// Attached would be a picture of a light haired man named Yuma who would be wearing a red hoodie and dark grey jeans torn at the knees. He would be pointing at a Sundew flag that had recently been put in the place of an I.C.I.F flag on a strange planet. // Human man resists the tyranny of Islamic slavers of northern Fringe space at unknown location, tearing down their flag and spitting on and stomping it! Sundew lives on, #FreeSarracenia from sand men in pretty dress! #SundewDidNothingWrong! #Sundew lives on! // Anyone visiting the area would find the Dominion flag torn to shreds, the Sundew flag still in place. //
// User purgsoldier1 comments. // humans wanting to be like florans now what fucking world do we live in fucking degenerate please kill yourself // End //