Mk1 Chaser Exoskeleton

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Childish Afro, Feb 25, 2018.

  1. Childish Afro

    Childish Afro New Arrival

    Feb 25, 2018
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    Name: Mk 1 Starchaser Exoskeleton

    Description: [​IMG]

    A titanium and steel reinforced exoskeleton that can be worn on the body like a support frame it’s made with kevlar based fabric covering on the upper torso and joints while the frame is supported by steel joints and titanium pistons. It has a small frame and was made to allow the user to operate it under their clothing. The suit has minor reactive hydraulics on it’s legs and arms pushing back against any force like a springs allowing the user if they are skilled enough to react and run faster this varies from person to person as the skill required to use it is different.

    Abilities: The exoskeleton allows the user to carry his/her equipment with ease up to around 160 pounds allowing them to move quicker on average. So lets say a human puts this on and they can run up to 15 miles per hour if they have the stamina they can run up to 20 miles per hour for a short distance seeing how the Servos are pushing back against there force. Using the legs and arms reaction based on the person skill is doubled this does not mean your neo nah just means if someone throws a punch and you react like a prissy sissy you move faster

    Conditional Abilities (Optional): This suit is based on reaction and timing most situations this was made for allowed the user to react quicker in situations where they were hunting bounty targets you know? Thats as close as i can see this mostly applies to Melee combat i can’t see it affecting draw speed as the pistons won’t be pushing off anything.

    Limitations: This suit was the first line of Exoskeletons created by Rouge starchasers many designs vary but the premise still remains. The frame is hard to maintain and often jams parts are in disrepair and are constantly needing replacing. This bodysuit was made in mind for novakids when in use by humans it’s purely skill and stamina based. The gears and fluid lines are exposed and can be damaged if you know the right places to hit. Lifting is mostly based on a person own strength but the suits support gives out after 160 pounds

    Conditional Limitations (Optional): I ain’t got any

    How does it work: On the back of the suit is a power pack made up of 30 micro batteries imagine AA batteries but it’s the future and there pretty damn strong. These packs give the suit a running time of three days under full pressure. For the most port it’s mostly pistons and hydraulic presses pushing in and out while the person is locked into the suit giving them support when needed. The whole point as i’ve stated before was to allow the user to react in situations quicker whether they achieve this feat is based on skill.

    Flavor text: This is in no way an original design the concept of an exoskeleton has been around for Eons and created by racies young and old. This specific brand is known around the fringes ports as a Chase suit worn by Starchasers or “ Old bounty hunters “ the designs been floating around for ages first created by some crazy novakid gunsmith then passed down over the ages by friends family and brothers in arms. It’s easy to find but hard to use.

    Referenced Technologies (Optional):

    Attainability: Prettty damn open go to a space port B and pay about 50,000

    Tags: (List any and all applicable tags here in accordance with the tagging guidelines)

    Category: Wearable (armor, power armor, exosuits, clothes, etc.),
  2. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Okay, we talked about this app in DMs. The gist of it was that it's vulnerable to EMPs and doesn't protect from anything in regard to force or heat and strictly serves the purpose of boosting strength and speed, of which those advantages only apply if the person knows how to use it and is in good condition. That aside it probably weighs about 30 or 40 pounds so if it does get EMPed, that becomes dead weight on the wearer which will inevitably slow them down. The strength and speed limitations are also well within acceptable boundaries. It doesn't boost reaction time, but it will be a good aid for those who already do have good reaction time. I'm giving this a pass.