Tools Neuro-Suppression System

Discussion in 'Approved' started by WowGain, Aug 2, 2018.

  1. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Name: Neuro-Suppression System (NSS)

    Description: A variety of tools utilized by law enforcement and security personnel to deal with extremely aggressive potential threats.

    -Allows for non-lethal submission of active and potential threats
    -Limits the upper neural functions of the target, essentially rendering them pacified through a dual subjugation of aggressive tendencies and complex rational thought
    -Can be used on organics, synthetics, and energy beings alike.
    -Lasts for thirty minutes

    -Useless on targets which already have little to no higher cognitive function outside of its slight pacifying effect
    -Target has to be first restrained so that the user can apply it.
    -Organics can have adverse reactions to the chemicals used in synaptic dampening.

    Conditional Limitations:
    -Some synthetics can’t be hijacked, limiting the capacity of the device to interrupt their function.

    How does it work:
    Organics: A mechanical device is affixed to the back of the head, around the base of the neck. This device first injects a cocktail of drugs that restrict the speed at which axons in the brain fire and causes delay in nervous transmission speed along non-involuntary nerve pathways, essentially decreasing reaction time. Additionally, the activity of the adrenal glands and the release of the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine, and promote the reception of serotonin and GABA, limiting anxiety and anger. Among these drugs are permutations of MDMA and cannabinoids such as THC, which are both found to have effects that lessen aggression and slow reaction time. Finally, the use of high powered supermagnets is applied near the frontal lobe, which is shown to have negative impacts on the capability of the region of the brain to perform accurate risk assessment.

    Synthetics: A large magnetic device is attached near the core of the synthetic, where its main storage drive and all other components attached to the motherboard are affixed. The specific fluctuations within the magnetic field produced are designed to create electromagnetic fields which cause disruptions within the operations of the CPU, RAM, and SSD, bogging down the function of the synthetic at hand. Additionally, any units which have wireless access to the Nexus will have their communications jammed, and the device will attempt to hijack the connection itself through any backdoors or vulnerabilities present.
    If made possible, the connection is now routed through the device itself, allowing it to interrupt system processes and continue causing havoc in the Synthetic as it disables neuron connections, limiting its cognitive capacity. The device, however, does keep save states of neuron paths, and can restore them before disconnecting. Any software installed onto the OS remains, however, and could act as another backdoor in the future.

    Energy Beings: The most simple of the three, Energy Beings are incapacitated simply by affixing an electromagnet to the brand which creates highly attuned and manipulated electromagnetic fields to disrupt the regions of the brand dedicated to cognition, thus limiting their ability with motor and linguistic skills, and impairing their higher cognitive function.

    Flavor text: The NSS is a collaborative technology set, put together by multiple law enforcement agencies across the galaxy over many years, so as to create as comprehensive a system as possible for quick and nonlethal suppression of active threats that can be momentarily detained, but not held for longer periods of time safely.

    Attainability: [Open]

    Tags: [Industrial]

    Category: Tools
    ThatCabbage likes this.
  2. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    I don't have an issue with how this functions for Energy Beings and Organics; it all makes sense with the drug injection and nerve blocks, but there is one issue in regard to Synthetics I have to question, and it's simply the installation of foreign software onto them that could allow a backdoor in the future. If by backdoor you mean remote control or something to any degree the issues are...

    1) In order for this feature of the device to work on a synthetic it would have to be specific to their model or person.
    2) Your typical android is aware of how to modify themselves at will, and could certainly stop this as they are in full control of their own programming regardless of a device being locked onto them. Invasion of a synthetic's systems in any way past physical function such as movement and communication is likely an incredibly complex procedure due to how heavily encrypted a system one may have to get past, on top of the fact that they are probably fully sapient and aware of what is happening in said systems.

    Basically, it's fine in every way but that one, as the only way this would work on a synthetic past bogging down CPU, RAM and SSD is if the one it's being used on is a Glitch or some other mass produced series of robot that is not quite aware of how they work and all work in roughly the same way (i.e. still in a hivemind, or created with safeguards to prevent them from tampering with their own programming.) If that's acceptable to you or you just want to straight up remove the backdoor feature though, it'll pass.
  3. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    We spoke about this in the Discord and you clarified that it does not allow my worry: Remote control or "control" in general, merely disabling certain systems like communication and movement. With that out of the way, I'll give this a pass.
  4. Notanumber

    Notanumber The Archivist Ex-Staff

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I'll second that pass, there are no issues I can see here.