Wearable X-T00 Gnomid-based Exploration Suit

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Deleted Account, Jun 14, 2018.

  1. Deleted Account

    Deleted Account Galactic Prodige Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: X-T00 Gnomid-based Exploration Suit

    Description: The X-T00 Gnomid-based Exploration Suit, is a lightly-armoured multi-purpose worn body suit composed of slight metal products and plastics with an internal wired ‘endoskeleton’ to allow neural connections with the Gnomid within. This product happens to allow the user to better traverse the harsh environments of the larger forms of sapience that dot the galaxy with the use of the suit’s built-in jet thrusters and the robotic-assisted endoskeleton within. Why climb stairs obviously not built for one of your size when you can simply hover over?

    Abilities: This robotic suit allows the Gnomid wearer many abilities over simply using their limbs naturally. It allows flight for a duration of around five-to-ten minutes, heavily dependant on the battery pack within. Flight is provided through two jet thrusters upon the back, heavily resembling a built-in jetpack. Secondary thrusters upon the feet allow a more controlled thrust. Increased strength is another plus for wearers of this technology, allowing the Gnomid to lift more than without it. Many of these abilities are handled through the suit’s rudimentary VI, spread throughout the suit.

    Conditional Abilities (Optional): Extravehicular activity is a possibility for this suit, should it be bearing the required components for such a task.

    Limitations: For all it is, the suit is almost a metal tin can. Being certainly thinner than conventional ‘giant’ armours, it can be easily bent and damaged in the hands of a conventional human. While having strength in its general ability to take some brute force damage directly, as metal and harder materials usually can it is easily bent out of shape, destroying the critical systems within it and leaking critical fuel for the thrusters, leading to further problems in occurrence of that. It also fails to take small-arms fire, often being blown to smithereens by the average pistol bullet or melted back with a laser or two. Batteries are a further hazard when damaged, often exploding as expected. The thrusters are known to reach a recorded top speed of around ninety miles per hour, which requires a long drawn-out acceleration in the process of reaching such speeds. Travelling at these ludicrous speeds often leads the user into an increased risk at a loss of control, an easy draining of the suit’s battery cells and potential injury. With the further use of the built-in limited VI and the lifting system, the suit is ever more prone to a fleeting battery life. EMPs are the definite big threat to the existence of these suits, with many frying the intricate wiring and engineering supplied.

    Conditional Limitations (Optional): Adding extra weight, running and walking takes a hit in the wearer’s usually speed of these actions.

    How does it work: Working off a hybrid of power armour and regular armour, the suit is built of many intricacies. The inner-side of the suits possess a soft padding, allowing for an almost maximum comfort for the user. After the padding exists the small endoskeleton, which itself links to the small motors within the arms and to the neural connection point near the helmet. The battery is located upon the back, and the back thrusters lay over it, thankfully protected by light inner shielding between the two. Fuel tanks are located above the back thrusters, which provide fuel for the back and to the feet through semi-exposed piping. Protecting most of the sut, is the light armour plating which is composed from key light metals and plastics often said to be aluminum or steel. As mentioned, the on-board VI allows stabilisation of the suit’s assisting lifting abilities and stabilisation of the thrusters, which can also provide info to the user through audio output or small displays in the helmet.

    Flavor text: Created as an experimental tech for the increasing voyages of Gnomid within the cosmos by the Hylotl-ran tech company Fujita, these suits were built to ease them around general travelling of what a galaxy’s worth of planets has to offer.

    Referenced Technologies (Optional): General power armour and armour lore

    Attainability: [Semi-Closed]
    Obviously being produced too small for most people to wear, these suits are often procured from specialized Gnomid sellers, or even Fujita if they happen to have the product in stock.

    Tags: [Civilian/Industrial]
    Being produced for the purpose of exploration, such suits are available to most walks of life. Though, they find common use within colonisation efforts of the Gnomid.

    Category: Wearable
  2. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Hi. I'll be grading your application today.

    All of these things are fine, from the strength to even the suit's maximum speed provided its lack of defense and low weight is RPed properly. All I need are a few more specifics.

    How much does it increase the wearer's lifting capability? Does this carry over to the strength of the legs as well? Please give me an exact maximum threshold for lifting capacity and that will simply be added on top of the wearer's usual lifting capacity without the suit. Also, is this accomplished through hydraulics of some sort or another method of increasing capacity?

    You're saying the suit is made of Aluminum or Steel, but those have a pretty wide gap in density between them, steel being nearly three times Aluminum's. Are the metals both present in each suit or are there two models that use different metals? Regardless, can you provide the thickness of each layer of metal for me, with a decimal value? You can DM me on Discord if you need any help with this part. I can do some calculations and we can come up with an approximate weight for the suits.

    You mentioned a legthy acceleration time to reach 90 mph, but could you be more specific as to exactly how long this would take?

    What is the extent of the informational displays in the helmet? Speed? Wind direction? Just examples to begin with.

    What would someone's height have to be, without being a Gnomid, in order to wear this suit if that is at all possible?

    EDIT: Application cancelled by request of its creator.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2018