Goodbye + Apology to Hatsur, Roval_Jax, YZ, DaTimeSmog, and a few others

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by NublarRex, Nov 29, 2017.

  1. NublarRex

    NublarRex New Arrival

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I’m leaving GC partly because I don’t have the time, partly because my PC can’t handle Calypso, partly due to forum stagnation, and partly due to server activity. I also think a lot of people didn’t like T-5LR and that in turn made dislike me. T-5 is dead now much to the relief of many. I feel like I made a few for the lack of a better term “enemies” or at least people who just don’t like me mainly due to my behavior and I’d like to apologize for my annoying behavior.

    I’m sorry to first and for most Hatsur due to my passive aggressive behavior towards you I’m not the biggest fan of Islam as a religion and I was passively aggressively taking it out on on even though you aren’t a Muslim IRL.

    Second is Roval_Jax I won’t be completing the Six project, sorry.

    Next is DaTimeSmog I honestly don’t know why you hate me I guess it was my cautious behavior around you that one time on Discord and I’m sorry for that I guess. I just had a bad first impression of you with the whole Azul thing (Not going into detail that’s all I’m saying) and that sort of made me cautious around you. First impressions are everything and mine was negative and not your fault. Although I love the Shin’kali there are a lot of dope concepts with it like with the Infested Ship and the living weapons.

    Furthermore is YongZhi who met Tyler. He (he being Tyler) sucked and I’m sorry. I wasn’t a good roleplayer back then (and to some extent I still suck) I basically made a character who was the living incarnation of the thought process of the devs for the Shadow the Hedgehog game (Come to think of it there are a lot a parallels between the two characters) and I forced you to endure him thank you for not booting me from the event because I sucked and letting me stay to the end despite my edgy behavior. I hope you’re happy knowing Tyler killed himself while in prison so he died serving out his long overdue sentence.

    Finally is to all the people who witnessed my outbursts of frustrations on the server though I’m surely far from the first or the last person who’s done this I might as well apologize for it. That was immature of me and I’m sorry.

    Well anyway goodbye. It’s been fun for the most part. I may or may not return, who knows.
  2. inactive account

    inactive account Inactive Account Ex-Staff Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    It's always sad to see members leave, especially those that have been with us for a while. You'll certainly be missed.

    On another note, I can personally agree to some of Nublar's statements. While I myself don't really agree with Islam in GC, I can attest Hastur's (Hatsur, LOL.) way of handling it has made it very entertaining and easy to understand.

    I may not have witnessed this "outburst" on the server, but we all make mistakes.

    Hope to see you again soon, good luck on future endeavors.
  3. Hastur

    Hastur the assad regime will reclaim syria

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I don't recall you ever being passive aggressive to me, but that's fine. I accept your apology I guess.
  4. Roval_Jax

    Roval_Jax New Arrival

    Jul 1, 2017
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    No worries NR. Take it easy pal and may your future endeavors reward you well.
  5. Dorfus

    Dorfus Sword Fiend

    Jun 26, 2017
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    yeah I'm glad you at least realized how bad that rp of yours was. no offense but I thought you came straight out of roblox rp when I saw you going "*eyes glow red, making an evil smile*" all the time.
  6. Ninin

    Ninin New Arrival

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Hey, I'm sorry too. I was a bit aggressive as well, and I'd like to apologize to you before you leave.