Necromenn {KEIDUS SYSTEM | Ju'Knara}

Discussion in 'Denied' started by .exe, Jun 3, 2018.

  1. .exe

    .exe Galactic Citizen Impervium Donator

    Jul 6, 2017
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    Name: Parasite itself: Necro-parasite (Common Name) imperium animum parasiti (Scientific name)
    Organic controlled: Necromenn (Keidusian (Norwegian) & Common name) Mortuis Hominibus (Scientific name)

    Description: This creature is rather an undead being. They begin with a parasite that is worm-like or maggot-like creatures, about palm-sized, making their way to a host (Human, Apex, Avian are the only ones affected by such, or any creature with organs, flesh, and a brain), and once it hits the brain, the parasite controls the being. The parasite looks rather harmless at first glance, grey skin, and red fly eyes but the mouth are flat, and when it protrudes the teeth, it almost looks like what a squid mouth would look like yet they are more fang-like teeth and flat, giving it's 'digging' capability through flesh quite easily.

    How are they manipulating the mind: The brain is controlled by the parasite latching on to the host's brain, with hijacking abilities such as the Gordian Worm or the Ophiocordyceps unilateralis. It begins sprouting its own nerves throughout the brain as the host is currently in paralysis or brain-dead. The mouth of the parasite starts to grow on to the brain as nerves of its own start to manipulate the brain, using the limbs as a means to give its animalistic nature, survive and adapt as much as possible without killing the host (the way of reproducing) and killing itself (starving).


    Behavior: There is a rare sight of finding creatures on Ju'Knara, that being said, they crave flesh, any kind of flesh. The parasites try their best to seek its path towards flesh as quickly as possible with a hive-like manner. As of their organic form/controlled, they continue to find it's way towards flesh and anything of the sort. They reproduce by forming eggs around the teeth or areas it finds bloated from the 'decomposing' host.

    Tamability: It's a parasite that hungers for flesh. If a Glitch or Novakid (anything electronic based or Novakid similarities) is able to capture the parasite, it still cannot be tamed. However, they do not find either of them edible and still cannot be tamed due to its dependability of organics. Glitches can hold them as Novakids would probably fry the shit out of them, though, they are able to lay eggs on Glitches or any place they find dimmable for reproduction. The eggs look like maggot eggs that are about the size of thumbnails.

    Where is it Found?: They are first found in frigid parts of the planet, though, they can adapt to the organic controlled by using their body heat as a sample of other planets or shield themselves while in the organic creature from both heat and frigid temperatures. The decomposing body is almost like a shield for the parasite, though, intense temperatures cause them to either freeze in place and have no way out or turn into smoldering ash by intense heat. They're first found on Ju'Knara.

    Rarity: They are moderately common, though, without enough organics/organisms, they practically diminish within weeks (Explained: If there are exactly none organic life on a planet, then they are unable to thrive. As for Ju'Knara, there are creatures in the mountains, leftover and an abundant amount of human/apex/avian creatures buried in the snow for them to thrive, all but the fishes underwater).

    Diet: Carnivorous and decomposers: They seek anything organic, anything with meat, organs and a brain. They can spread on raw meats such as steaks or chicken, edibles and such except for soda and water. Soda, they'll deteriorate and water will just drown them if they are submerged completely underwater, same with the soda. As Organic controlled, they continue to find ways to eat flesh, organs, though, if they are able to reproduce with the brain and body still intact, they are able to reproduce in the host. When they do so, they deem that organic as a parasite controlled and find other organics to eat. The parasite tries their best to lay out a plan of not killing the host completely but having complete control over them in a zombie-like fashion.

    Products: Eggs that look like fly eggs that were about the size of a thumbnail. Would not recommend eating as they would either get killed or find a way to latch on to you and do exactly what was told; control and reproduce. You can roll or choose, whichever happens, it'll be a 50/50 chance of having the parasite alive while you chew.

    Reproduction: Sexual, being a definitive or primary host. They reproduce from mother parasites and father parasites while both in the host or without the host and can have the sons/daughters of this parasite reproduce with other similar familiar sons and daughters, thus, incest. They have the same reproductive similarities as ants whereas they all have half a cell less for inbreds and incest to be perfectly fine and stable. That is the same similarity as of these parasites. Male and female both carry the eggs and grab a host.

    Size: Female: From birth, the egg is about the size of a generic human thumbnail (half an inch or an inch long), while it grows as a hatchling (two inches, about the normal thumb size), then full growth (palm-sized, maybe around three inches or four inches, it varies.)
    Male: The same procedure and size as the females, a bit chunkier than the females.
    Both: They both grow bigger and bigger in size when they go from host to host, in which the bigger they are, the more likely they'll completely kill the host. The eggs will continue to remain in the host and eat away at the corpse. It is very rare to see a parasite about the size of half of the human length from propping the parasite from toe to head next to a human, but it's possible and will render the host killed off.

    Weight: The males are about the weight of an iPhone 6 (between 4.55 ounces and 6.1 ounces) as the females weigh between 3.09 ounces and 5.23 ounces. You can practically carry them without a struggle.

    Lifespan: The parasite lifespan usually ends when the host is completely torn to the bone and nothing is left of the body. Straight up bone. They die off if they are unable to find another host within weeks.

    Abilities: Creating numbers of them by reproducing is their mindset, along with surviving. They also have good hearing. They are able to have complete control of the organic-being, though, you can definitely differ whether they are parasite infested or not:

    Out of Host:
    When they are not controlling a host, they are able to reproduce abundant amounts of eggs. They are able to withstand intense cold temperatures (-70 degrees Celsius tops) and can move as fast as a turtle if they are going full speed. Their teeth give them the ability to dig deeply and their skin to burrow into the flesh, which causes the host or anyone trying to get the creature out of the body a struggle. Confined places are mainly a place where they like to reproduce.
    In Host:
    They are able to take control of the host completely using their brain. The parasite can produce an extensive amount of tumors and abnormal limbs through bloating and decomposition, along with the brain in control. If they are shot in the tumors or the bloated areas, the eggs will spread like crazy but the radius would be about two feet in diameter. If the parasite that is controlling the host from the brain is killed, the eggs will continue to remain where they are and anyone around who is caught when the bloating corpse pops, they will be carrying around the eggs and parasites. They are able to run as well. Able to hide in confined places, such as ventilation; airborne spreading too.
    Time of controlling a host: Within four minutes tops.

    Flaws: Parasite-infected have that state of decay look on them, their eyes are filled to the brim with eggs and deathly decomposing look to them, flesh being eaten away and their posture being very off-putting and out of place when dropped in a crowd. It is very easy to spot this creature out, as many people would most likely get away from them as possible. They are unable to speak words but hearing their painful shrieks and cries of terror can sometimes give away their position or be a benefit to put fear into others. They think like animalistic creatures, they are unable to use the host as a place for memory or a means to 'learn' anything from their attacker. They go where they find meat.

    Out of Host:
    They are easy to kill, just stepping on them will kill them. They are very weak against fire, as it will literally turn them into a crisp. They can be momentarily blinded by intense lighting and unable to see, causing them to go blind. Quarantining them is possibly the best way you can control them without killing them, as you will deprive them of being able to eat others and reproduce.​

    In Host:
    They are extremely vulnerable and sometimes weak depending on what their host is. If they manage to get inside of the armor, they are able to use that armor as a way to defend the host but any exposing parts will lead them to lose that limb because of the decomposing body. They are also unable to reproduce effectively if the host is wearing armor, as when they explode, the armor that completely covers the body of the host will keep all eggs inside of the armor. Heating up the armor will cause the host to go completely crazy, even to cause the host to explode inside with the heat building up pressure inside of the floating body. Fire is effective and will usually cause the bloating exploding body from exploding, a means to contain the reproducing.​

    Time eggs are produced: 6 hours minimum.

    Other: The homeworld of this parasite is found on Ju'Knara. The people that only know of their existent is Keidusians on Keidus III and is a forbidden act of going out to Ju'Knara. The only way they are able to expand out is by using a host to latch on to a ship or get inside and infect the area around them or everyone as a crew member.
  2. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to recommend a fail for this application.

    The Gordian Worm and the Ophiocordyceps unilateralis are only capable of doing what they're doing because the things they take over don't have a brain. They have a big central nerve. A human brain is far more complex than that and no amount of sprouting new nerves in an attempt to take it over will actually logically succeed. They may be new nerves, but they're not coming from the brain it's trying to take over. They're nothing like the brain they're trying to take over. The human immune system recognizes the DNA, among many other things, of different individuals within our own species when the body is made aware of them, to say nothing of how easily it recognizes the presence of something completely alien to it. Even if it did manage to bypass an immune response, there's simply no way this thing would be able to hijack a brain to the point of being able to move the organism it belongs to as it really shouldn't be compatible with it anyway. It should also be noted that when a body reaches brain-death, the brain is dead. There's nothing to salvage or control by sprouting new nerves. It's dead.

    The closest thing we have modern day that could be classified as being even close to a "zombie virus" is rabies, but that doesn't turn you into a zombie or "control" you, it just makes you go insane due to brain inflammation, starve, and dehydrate due to hydrophobia. It just straight up kills you.