Heyo, uh, I was in Galaxy citizen at least back in 2013, maybe somewhat later than that? I only really remember 3 characters, and all of them were... Just yikes. It's safe to say I won't continue them, but I do want to list them in case someone remembers me and the World War Meme in chat. 1. Iron Crunch - OP cigar-smoking, alcoholic glitch assassin(?), with self-reinforcing plating? Not going back to that. 2. Ugonjwa - Flesh-eating cannibal who played music with remains. 3. An entire band of glitch characters (about 7) by running multiple instances of starbound at the same time. All of which were only really ever at good-ol' Horsebutt. So, heyo! I'm tripjeep, Crab King, and I think that really covers all the bases.