Yemeket [ ZECYRIA ]

Discussion in 'Approved' started by LillithN, Mar 22, 2018.

  1. LillithN

    LillithN L i l l i t h Impervium Donator

    Oct 5, 2017
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    Description: First discovered by Gary Bathshire in 3008 after one almost wiped out an entire research squad, the Yemeket are a large, solitary and nomadic hunter, an extremely quick and agile creature that mostly relies on its camouflage of moss covered and hardened keratin scales to wait for and to ambush its prey. It could be described as a large cross between a lizard and a snake. The scales of the beast are the perfect environment for mosses and plant life to attach themselves to, resulting in what looks like lumbering shrubbery moving around the floor of the forest. The Yemeket are very fast breeders although this is countered by their nomadic nature, preferring to wander the Deepwood either by themselves in search for a life-long partner, or with their already found life-long partner who they will continue to breed with until death. When one partner dies, the other will search for a quiet place where it can also die such as a cave its burrow. Breeding occurs all year round but up to 80 eggs are laid once per year, usually in burrows protected by the mother as the father goes out to hunt.

    Their exterior is covered in small keratin scales from birth that over time, become extremely hardened enough to withstand serious attacks from clawed, spiked or a range of other violent predators. The yellow eyes of the Yemeket will reflect with light due to the mirror -like layer behind the retina, called the tapetum which helps them make the most of small amounts of light. The yellow glow one can see is the pigment on the inner layer of the retina. Perhaps the strangest of this exotic creature’s ‘abilities’, the entire Yemeket species suffers from a genetic disorder known as Ranius Nelager which is passed down from generation to generation, causing 70 percent of Yemeket to grow extra heads. The more heads a Yemeket has, the more likely it is to die young and be less effective wandering and hunting, as each head constantly fights for control. Contrary to Zecyrian belief, the Yemeket do not grow to extra heads if one is chopped off.

    Behavior: The Yemeket will search its entire life searching for a mate and therefore joins the list of planetary wanderers, although its territories and habitats are restricted to the warmer areas of Deepwood around the equator, the Yemeket are not creatures to be underestimated. Yemeket live in large burrows that they dig with their very large and dangerous claws and have adapted to the environment and learned to hunt in many ways. Depending on their energy levels and size, Yemeket may choose to remain still and rely on camouflage before attacking unsuspecting prey, or it could dash through the Deepwood until it finds something to attack and kill. When not hunting or wandering, the Yemeket will linger around an area that contains clean water such as a natural lake or cave, spending one quarter of their life sleeping of waiting for prey. The creature is known to attack humanoids without hesitation.

    Tamability: Can be tamed if collected from birth, but the Yemeket have a wild nature. Breeders would have to spend an abnormal amount of time with their Yemeket just to gain its trust and even then, they are completely unpredictable.

    Where is it found?: Native to the Zecyrian Deepwood.

    Rarity: Uncommon. Usually found within the warmer areas of the Deepwood, three kilometers from the tree line where there is minimal light.

    Diet: Carnivorous. Feeds on both small and large prey but prefers larger insects. Will become extremely sick and die from the bacteria of a Saran bite, resulting in Zecyrian adventurers spraying their rounds with Saran saliva.

    Products?: The green scales can be utilized as luxury items/trophies that can be carved into objects or to produce armour.

    Reproduction: Sexual. Reproduces by laying up to 80 eggs per year once a partner is found, will lay nothing until then.

    Size: 20+ meters high, 60+ meters long from head to tail. Fully grown around 30 years old.

    Weight: 3+ tonnes.

    Lifespan: 80 – 200 years.

    • Night Vision.
    • A giant lizard that in some cases, has multiple heads.
    • Extremely quick and agile.
    • Hardened keratin scales in adults.
    • Highly sought after on the black market as young due to their ‘cute’ appearance.
    • Saliva can cause debilitating infections within 24 hours of a bite, all treatable with the correct medication.
    • Extremely sensitive to light.
    • Extremely sensitive to sound.
    • Will flee from fire, bright lights or loud noises such as explosions or kinetic gunfire.
    • Susceptible to mutations, causing up to 6 extra heads to grow from birth.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2018
    Pinkbat5 likes this.
  2. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Hey there, @shhhhlp ! I'll be grading your app today, which for now, is getting a pending over a small formatting issue–
    I'm assuming you mean "they can only really see in dark areas", but night vision on its own isn't really a flaw, so I'd like you to just rephrase that one part or move it to abilities.
    LillithN likes this.
  3. LillithN

    LillithN L i l l i t h Impervium Donator

    Oct 5, 2017
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    That was a typo, thanks for pointing it out, all fixed!
  4. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Awesome. Before I can pass it, there is one more thing I have to bring up, something I thought I should comment on–
    You're goddamn right they're cute.
    LillithN likes this.