// The First Fringe Assembly //

Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by Hastur, Mar 29, 2018.

  1. Hastur

    Hastur the assad regime will reclaim syria

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // The Caliphate News Network releases an announcement across the Fringe, quickly being circulated by other international news sources in locations like the Holy Dominion, Haven Federation, and the UACC. True to its title, it's an announcement of the date and time of the previously announced, and now soon to arrive, Fringe Assembly. //

    Salaam alaikum, and God's blessings upon the Caliphate and its allies. At the gracious behest of the Khalifa Syed al-Qureshi Ibn Dhakir al-Emir Mumanin ya-Waarith, the First Fringe Assembly has now been set into full motion, and is planned to be hosted by the generous Senate of the Haven Federation on their newly acquired world of Silent Bastion. Blessings and praise be upon them for their courteousness in accepting the offer as hosts. The purpose of the Assembly is to create a direct dialogue between all recognized national and major powers of the Fringe to ensure a reigning era of peace and stability, far removed from the conflicts of old. Should the assembly prove a success, a second may be planned in the future. As the Pax Khilafa brings prosperity to our people, so shall we bring it to the rest of our neighbors. Those that have agreed to attend are as follows:
    • The Caliphate
    • The Haven Federation
    • The Holy Dominion and its vassal, God's Own Country
    • Adroma and its client states
    • The United Asteroids of Clop Clop
    • The Atlas Corporation
    • The Ascended Empire
    • Margury City
    • The Echo Administration
    • The Chinaut
    All are invited to attend the meeting that will ultimately drive the future of the Fringe for years to come, regardless of current political or social standing. Security will be maintained through a joint union of many national forces, such the Grand Army of Haven, the Atlas Defense Force, and the Caliph's Royal Army, as well as naval defenses provided by the Caliph's Royal Navy, The Grand Navy of Haven, among others. Visitors are required to show respect and abide by protocol when attending, regardless of national origin, or lack thereof. Visitors possessing weapons, armor, and any sort of equipment deemed as hostile by the acting security will need to be removed before entering the assembly building unless one is physically unable to remove said items. This policy is non-negotiable. The event is dated to begin on 3/31/3285, or 1 Thul-Qi'dah 1500 al-Hijri, at the Haven Federation planet of Silent Bastion. May God bless this assembly, and may it pave the way to a brighter, nobler future for us all.

    // The article ends with an open comments section, allowing users to post their thoughts or opinions o the matter. //

    (( The event will be on March 31st, which is this upcoming Saturday at 2pm CST on-server at Silent Bastion. No consent is needed to attend, though there will be NPC guards from various factions there to ensure characters remain compliant with the rigid security. ))​
  2. babobeebo

    babobeebo call me nick!! (thats me name!!!) Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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