Manus Oculori

Discussion in 'Approved' started by zecon125, Mar 4, 2018.

  1. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    : Manus Oculori, Handymen

    Manus Oculori come in a variety of physical appearances. These forms typically consist of one to three eyes and a tail. Though in some cases they have been recorded having small bodies or even mouths, which are capable of consuming small amounts of food. They are made up of entirely phase matter and are capable of changing their color at any time.

    (Several different examples)

    Manus Oculori, or Handymen, are known to have intelligence roughly the same as the earthly Crow. Even further, they have been observed to act in accordance with distinctive (if simple) personalities. Going as far as to get angry and fight each other and other species. They also have a very rough form of communication through changing color. Beyond this they have been seen gathering around areas of vibrant color.

    They are easy to tame if one knows how. The typical method involves luring them to you with a bright display of color, before attempting to appease their personality in someway. This often involves a gift or interaction or some sort. In example, some of them are “greedy” and take pleasure in amassing small hoards of shiny objects. When sufficiently upset, they will engage a “flight or fight” response, and either run away from the companion angry, or attempt to attack them.

    Where is it found?:
    They are typically found in areas of bright, vibrant color such as nebulas. This is particularly true when the area around the color is dim and bleak, making it stand out.

    Handymen can be found very rarely traveling the galaxy, uncommonly on colorful areas of planets, and very commonly in nebulas.

    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy:
    Typically it relies on bioelectricity and light to feed itself, though some have been observed “eating” in a more traditional sense.

    Phase matter is the only real gain from killing them.

    They reproduce asexually, simply splitting off a bit of themselves whenever they grow too big.

    The eye and body can grow up to 2 feet tall or wide, while the tail can reach upwards of 9 feet. If they grow any bigger, they will instead split off the excess.

    They weigh anywhere from 4 to 6 pounds.

    They can live up to one hundred and fifty years if given reliable food, though it is noted that they can die from stress.

    +Limited shapeshifting: Within the boundaries the Handyman can assume any form it chooses to. This is entirely dependant on what it wants, and is subject to change as it grows to liking new things.

    +Utility: They will often obey the commands of those who can appease them, making for great companions or fighting partners.

    +Typical Phasematter Stuff: You know this, phasing, near-weightless, floating, etc.

    -Personality: Handymen’s personalities can often be a weakness to both their companion and themselves, as they are often known to get into situations they can not handle or otherwise get themselves killed.

    -Typical Phasematter Stuff: Heat, can only stay solid for so long, etc.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2019
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  2. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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