Name: Gorgon arm prosthetic Description: A milk-white artificial arm, often decorated with black or silver ornaments. The exterior is comprised of the chalky, calcified solid material that makes up Gorgons. Within the arm is an organism that forms a symbiotic relationship with the user, feeding off the user’s body while granting the user access to its ability. Abilities: People in the distance of roughly 40 feet will selectively experience hallucinations and visions, occasionally feeling out of their body. The bearer has slight control over the experience, but can generally control who will be affected. Conditional Abilities (Optional): If used repeatedly on someone, the victim might develop cuil cancer or develop a severe mental illness (like schizophrenia). Some models come with sharp nails, their quality akin to obsidian. Limitations: Upon the bond being created, a few old and vague memories are often exchanged for fabricated ones. This becomes more popular over time. Range of about 40 feet. The arm doesn't provide much artificial strength, in fact, it’s quite weak. The bearer will develop a severe mental illness themself if they use the limb’s powers repeatedly for a long period of time, from the constant exposure altering brain chemistry. The organism which sources the anomalous effect consumes electrical signals in the host’s brain, much like Qarins, as well as directly sapping processed nutrients from digestion. The effect occurs whenever the host is unable to devote attention to it. Such as during rest. This will, inevitably, lead to a whole slew of conditions over time. Discolouration of skin, decreased sleep quality, headaches and general malaise are common effects. Conditional Limitations (Optional): The prosthetic is by no means indestructible, the pallid sarcophagus will shatter into pieces if hit with enough mass. The inner material will then be exposed, losing its selective ability. Thus, the not comprehensible material and some metal bits will be exposed; the comprehensible a true puzzle for the mind. One would argue its form is akin to colour to a colour blinded person. How does it work: Upon initial activation, the ghastly hyperspace material hidden inside the arm links itself with the user, thus creating an artificial bond. Similar to a Qarin. The user can now slowly learn to control the effects of the uncanny prosthetic. During actual use, the organism within becomes active, slowly latching on and feeding off the user. The E.C.F (Environmental Cuil Factor) is increased as a result of this, in a range of up to 40 feet, getting higher near the user. This can cause those within range to experience hallucinations, as reality begins to lose its grip on the surroundings. Upon the arm being used and when the victim is in the line of sight (otherwise it will not function), a colourless glow is emitted by the forearm. Flavor text: Mandate, the Dominion funded Home Guard of Kyrie, and the Ethereal Division have been experimenting on the deceased Gorgons, the mysterious anomalies that have been showing up round Kyrie lately. The Gorgon limb is a side product of all the testing with their rock-solid corpses. Referenced Technologies (Optional): Tears Attainability: (Semi-closed) It can be obtained from the Holy Dominion, but mainly as a reward from events on Kyrie. Tags: Military Category: Prosthetics (credit to yong for help)
We discussed this at length a while ago. Everything is fine. You made the necessary edits we threw in so it wasn't completely untraceable and the effects are completely treatable. Passed.