September ‘Revolver’ Oxium

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by Dust and Echoes, Sep 27, 2018.

  1. Dust and Echoes

    Dust and Echoes Galactic Citizen

    Sep 24, 2018
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    (Courtesy of @Lange )​

    General Information

    A lone Novakid gunman, wielding an ancient weapon with a colorful past, seeking an ages-old treasure. September Oxium is a reddish male novakid. Young, though he forgets his exact age. He’s forgotten a lot of things, really. He carries Red Sun, an old Laser pistol styled after a revolver. It is said to be half of a key to an ancient treasure, and September seeks its partner- Blue Moon- and the treasure. He usually turns to odd jobs and occassionally banditry to sustain his great treasure hunt, hut is In general a friendly fellow if a bit consumed by his mission at times. Famed for his skill with his weapon, especially his quick-draw.

    Physical Appearance
    Septembers internal gasses are a shade of red, and show several signs of age despite his stressing that he is quite young. Despite this, he is active and agile, betraying his youth. He commonly wears clothing free of excessive adornment. Simple gloves and boots, pants shirt, and a plain grey poncho. The most extravagant thing he owns is certainly his weapon, the titular Red Sun, a finely crafted energy weapon from ages past, still reliable and wonderfully advanced all these years later. He keeps a light backpack underneath his poncho, in which he holds a few basic supplies and however many few Pixels he’s managed to scrape together.


    Personality Type:

    Political Ideology:
    September is normally easy-going, content to banter with passerby and be generally friendly. He has very few political opinions, no affiliations, and believes that- out here in the fringe- a sapient is free to be whatever they want, and if he thinks that what they’re doing isn’t very friendly-like, then he has the freedom to violently disagree with it. That said, opposed to the rest of his personality, September takes his self-assigned treasure hunt very seriously, obsessively so. He’s robbed, hurt and killed in his search for Blue Moon, and has no intent to stop anytime soon. When he’s on the hunt, a change comes over him, almost as if some other September where driving his movements.

    September, if asked, will tell you some fantastical story about his past, likely winding several different stories into one and contradicting itself several times. False, but entertaining. In truth, he does not remember very much of it himself. He was born and raised with a small constellation of Novakid traders. He does not remember his parents, but remembers having a large amount of freedom aboard the ship, and being regaled with stories of adventure across the stars.

    Years passed and eventually he found himself with a crew of less well-to-do “traders”. He and his crew where examining a passing ships cargo for ‘safety reasons’ when September came across it. The ship was small, poor and his crew mates found little for their trouble. The young Novakid however, discovered one of the older crew members clutching a weapon. September knew the fool wasn’t an idiot enough to use it, and so moved to retrieve it for himself, despite the old mans begging and cursing at him not too.

    The gun was magnificent, beautiful, and September felt enraptured by it. What was such a strange, unique thing doing on a ship like this? Surely it would sell for a high price or...or he could keep it for himself. Concealing his prize from the rest of his crew, the Novakid made to leave when the old man jumped him, attacking him with his bare hands in an attempt to reclaim his lost prize, and September was forced to kill him. One of the quickest and most precise shots he ever made in his life, it unsettles him even to this day.

    Upon returning to civilization, September took the gun to be appraised, but the local merchant warned him against selling it, not even giving him a price. “You’ve got something special there, nova. It came to you, don’t throw it away.” Upon requesting an explanation, the merchant gave home one. Another half of the key, an ancient treasure, and old legend. A fire was lit inside September- besides the physical one. The treasure would be his, he decided. But first, he had to hunt down the second half of the key.

    Several more years pass, September searching far and wide, driven by an inner fire he had never experienced before, some force driving him on long past when he would normally give up and move on. And now, finally, his hunt has brought him to the fringe, an intuition telling him that he’s closer than he ever has been before to his goal...

    The Legend of the Red Sun
    Long ago, far, far away there was a legendary gunslinger who wielded a pair of pistols, the Red Sun and the Blue Moon. He was undefeated, invincible, the fastest, most accurate, most heroic vigilante to ever live. The criminals who met their end at the end of his twin weapons are uncountable, and those that owe him their lives are equally numerous.

    However, the time came that he was too old to continue his heroic lifestyle. And so he gave his weapons to his two sons, one to each, and dissapeared into the wilderness, never to be seen again.

    Unfortunately, his two sons where not like him, the weilder of Red Sun using his fathers skills to become a terrifying intergalactic warlord, his ship and bloodthirsty crew feared throughout the systems. The weilder of the Blue Moon used his fathers knowledge for craft a vast pirate empire, robbing and stealing so much wealth that it filled a thousand cargo haulers.

    Finally, unbeknownst to the other, the two brothers faced off, their crews and forces clashing with one another, and the two brothers- now unrecognizable- dueled inside their mighty flagship. Some say the Red Sun killed the Blue Moon that day, some say it is the other way around. Regardless, the remaining brother realized their mistake too late, and with every other combatant of the tremendous battle dead, they where left with their brothers body, and the weight of what they had done.

    Consumed with sorrow, the remaining brother took all the ships, all the wealth and weapons and spoils the two had collected and locked them away in a massive, hidden vault. The twin guns of their father would be the only key, and these he cast to opposite sides of the universe, never- he hoped- to be reclaimed.

    And with this final act, the brother allowed sorrow to consume him and he died at the gate of the massive vault he constructed.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2018
    WowGain, Ryanatorx, Randy and 5 others like this.
  2. Roval_Jax

    Roval_Jax New Arrival

    Jul 1, 2017
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    'Now thats a mighty fine story ya told ere.'
  3. inactive account

    inactive account Inactive Account Ex-Staff Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I’ll have to keep my eye on this. Interesting.
    Roren and Dust and Echoes like this.
  4. Randy

    Randy Galactic Commoner

    Jun 29, 2017
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    Great story! loved reading it!
    Dust and Echoes likes this.