Biscuits Staff App

Discussion in 'Approved' started by The Risky Biscuit, Apr 6, 2018.

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  1. The Risky Biscuit

    The Risky Biscuit The Best Kind of Biscuit Ex-Staff

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Forum name: The Risky Biscuit

    Age: 21

    Country/Timezone: US CST

    Why do you want to be Staff?: To help improve GC, to enforce the rules among the server, and to otherwise work for the betterment of the community

    What skills can you bring to the staff team?: A heavy handed enforcement style, open mind to helping new players, and pitching my own sense in towards staff action and activity

    What area(s) would you be most interested in helping assist with (if you have more than one preference, list in order of highest preference to lowest)?": Moderation, enforcement, and perhaps lore with more reading and adapting to the current lore.

    Have you had prior experience moderating/staffing an online community?: Yes

    If so, where? What were your responsibilities?: Former GC admin despite the negative and exigent circumstances for that position.

    As staff, it is crucial to be visible to the public; on the Forums, through the Discord, and on the Server. Though it is not mandatory to be on these three all the time, do you agree to be as active as possible through these means?: Absolutely

    For better interaction with our users on the Galaxy Citizen Discord server and to take full part in any voice meetings we may have in the Staff Discord, it is recommended that you use a good microphone. Do you possess a microphone (If you do not have a microphone, it will NOT affect your chances for being on Staff)?: Yes

    What do you like about this community?: The open ended RP, the variety in hubs, settings and events, as well as the growing and budding community.

    What areas would you like to receive help in should you become staff?: Lore writing, and public relations.

    What are your weaknesses?: Often times coming off as blunt, and having a choice of words online that may carry a more negative connotation though that can be worked on.

    Galaxy Citizen Character name(s): Abel Ryker, Harper Whitetail. Vaati'koda
    schizothotep, Notanumber and Loo like this.
  2. Loo

    Loo Guest

    This mother fucker, yes. He's one of the most level headed people I've met. I've discussed so many things about the community with him and often times he comes to excellent conclusions with me and other people he speaks with. He's helped me with controversy by showing me the logic of his opinions and managed to win me over several times. He also has a really friendly personality, I've seen him get along with multiple people, making them laugh and starting conversation. He's pretty damn active as of lately and he's great at getting people involved in things ICly on the server.
  3. ZachChase

    ZachChase Does Anyone Read These? Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    This man knows how to make a point and do it well, all without being a dick.
    9K likes this.
  4. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    I used to not like him so much because he was thrusted into the admin position without anyone knowing him really, and he was a massive hardass against me for minor shit to the point where I was on my final strike for hurting someone's poor widdle feewings.
    Yeah that sucked but I've also observed that he seems to have shit under control, he's a correctional officer irl ffs
    remember when we roasted death in that skype chat when he thought he owned GC
    you'll be happy to know that he remembers that and permanently banned me from his discord recently because of it
  5. Caucasian Asian

    Caucasian Asian p̵̈́̾̀͂̈́́̆̆̋͐́́̀̇͗́̍͝ Ex-Staff Impervium Donator

    Jun 28, 2017
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    Been a really good friend to me and loads of other people. He's down to earth, friendly, but he knows how to say 'no' when needed. He's a must-have for staff because he is easy to discuss and cooperate with. #bringbackbiscuit2018
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