
Discussion in 'Approved' started by Notanumber, Jun 12, 2018.

  1. Notanumber

    Notanumber The Archivist Ex-Staff

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: Frumppopotamus


    Description: Very few people alive in the 33rd century have much to compare the physical appearance of a Frumppopotamus too. However in the rare circumstance someone with a categorical knowledge of fauna alive on Earth thousands of years before it’s destruction saw one, they would claim without a shadow of a doubt that they looked like very small mammoths. Though not many alive in the current age could possibly make the comparison. Be that as it may, the Frumppopotamus do look practically identical to very small mammoths. They’re carbon based, oxygen breathing, warm blooded, herbivorous, mammalian lifeforms with 56 chromosomes and genes that are very clearly traceable back to preserved elephants.

    Behavior: Frumppopotamus are highly social creatures with behaviour similar to that of elephants, using their tusks and trunk for manipulating objects, fighting, and foraging. They live in small herds of eight or more usually having an elder matriarch as the leader of their herd, guiding the other Frumppopotamus to new grazing land or places to meet with other herds for breeding, as most herds are an extended family. They are not known to be particularly territorial animals usually being apathetic towards other docile creatures, though males in the mating season can occasionally become more aggressive with the increase in testosterone.

    Frumppopotamus will rarely separate from their herd, however if they are born and raised away from other Frumppopotamus then can be domesticated from birth quite easily if fed enough and given ample space to live in. Often Canadians will raise Frumppopotamus for their keen sense of smell to help find buried roots and vegetables or as companions.

    Where is it found?:
    Frumppopotamus herds are found scattered across the islands, mountains and forests of The Republic of Canada usually far from cities and settlements. However on occasion Frumppopotamus are sold as pets and shipped off-world to collectors who find their small forms and and gormless expressions cute.

    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy:
    Frumppopotamus primarily eat roots and vegetables they dig up with their small tusks, but will also forig for fern like leaves, grass and even saplings that are resilient enough to grow through the Canadian winter.

    Products: Though they aren’t often hunted, Frumppopotamus can provide meat, thick-fur, fat for oils and even ivory from their tusks. However these supplies are no longer in as high demand as they used to be.

    Reproduction: Sexual; Frumppopotamus have a mating season once a year.

    Size: Frumppopotamus are on average two feet tall and three foot long, however some can grow larger dependant on their diet.

    Weight: Average weight of a Frumppopotamus is 200-250 pounds.

    Lifespan: Frumppopotamus live on average for 30-45 years.

    • Highly resistant to the cold

    • Incredibly sensitive sense of smell

    • Very loyal to those they grew up around

    • They can navigate by the stars on clear nights, as they have very good memories

    • Easily knocked over.

    • Fairly slow and cumbersome.

    • They’re smaller than they seem to think they are.

    • Kinda hard to take seriously as a plausible threat.

    Note: Though it will never be recorded by history, the origins of the Frumppopotamus were not on Canada. With modern cloning technology, it didn't take mankind long to recreate mammoths. However, when they were dispatched to enthusiasts with more money than sense, a minor error had been introduced. The creatures were all susceptible to a virus that had been spreading through reserves of elephants. This "Elephant Flu" was believed to have been carried on the fur of the Apex unknowingly. While it was harmless to them, it spread quickly between the elephants. When infected those that weren't killed were rendered sterile. By the time humanity had caught on, and developed ways to protect their beloved elephants, it was already too late for the mammoths. That hadn't considered them as so few were cloned, and most were kept in private collections. In an attempted cover-up, the three now defunct corporations responsible for dispatching the creatures had recalled all defective products back to Earth. To be promptly refunded, and replaced before the news got out. Two days later the Ruin attacked.

    An indefinite amount of time later a Human scientist whose name is forgotten by history attempted to use the very last preserved mammoth DNA in the universe to resurrect the creatures after the destruction of Earth. This would be the last chance by anyone as no other strands of preserved mammoth DNA were saved when the planet was destroyed. However, something went wrong in the cloning process and the resultant creatures were born about nine feet too short. Embarrassed and ashamed of the new species he created, and millions he wasted on acquiring the DNA the scientist dropped the newborns on the closest planet he could, The Republic of Canada, lucky for the creatures as they were built for the cold. When the Canadians discovered these animals, they assumed they were aliens native to Canada since they had no frame of reference to what they were as the last mammoths had died out and elephants were incredibly rare after Earth fell. They named them after their “frumpy” looking appearance and they soon became a protected species by the Canadian government. No one alive today knows this secret of their origins, and no one ever will.
  2. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    I'm giving this a pass because they're great and we talked about them extensively.