Genetic Ocular Autohemorrhaging

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Pinkbat5, Aug 22, 2018.

  1. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: Ocular Autohemorrhaging, Ocular Autohemorrhaging in Sentients (OAS procedure)

    Description: The OAS procedure is a relatively simple procedure that modifies the structure and placement of a few arteries and veins near the eyes of an organic. If the recipient has ocular sinuses, those are modified as well. If performed correctly, the procedure gives the ability to nonlethally shoot a thin stream of one's own blood from their eye sockets for up to three meters.
    The OAS procedure is surgical in nature and lasts for an average of 2-3 hours for those with sinuses. It can be performed by both hand or machine. Hospitals that most frequently perform the procedure are either in the more advanced regions of the Fringe or adjacent to floran space. Other than that, it's pretty rare.

    + Blood can shoot up to three meters from a person's eye socket.
    + Causes no permanent damage or serious injury. Long term use causes no lasting ill effects.
    + An excellent way to scare or surprise somebody, which is the augment's primary purpose.

    Conditional Abilities (Optional): Despite how it seems, spraying blood is this way relatively safe because of how little of it the person is losing. While suffering from blood loss is possible if you spray it constantly for a long period of time, it's very difficult to seriously drain yourself without growing woozy and/or passing out first. Once a person is unconscious, they will be unable to restrict further vein bloodflow and the wound will heal naturally. It's a lot like trying to kill yourself by holding your breath– you pass out before you die, and then start breathing again once unconscious.

    - It takes a second for blood to pool once the augment is triggered, delaying the release of blood by several seconds.
    - Healing from the small injury the augment makes is not immediate and it takes a few minutes to clot. During this time, the user will uncontrollably 'cry' small amounts of blood until the rupture closes, obscuring vision and looking creepy as fuck.
    - Mild discomfort and irritation is experienced in the area until the clot fully heals in a few hours.
    - Since ocular sinuses are often small, pressure runs out quickly. After a few seconds of squirting blood, range is decreased to half a meter at best.
    - No accuracy.
    - You get blood in your eyes. Vision is limited or blocked entirely.
    - Small chance of infection in wound made by the augment.
    - Messy.

    Conditional Limitations (Optional):
    - Cannot be installed in organics with viscious blood/blood equivalents.
    - If the organic's species means they have no ocular sinuses to modify, then they lose the ability to 'shoot' their blood because there is no chamber for a buildup of pressure. They can still 'cry' it, though, which is still a pretty effective scare tactic. If there is room, a chamber can be created to allow a buildup of pressure, but this is a risky customized procedure that is often very expensive, and may not be safe to use.
    - If the person is shocked or otherwise put under conditions that causes involuntary muscle contractions, the muscle that restricts vein bloodflow may seize long enough to trigger the augment involuntarily.

    + That might be an advantage though I mean who the fuck wants to taze a person only to see blood shoot out of their eyes???? I wouldn't

    How does it work: The augment functions much like the animal it is inspired by. Ocular sinuses are modified to receive more blood from the body via an increased number of blood vessels, and a specialized muscle is grown and installed around the primary vein leading away from the area and back to the heart. When the muscle contracts, the blood flow is cut off, leading to a buildup that eventually creates a small rupture in a specialized thin lining close to the eye. The result is horrifying to most onlookers, especially if they are organic and sensitive to that kind of thing. To avoid long term injury, the lining designed to break is treated to have an increased rate of regeneration.

    Flavor text: The augmentation is modeled after the signature self defense mechanism of earth lizards in the genus Phrynosoma. Otherwise known as horned lizards, these little creatures would defend themselves by squirting their own blood at predators. This, combined with the disgusting taste of the blood in question, would often drive off predation.

    (Don't click if you don't like blood)
    Pictured above: a horned lizard showing off its unique defense mechanism.

    In people treated with OAS, much is the same, only both the predator and prey are sapient, and the blood doesn't need to be disgusting to strike fear and surprise into the would-be aggressor.

    Referenced Technologies (Optional):

    Attainability: Open

    Tags: [Civillian]

    Category: Genetic
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2018
    Horriblues and schizothotep like this.
  2. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    I'm passing this.
  3. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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