// A-76, The Veil \\

Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by syntheticdeity, Sep 13, 2017.

  1. syntheticdeity

    syntheticdeity boss Silver Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // A site started circling around, it was the host of a radio station that turned into playable files on the site. \\

    "Good evening Knight's Veil, this is your host Peter Romney, I hope you all are listening well, because the town government have an announcement. Stay inside, those seafaring robots are on the attack again! Of course they move with the mist and as usual you will be brought to the jail if you are not inside when the mist first creeps in. In other news, the town crazyman, Bucket has positioned himself at the highest peak, the police has no idea how he got up there but some say he's a very good climber. People have reported that he's ranting about wayfarers finding new lands, but as we all know, there is no land besides this island on this planet. The Secret Society has said that if you listen to the crazyman, you will disappear. And never be seen again.”

    He clears his throat
    "But for the sports, Daniel May, you know, the golfer? He still hasn't finished the golf course,I didn't even know we had a golf course. While our soccer team is still undefeated and Ocean's East's Green Hawks is still a bad team, never cheer them on or you'll meet an unknown fate by the secret society.” The man pauses for a second, flipping a page, "Oranges. What are oranges? Oranges are an ancient fruit, and the town government says they were very poisonous, but when turned into juice they gave you superpowers. Of course the secret society says that because of this oranges aren't grown, and they don't exist.” He flips another page, "Don't look outside when the mist is here, as we all know the hooded people that should not be acknowledged will be out there, and if you acknowledge them, no one knows what happens to you.”

    "And that concludes today's broadcast, I hope all you loyal listeners have a nice night. Good night.”

    \\ The file ends while the broadcast just plays random songs, there is no place for comments on the website.//
  2. syntheticdeity

    syntheticdeity boss Silver Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // After a long absence, this odd station is back. God knows why they had only one recording so far and why it took so long to make a second.\\

    // The broadcast starts off, the host coughing, flipping through some papers.\\

    “Good afternoon listeners, this is your new host Yessie Foreman. We apologize for our long absence to those who live in the infinite, and terrifying, expanse of void known as space. Our transmitter was knocked out by a particularly powerful storm a few months ago, and I guess that no one felt obliged to fix it. Of course this doesn’t really matter, since we’re back and I have more important things to talk about. Such as-”

    // He leans closer into the mic, probably for dramatic effect. \\

    ”The news.”

    // After that the man can be heard leaning back, the chair he was sitting on creaking as he flipped a page. \\

    “Now as we all know, since the uprising of Bucket and his followers. The Secret Service, as well as our beloved robed-ones, are no longer on our beautiful island. The new Mayor, Jeremy Doe, is pushing that we vote to allow outsiders tour our lovely town. Of course this action has been met by questions by the community such as, ‘Why would we let those demons from the sea into our town?!’ and ‘But aren’t outsiders dangerous?’ and of course, the Mayor has yet to reply.”

    // A quiet knock can be heard in the background, he mumbles something about being right back before the broadcast goes silent. After about a minute of silence, the mic turns back on. \\

    “We have to cut this broadcast short, but we will be back. But for now we will play this request from miz.. Jennifer Jane. It’s called, ’Don’t Fear The Reaper.’ I have no idea why we would, but here you are. I’ll let you have a good rest of your day, listeners.”

    \\ The broadcast ends, after the song plays. //
  3. Deleted Account

    Deleted Account Galactic Prodige Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    ((Was asked to post this as GamerCharacter, unfortunately, has no access to a PC as of this moment))

    // There was 5 minutes of radio static, followed by a song. \\

    Khaos and stfenix like this.
  4. syntheticdeity

    syntheticdeity boss Silver Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // Yet another broadcast. They don’t start with a fancy opening, just a short jingle. But soon, the new host’s voice came from the speakers if people were listening. \\

    “Good afternoon. We are terribly, terribly, sorry for last week’s interruption. But it seems those demons from the sea had decided to conduct yet another raid on our peaceful little town. Of course they had been frightened off by our outstanding technology, probably thinking we were witches and warlocks. Who says we aren’t? Who makes the rules? The City Council. I hope you remember that, citizens.”

    // There was a flip of paper, followed by the sound of a mug clinking onto a table. \\

    “Now, to the news.”

    “Since last week’s broadcast, the mayor has replied to all those burning questions some of you had. Some of the letters sent actually burst into flames when he opened them, so some of them may actually be unanswered.”

    “In a press conference yesterday he replied. ‘Well yes, the sea-demons are dangerous but I do not mean those outsiders. I mean the ones that come from the great beyond!’ He then gestured towards the sky. ‘I think it would affect the economy in a good way if we let them tour our lovely town, eat at our restaurants, and shop at or shops. Or-` he then leaned into his mic, and lowered his voice. I think it was for dramatic effect, ‘Sleep in our unused hotels.’”

    “Now I’m not sure about you, fellow citizens, but that does sound like a good idea to me! We could meet new people, discover new foods, buy warm socks or mittens from travelling salespeople, etcetera! Now the downside would be the fact that they could steal from our shops, they could assault our people, or loiter in our streets!”

    // He let out a long sigh. \\

    “But I think we should give them a chance, yes?”

    // There’s another page flip followed by another clink of mug-on-table. \\

    “In other news… we’ve got an oddly shaped mass hovering over the station right now. Kind of looks like the end of a really big trident. I wonder what it’s doing. Well, I guess it is time to end this broadcast. Now have a wonderful day listen...ers….. What in… OH HOL-”

    \\ To the music. //

    Deleted Account, Khaos and stfenix like this.
  5. syntheticdeity

    syntheticdeity boss Silver Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // There was a short jingle, before it was interrupted by your beloved host. His, smooth and low voice soon came over the sound waves emitted by the technology that is used to listen to these cosmically useless radio shows. \\

    “Good afternoon, listeners. It’s your host, Yessie Foreman. You’re listening to, A-76. The Veil

    // Some background music started playing, fancy. \\

    // He started speaking after the short buildup. \\

    “I’m fine and terribly sorry from last weeks broadcast. It was just a routine unannounced check from our lovely Secret Service, who are apparently not decommissioned but rather just relocating. Of course I was questioned, and actually given a nice cup of coffee. It wasn’t very high-quality, I’m not on the highest of priorities to the City Council now am I?”

    Of course now that I’m back from my three-day location in a rather nice room provided by Secret Service, I can have my coffee just how I like it. Pitch black, energizing, and deadly in large quantities. Just like the nights here in the Veil, eh Citizens?”

    // Yessie leaned into the mic and lowered his voice for his dramatic- \\

    “To the news.”

    // Before his voice went back to it’s normal state, and a few pages were flipped. \\

    “Our scholars from the highly respected, and only, university in Veil. The Malum University, I think its Greek, have discovered an… attic. This is not just your ordinary attic. This is the attic. The one from legend.”

    “For those who don’t know or remember the legend. The Attic is an ancient room within the oldest building in Veil. It holds the most powerful object in the world. It’s name alone makes me shudder.

    ”The Lamp.”

    // A loud boom suddenly came from the broadcast, several things sound like they rattle. The broadcast cuts out for a minute before coming back on. Those listening to the audio file wouldn’t have to deal with the delay, as it was just cut out. \\

    “-is what it does. I don’t want to explain what it does a second time, nor do I want to talk about it during this broadcast.”

    // Several more booms ensued. \\

    “Ah. Now to the weather.”

    “As you can probably here-” BOOM! “There is a lightning storm inbound. I just got a text from the Weather Service that everything should be fine, but you should hide in your basement just in case. If you do not have a basement like most Veil citizens, prey to the indifferent gods of the infinite expanse of our terrifying universe to save you. Should they answer the call, you will be fine.”

    “Of course this storm may cause power pr-”

    // The broadcast ends, and there is no music. It sounded like a very violent storm. Hopefully they’ll get out okay. \\
    Khaos likes this.
  6. syntheticdeity

    syntheticdeity boss Silver Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // There’s no fancy introduction this time, no music, no jingle. Just a break in silence with a low hum for about two minutes before Yessie speaks. \\


    // A loud thud was heard before the sound of an office chair rolling off into the distance follows. After this, a song plays before the broadcast ends. \\
    Khaos and WowGain like this.
  7. syntheticdeity

    syntheticdeity boss Silver Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // Instead of a broadcast, there was a post on their official website. More like edited in, since there was no posting function. \\

    Hello listeners, we have been shut down by the City Council and require a new broadcasting location. Whether it be in a secret basement here in Veil or out in the Great Beyond, there is no preference.

    If you are in the infinite expanse of void and are offering a place for us to work out of, please privately message @Foreman on the Nexus.

    \\ End //

    (( My Discord is syntheticdeity#0227 ))
    Khaos likes this.
  8. syntheticdeity

    syntheticdeity boss Silver Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // Ah how wonderful it is to hear that silky smooth voice in its low tone. There was no jingle to delay it however. \\
    "Good evening listeners, it has been a while hasn't it?"
    // Some minor background noise could be heard. \\
    "I've got very good news. A-76, your beloved 'Veil' has been moved to a publicly accessible location. Winston's, and I would like to throw a very large thanks to Miss Belle who has let me stay here until I can get lodging of my own.

    I have no other news for today. But the weather here on Garlen is wonderful. Hopefully I will be able to meet some of the listeners out here in the beyond in person."
    // There's a brief pause as the click of a keyboard can be heard. \\
    "I'm also very happy to have saved my large collection of music, and be able to play it tonight for you. The first one goes out to Miss Belle, and all the employees at Winston's for this wonderful place."
    \\ To the music //

    Khaos and WowGain like this.
  9. syntheticdeity

    syntheticdeity boss Silver Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // And so that sweet sweet voice one again flowed through the radio waves. \\
    "Good evening listeners, you're tuning into A-76. The Veil."
    // Background music started playing, and Yessie spoke again after the short buildup. \\

    "Ah it's a nice time to be alive, isn't it listeners? I'm doing wonderful, the people upstairs are doing wonderful. I've finally had my coffee after laying in bed for hours contemplating existence. During that time I also finally got some news that might interest you."
    // The clink of a mug hitting a table sounded out before some papers were flipped. \\
    "Recently, a trial in the Haven Federation has started. Morpheus, a Black Empire wizard, has been incarcerated for the past two years and has requested a trial by jury. I'm unsure of any events unfolding within the courthouse, but I'm sure it's exciting.

    In other news, the Haven Auxiliary election is over. I do believe that candidates have been voted for, and three have won. Those three are August Warren, Telroth Inperra, and Takav'Ichin. I congratulate all three of you on winning your campaigns, and hope all of you do your federation good."
    \\ Another mug clink, and paper flip //
    "The weather here on Garlen is wonderful yet again. I'd like all of you Strangers to enjoy the music this evening. Until next time listeners."
    Khaos likes this.