps on the snout.

    "4 minutes and 41 seconds, that's a new record! Good boy!"

    / / end / /
  2. Randy

    Randy Galactic Commoner

    Jun 29, 2017
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    //User TickleMeTigren just replied to your video!//

    That poor bird.. :( At least put a bullet through its head and give it a quick death before roasting it alive..
  3. Roval_Jax

    Roval_Jax New Arrival

    Jul 1, 2017
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    //User IridescentNymph has posted a comment to the video.//
    Lo and Behold the power of Wyverns. May its fire cleanse those who call them Dragons.
  4. Roren

    Roren Galactic Citizen

    Jul 13, 2018
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    //User Tolkin has left a comment.//

    Well, that was needlessly graphic.
  5. schizothotep

    schizothotep Ozymandias's very own Diamond Donator

    Aug 20, 2018
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    //User BMF has left a comment.//

  6. insidertrading

    insidertrading Daedalus Staff Member Administrator Technician

    Jun 25, 2017
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    // User FuckLloyd posts:
    "Remember these from my time visiting the Holy Dominion, cool pets."
  7. LillithN

    LillithN L i l l i t h Impervium Donator

    Oct 5, 2017
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    / LillithN posts. /
    "He is more than a pet, you are free to come and visit him if you want. Hope you are well. PS, my chickens died."