Brief Desc: A young, human woman with light brown eyes and pale skin. Her hair is blonde to dirty blonde, being rather wavy. She is typically seen sitting upon a modified wheelchair or a vehicle, due to her non-functioning legs. Alias: Bad Leg Girl Age: 19 Height: 5’4 ft Weight: 110-120 lb. Eye color: Light Brown Skin: Pale Hair: Dirty(?) Blonde Texture: Usually wavy. Race: Custom human/Ningen (Because I hate the base game look of human) Personality: Rude, Rough, Stubborn Occupation: Unemployed. Political Ideology: Independent, mildly racist. They aren't particularly social and don't like to rely on others. "Stop trying to help me, dammit! I can do this...!" Goals and ambitions: To make her legs work again, get money, become good at a profession Cheryl was raised as a farm girl by her Ma and Pa. Her Pa taught her to never rely on anyone else, as they are due to fail and that there isn't a single good person in the universe, so she should be careful. Her Pa also taught her much about fighting hand to hand for self-defense. Later in her life, she would grow tired and bored of the farm and run up to join a group of gangsters or bandits. She got in good by beating her way into the group and showing off her strength despite her age (seventeen). She'd have their respect, but no loyalty. She'd terrorize and thief with them. But unfortunately one day, karma would catch up to her and end up getting shot in the back. She woke up a time later. Alone in the bed of a hospital, now seen as weak and worthless...
Ningen aren't a species in GC, and connecting to the server with the mod installed will cause the server to crash, so you're going to have to change that. However, you're free to make a custom hat using Hatter to give your in-game character a similar appearance to the mod as long as they're still a Human ICly.
So... How do I turn off all the mods I downloaded via steam? Also, do mods that change sprites cause any issue? Because I have a lot of those.
You're just going to have to unsubscribe to them and create new characters, sorry. As for your other mods, they'll only matter if they aren't client-side mods, so for example the Drumsticks mod will be fine because it only displays on your end.