Name: Halnacea “Valkyrie” Crystals Description: A Valkyrie crystal. The energy of Valkyrie itself appears as a deep, bright red energy that constantly twists and turns over itself. In the natural crystals that form of this energy, Valkyrie appears a deep crimson, the crystals themselves warm to the touch no matter the outside temperature. Abilities: +++Can resurrect a corpse without major damage to the person, given that the brain matter isn't too heavily damaged or the body has been dead for longer than ~two minutes. (5-6 turns) ++Promotes rapid cell growth in any subject it is applied to, speeding the healing process of wounds by a very large margin. +Reverts growth of the body to almost a fetal state, allowing the body to regenerate normally irreplacable cells such as portions of the nervous system. +Boost metabolism and allows muscles to gain density and tonage much more easily. Limitations: ---Overdoses overencourage dangerous amounts of cell division, horrifically degenerating the victim into a feral, violent pool of volatile, incredibly resilient biomass. ---Resurrecting a corpse that has been dead for longer than two minutes or with too much damage to the brain matter returns it as a feral, vicious 'zombie'. ---Any application of Valkyrie twists the users' DNA in favor of allowing its safe existence in the body, making them impossible to clone from that body. Conditional Limitations (Optional): -Cannot be used on any synthetic or robotic species. -The incredibly boosted metabolism produces very large amounts of body heat, making overheating a very real danger. How does it work: Valkyrie’s energy operates by bonding itself to living cells, energizing them and, if the cells are dead, hijacking them and puppeting them alongside their living comrades as ‘zombie cells’ until they can be replaced. Spurring on rapid division of cells, Valkyrie helps the body to much more efficiently use resources to regenerate dead tissue, overworking every cell in the body to improve it tenfold, and speeding up digestion and absorption of nutrients to feed the new growth. Valkyrie twists the DNA of whatever it's applied to, changing it so new cells forming are more acclimatized to Valkyrie's presence and improvements. Flavor text: Valkyrie was first discovered when a Katlonian miner stumbled across a horrible sludge of flesh and bone, spawned from one of the creatures in the mines having ingested too many of the crystals. Attainability: Semi-Closed. DM me if you want a planet to have this on it, otherwise you need to acquire it ICly to be able to use it. Tags: [Civilian] Category: Materials
I'm sorry to say but I have to reject this application due to its overall lack of scientific reasoning and explanation as to how the crystal truly functions. While it is not required to be a genius and go "hard sci fi" it is required that what is being apped makes logical sense. The issues I found with this application are as follows: - Where does the energy within the crystal come from? - What allows a naturally occurring crystal the ability to interact with organic structures in these ways? - Why does a body turn into a fetus? - How does it simulate the perception of life to cells and the rest of the body? - How does it keep a brain-dead organism alive? While the concept is interesting, it is too much of a stretch for a natural material to perform such stupendous acts under such vague reasoning.
Hello, I'm going to be seconding this rejection. If you wish to create a new application it must be given a complete overhaul from the original, as if it had received three fail grades. Moving to denied.