Cybernetic Ninja Suite

Discussion in 'Deferred' started by XANA, Mar 22, 2018.

  1. XANA

    XANA New Arrival

    Mar 22, 2018
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    Name: Cybernetic Ninja, Cybernetic samurai

    Description: At first glance you might think it was just a robot but infarct its just a shell that is just a proxy for normal skin the design is very sleek and elegant and ornate it obviously has medium plating all over the body covering every part and is not bulky seeming to have no real area to get hung up on. Most of the body is double jointed. You would find the right hand would have obvious segments in between each nimble double jointed finger in between each knuckle. There would also seem to be a visor down all the time around the head casing that can't be pulled up. The approximate total weight is 185 pounds.

    • Strength- user can lift 125lb
    • Augmented Movement- can run at about 30 mph for 20 seconds before becoming fatigued, though at lower speeds the user can run for much longer distances.
    • Ability to climb with ease.
    • Augmented Reflexes - at any time the cyborg can slow down their perception of time along with extremely fast limbs, which can allow the user to catch thrown objects.
    • Built in HUD- the cyborg can monitor their vital signs, energy level, cloak energy, and ammunition count using a simple onboard computer system.
    • Armor Plating:- The cyborg is covered 1/4th of an inch of Aegisalt plating and 1/4th of an inch of thermal resistant plastic that blocks thermal detection and keeps fire from spreading when the Aegisalt is on fire.
    • Internal Shuriken Launcher- There are segmented slots on the right hand. Inside the cyborg's right arm there are 3 magazines holding 100 shurikens each of extremely sharp full sized shurikens which are ejected out of the slots in the right hand, held in between the knuckles and spun to gain momentum. They cannot pierce metal types of armor. There also are 3 different types of shuriken, 3 of which can be held at a time in the 3 magazines in the cyborgs arm. The types are armor penetration, slashing, and poison. The poison used on the the shuriken is Curare or D-tubocurarine a paralysis poison that starts to hinder the victim's movement 10 minutes after the shuriken cuts them. Eventually this will lead to paralysis of the limbs, preventing movement and then leading to death in 5 hours minimum via asphyxiation due to paralysis of the diaphragm. There are two ways to survive Curare poisoning one being a respirator and waiting it out. The other being a cholinesterase inhibitor, which can counteract the effects of the poison.
    • Emergency Power Module- If it runs out of power or is EMPed the backup batteries kick in, giving the cyborg one hour to recharge before their vital organs fail.
    Conditional Abilities:
    • It also has thermal, night, and infrared vision in the head casing's visor.
    • Almost all joints are double jointed allowing the cyborg to contort itself into inhuman shapes and bend their body abnormally, such as turning their head like an owl.
    • Can reboot after being EMPed takes 5 minutes.
    • the thermal resistant plastic is made in a special way that insulates the user's body, preventing them from being detected by infrared cameras/vision. Thermal would still work because you could see an absence of heat in a hot area, making the person stand out.

    How does it work:
    • Strength- normal servos are used allowing a decent amount of weight to be lifted.
    • Ability to climb with ease- Based on a gecko's foot. There are millions of microscopic retractile hairs that cause extreme friction, allowing the user to climb up walls or walk up them.
    • Augmented Reflexes- Normally an average human in real life can see up to 1000 frames per second. Slow motion is done by high frame rate cameras which if implanted and wired to the mind, removing the eyes would technically allow you to see in slow motion and the reflexes could be done by shortening the route it takes for the nerve to send a message to the hand.
    • Augmented Movement- The prosthetic legs are made for speed. This allows the cyborg's legs to speed up the normal running motion when needed as well as having smooth movement presets.
    • The Built in HUD- Onboard computer system in the helmet.
    • Armor Plating- Mostly the plastic is there for aesthetics, to prevent infrared detection and to mitigate bursting into flames. The real armor is the Aegisalt plates.
    • Internal Shuriken launcher- This hidden weapon works via having the magazine holding the shurikens overlap one another. To unleash the shuriken the user would need to have their arm stretched out, otherwise the system would jam due to there being a corner. It would then be at an angle, are they're then flipped so they can exit in between the knuckles. There are motors that spin the shurikens at a rapid rate and are then thrown at full force creating a flurry of 4 extremely high velocity sharp objects. After throwing it must be reloaded again and the process starts over again.
    • emergency power module- When the main batteries are drained the backup emergency power module kicks in, giving an additional hour to the user to enable them to go to a recharging station or get home.

    • Heat- while being insulated to keep heat from escaping it isn't exactly meant to keep heat from entering. So if somebody where to use a flamethrower on the cyborg or other form of heat based weapon it is possible to be cooked alive in the under armor.
    • Can't Eat Normally- The cyborg will be unable to eat by normal means they can however drink using a straw. Normally though the user just place nutrients into your body via a tiny canister the user places in a container near there stomach.
    • Blood Changes- much like how vehicles need an oil change every once and a while cyborgs need a whole new set of blood much like a cars. If not done once every half a year it can kill the cyborg using this augment.
    • EMP- This is a big one, emps can screw over any cyborg equipped with this because many of the vital functions are run off of the battery life. Basically if a cyborg equipped with this is EMPed for 5 min they are unable to move or see and they are on deaths door for those 5 min. After said 5 min the auxiliary power kicks in allowing the user to find a charging station.
    • Cloning- With cloning is virtually impossible to get these implants back unless the extremely invasive 7 day long procedure is preformed again.
    • flammable material- Aegisalt has a tendency to burst into flames when heated.
    Conditional Limitations (Optional):
    • The thermal protection doesn't stop it from being picked up by infrared.
    • When climbing, if the surface is wet the user will be unable to climb because they will have no more friction.
    • If the Cyborg using the cybernetic legs at full speed trips while running, or is tripped the result will be spectacular. Moving at up to 30 MPH through the air, this is not fun especially when you become a part of a brick wall, a house, or a street light. A similar thing will happen if there is oil in the road or other slick material except it would most likely be a high speed face plant or messing up the paint job on the backside cybernetics.

    Flavor text: this highly invasive cybernetic augmentation is experimental augmentation by ( DMs/mods insert giant mega corporation hear i don't know any good ones sense I'm new) and is currently being tested by a man named Samuru Sakamoto.

    Attainability: Semi-Closed, (i made this for my self but i am willing to let others use it)

    Tags: [Military]

    Category: Prosthetics
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2018
    LillithN likes this.
  2. Notanumber

    Notanumber The Archivist Ex-Staff

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Hey there, I'll be giving this it's first pending since I have a few issues I'd think need addressing before passing it.
    • Reduce sprint time. I'm fine with 30mph as a top speed but a person running at their fastest cannot last for anything close to 15 minutes. People tend to drop of exhaustion after one or two.
    • The camouflage device in the suit does not work as they have been established to thus far, which is by a refraction of light typically. There are already augments for active-camouflage within universe, that work differently than this. Those may need to be obtained outside of this app from their creators or other means.
    • For the sake of balance, I personally would recommend to reduce the strength from 150 lbs of lift weight down to around 120. Since this armour would already massively aid a character's speed and mobility above most combatants, the addition of an organic having heightened strength to compare with a synthetic on top of that could be considered unfair.
    • I would also say to make the cloning procedure last longer than 2 days, after the base cloning is finished. Potentially to an entire week. Since there is a lot of augmentation and much of it involves the nervous system and the brain, which are both very delicate to operate on.You wouldn't want to die a second time.
  3. XANA

    XANA New Arrival

    Mar 22, 2018
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    I am working on it with Burrburrburr-Burr Burr-Burrburr on discord cleaning it up if this is you can we talk on discord im still cleaning it up.

    1. All arms and legs are prosthetic (the user has all there limbs removed) so they Have no fatigue really its why i needed to put a 15 min cap because then they can go forever. lowerd to 20 sec at full speed
    2. They are not suits its a conglomerate of cybernetic implants as a suite. Also the active camouflage is part of the app think of it as an app within the app. you may say you would want me to make a separate application. Also i will most-likely be adding strengths and limitations separate to the whole cybernetics it is a whole other peace of equipment. Removing this now
    3. When I was talking about the lift weight with Burrburrburr-Burr Burr-Burrburr on discord he said the same thing accept 150 is alright if you insist that i take it down to 120 to 125 I will. ok 125 it is
    4. i agree with you on the last point you made totally i will do that. Compleated
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2018
  4. XANA

    XANA New Arrival

    Mar 22, 2018
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    All requests complete if I missed something let me know.
  5. Notanumber

    Notanumber The Archivist Ex-Staff

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Alright, thank you. I see no real further problems, I'll give this it's first pass, now to wait on that being seconded.
  6. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Okay. We talked about this for several days. I've reviewed it a dozen times and there's nothing left I can think of that needs re-evaluated. This is a big application, but it's not overpowered, so it's passed.
  7. Markus Aleksandr

    Markus Aleksandr The Liberated Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Deferred to armor.