Ranged Armaments "Feather" Sonic Gun

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Lyra Aurichord, Jul 13, 2018.

  1. Lyra Aurichord

    Lyra Aurichord New Arrival Gold Donator

    Jul 10, 2018
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    Name: "Feather" Sonic Gun

    Description: Feather is the name of a makeshift, custom fabricated sonic weapon. The physical design is a blocky assortment of wires and circuitry. On the left innermost side of the gun is an activation switch akin to a light switch, a dial that goes from one to ten, and an unlabeled horizontal dimmer switch. Despite the guns small length of about 1.5 feet, the body of the gun is a thick four inches. A high-quality, lightweight car battery is the source of its power as well as its weight, an unwieldy twelve pounds.

    Abilities: The firing mechanism of Feather relies on sonic and concussive based energy expulsion.The dial determines the degree of power that is projected forth, with a setting of "one" producing a 130 db shot or beam of sound (given a spread of zero), enough to cause substantial ear pain. The shot's spread can be focused by the dimmer switch, with a successive spread decreasing the effective power and/or volume upon hit. At a spread of 'zero', the weapon is feasibly accurate, with cone of spread at only 3 degrees; this translates to substantial spread at increased distances, however. Maximum spread caps at about 150 degrees, crippling range and devouring power.
    The following is a breakdown of the different power settings, their effectiveness, and their power consumption. Each of these explanations imply a direct otic (ear) hit within 30 yards on a spread setting of zero. For the purposes of explanation, when fully loaded, feather has 1018 "power units", or pu.
    1: Effective crowd control agent at 130 db. Uses 1 pu/sec
    2: At 145 db, this weapon irks its way past the threshold of pain and is capable of causing temporary hearing loss (Permanent with prolonged exposure). Uses 2 pu/sec
    3: At 170 db, targets will experience hearing loss similar to a flashbang. Feather exhibits recoil similar to a pistol here, and hits taken will impart similar kinetic energy to the target. The weapon also ceases to provide constant beams, turning into a semi-automatic weapon that must be charged before firing. 4 pu/shot
    4: At and beyond this setting, the weapon ceases to need db ratings, and is more aptly described as a concussive or kinetic firearm. Targets will be effectively punched; recoil is substantial. Uses 8 pu/shot
    5: Affectionately nicknamed the "kicker" setting, this blast imparts kinetic energy similar to a strong kick. Recoil is much like a shotgun rifle. 16pu/shot
    6: Impact is equivalent to a tackle. Point blank hits are often very damaging, occasionally punching bullet-like holes in bare targets. Recoil is comparable to a hunting rifle. Hearing protection is needed by the user beyond this point. 32 pu/shot.
    7: Impact is similar to being struck with a baseball bat, by a professional batter. Recoil is comparable to a sniper rifle. 64 pu/shot
    8: Impact is severely detrimental to internal organs, comparable to being struck by a car moving 30 mph. Recoil is comparable to an anti-tank rifle, and is user-damaging without a stock modification. Causes temporary hearing loss to the user without proper protection.128 pu/shot
    9: Impact liquefies internal organs and crushes bones and weaker matter. Impact is similar to being struck by a car at 75 mph. Recoil is too great to be shot from the hand, needing to be affixed to the ground by some ingenuitive method. Permanent hearing loss is guaranteed without otic protection. 256 pu/shot
    10: Highly inadvisable and experimental setting. Use of this setting can easily compromise the weapon and/or result in personal injury. Successfully firing results in limb severance in most cases; stronger targets experience impact similar to a semi at 60mph. Recoil has backblast, often kicking up dust. Drains the battery utterly.

    Conditional Abilities:
    Specific audio can be routed through the weapon.
    Functions as a loudspeaker microphone on a setting of 1 with any increased spread.

    Limitations: Shots must be charged for approximately one second prior to firing beyond a setting of 2; this can be held for about five before firing, before the battery is over pressured and short circuits from a volt flooding.
    Collateral is often very likely; in addition to those listed in the "abilities" section, enclosed spaces present dangerous threat to the user and others through wave reflection.
    Increasing the spread negatively impacts the power setting, with each additional 10 degrees of spread decreasing the effective impact power by 1 level (while still retaining all negative effects, such as recoil, energy consumption, and collateral).
    Without a direct otic hit, this weapon will not effect hearing unless otherwise mentioned (settings above 7)
    Ceases to work in liquid or space.
    Highly susceptible to EMP.
    Battery is a hefty 8 pounds, and is unwieldy to reload.

    How does it work: By effectively 'charging' it's shots, Feather reverberates sound waves from an advanced, conventional subwoofer nestled within an extremely specialized prisilite chamber at back of the weapon. Through highly precise reflection and wave emission, constructive interference allows for powerful amplification of concussive bursts.

    Flavor text: Feather is Lyra's crowning achievement of her research as a student of naval academy; as soon as she had wrought it, however, her professor caught wind. Snooping about the systems revealed the nefarious purposes that the military planned for her work, and she soon fled her degree and her life, carrying little but this prototype, and burning her remaining notes.

    Referenced Technologies: None.

    Attainability: Semi-closed; Lyra is the only person capable of constructing additional Feathers, save her teaching another soul. Lyra sells Feathers.

    Tags: [Military]

    Category: Ranged Armaments.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2018
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Hello. I'm here to grade your application and I'm sorry to say I'm going to have to fail this. There are several issues with this application and it's going to need a severe series of nerfs in order to pass.

    Hearing protection is going to be needed by both the wearer and everybody around this weapon at every setting past 2 regardless of the trigger being held down or you saying otherwise in the limitations; there is no way to avoid the sound moving outward in that manner, confined space or not, with so much power behind it, in such a compact weapon. There is a reason that a .22 pistol is so much louder than a .22 rifle and it's because there is less mass to dampen that movement. Everything past setting 2 is louder than a 12 gauge shotgun going off. Power-wise I am fine with the weapon being capable of being concussive/kinetic, but not to the ludicrous extent that is everything past setting 6, where it may very well immediately kill somebody with less issue than every other small firearm that exists and cause far more damage to those who aren't immediately killed. I also simply cannot allow settings 7-10 at all.

    I would suggest if you still want to pursue this, you retain its ability to change settings, but without leaving non-lethal range. Start smaller than the initial 130 db you began with and scale it up slowly. As a sonic weapon, every setting, for the sake of the information regarding collateral damage being available, should have a decibel rating.
  3. Capslock

    Capslock you're all nerds Ex-Staff Event Builder

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Fail seconded and moving to denied, you have two more attempts.