Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by WowGain, Jun 27, 2017.

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  1. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    // A web-archive is set up for most of the larger news stories from the Nexus over the past year or so, allowing anyone to easily catch up on the major changes in the galaxy if they so wished // ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    //Originally reported on 11/8/3283//
    //News reports would begin to broadcast across Tachyonic Communication Broadband, both in radio frequencies and television frequencies. They would interrupt some lower-band communications which were nearby on the spectrum, mostly music channels most follow the same pattern, but the largest would start with a feminine voice of a Hylotl reporter//

    "Breaking news! This is coming straight out of the sector of Nova Australasia, capital planet of the Fringe Arm of the United Systems Colonial Marines. It has been confirmed that a wide-scale attack has occurred within the past few hours on the planet's surface. Reports speak of a small fleet of ships appearing over the planet's orbit, destroying several patrol forces of the USCM around the sector upon arrival. Ignoring demands from the planet below, they immediately began orbital bombardment and deployment of sub-atmospheric craft, which led fire-bombings across the city without remorse. Confirmed locations of the attack so far include large sections of the economic hubs of the city, large portions of the Government Sector, and.. oh lord.. It has been confirmed that a multitude of important monuments of religious and cultural importance to Humanity have been completely destroyed during the attacks, including a massive statue which was erected upon the planet following its reception as a gift of peace by one of the first alien species that humanity encountered. Good lord.. Reports on my desk say that the ships which led this devastating attack upon the Fringean USCM's capital planet are in line with those associated wit-"

    //The broadcasts would suddenly cut, static resounding over a massive portion of the Tachyonic Communication Spectrum. This static continues for several moments before ceasing abruptly as loud fanfare begins to play. For those watching on TV, the imagery of a banner would appear on screen, beginning to fade as a large, armored Glitch seated upon a black and crimson throne came into view. The fanfare would begin to fade as this Glitch spoke in a deep, powerful tone. They have obviously been modified so as to have inflection to their voice//


    "Greetings, denizens of the Fringe. I imagine you were deep within the throes of some pitiful excuse for a report shortly before now. I shall save you from the follies of whatever "journalism" you were being exposed to. Let us do away with the pretext, as I assume you have already heard the details. Many lives have been brought to an end today, and I imagine many more will continue to cease in the coming days. I am responsible for these deaths." *The Glitch steps down from his throne, standing with a large blade, tip pressed to the ground.* "At this time, I imagine those of you who have lived within the Fringe for a time have already come to recognize my visage. For those of you not lucky enough to know of my face, allow me to enlighten you. I am High King Blackhelm, ruler of the Black Empire and, soon, the Fringe and the Galaxy itself. Today's events were simply a small display of what will become of anyone who doubts my will to expand forth. The faith of these weak people has been destroyed, as will the faith or hope of a desire to resist this. For those who lay down their arms immediately and swear ultimate fealty to the reign of the Black Empire, mercy will be extended your way, and you shall be welcomed as a denizen of the Empire's glory. But, for those who fail to accept their fate, they shall fall, just as Kotari did weeks earlier, and just as the foolish USCM capital did today."

    *Four Glitch would come into view on TV, each dressed in a uniform that accented black to its main color. One would be wearing a large ball gown, all black save for purple highlights, another a hunter's jacket and something which resembled a Pith uniform, a large golden monocle set upon one optic, the third a doctor's clothes, a plague doctor's mask set upon their face, seemingly fused to it. The fourth a massive knight with a shield nearly as tall as their great form, armor colored in shades of silvers and blacks.*

    "The proud Lords and Ladies standing beside me are my loyal Lieutenants. You shall soon become well acquainted with them as my armies march forth into my old home, standing beside those who have already seen the truth in my words and how the Empire is the only true power which can stand to lead this Galaxy into prosperity's arms." *Blackhelm would chortle slightly in his deep, vile tone, each hiccup of laughter cutting forth with the slightly synthetic tone that carried in every Glitch's voice, regardless of augmentation.* "Ten years is so long to be away from home. I pray it shall welcome me back with open arms, lest those arms be made open by force."

    //The fanfare would begin to play once more as the flag of the Black Empire faded in, slowly trailing away into darkness before static began to hum once more, remaining as such. It seemed as though the Empire was jamming a large area of the Communication Spectrum still. This jamming would last for around eight hours, during which time most would find that radio transmissions would be quite difficult to convert to Tachyonic form, and the Interstellar portions of the Nexus would be loading extremely slowly. As one might imagine, discussion couldn't necessarily be made directly to the Black Empire in response to this transmission, but many places of 3rd party discussion would be heating up//
  2. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    //Originally reported on 1/13/3284//​

    // A small news segment would come from UACC space, tagged as being related to science and technology, it included photos from data-outputs by UACC Tachyonic Detectors and astrological reports

    Around 46 hours ago, a massive burst of tachyonic activity was detected around a nearby star, within 25ly of the main star of the UACC stellar system. After the tachyonic burst failed to match with any known FTL burst emission patterns, a full spectral analysis was undertaken, in which the remnants of the effects of large quantities of dark energy was detected. In response, a research team was dispatched to the location of the star, advised to expect the unexpected. However, what was discovered was far beyond the realms of what any of these researchers would have dreamed be capable. The star in its entirety was absent. It was not destroyed, moved, or otherwise tampered with in a way by which its current location could be calculated, simply gone, as if it had never existed. By this time, the gravitic well it once held within the system had long faded, and the planets and asteroids which once orbited it were in great disarray, a maelstrom of disorder and chaos which nearly claimed the lives of the entirety of the research vessel, had they not quickly made a daring escape from the now-dead system.

    The appearance of dark energy has lead researchers to question whether this disappearance was related in any way to Hyperspace, however, it is too early for any sure claims to be made on the source of this phenomenon.

    We will follow this story as it develops.

    //Comments would be enabled, and there was already a rather lively discussion going on from those within the region of the UACC, all sides unsure of how such a thing could be possible. ​
  3. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    //Original reported on 12/4/3283//

    //A report would appear on the Nexus, distributed by the CivSpace Arm of the USCM, commonly referred to as the Core USCM, they are responsible for the management of Human Colonies within CivSpace, a subset of the Earth Armada//​

    Attention Civilians. Following the abhorrent attack upon the Nova Australia system by the forces of the Black Armada and the blatant corruption by the existing Officer Corp within the Fringe, a decision has been reached by the USCM High Command. Effective immediately, all Fringe colonies under the command of the Fringe Arm of the USCM shall be be under the jurisdiction of the CivSpace Arm of the USCM and associated Officer Corps. All personnel currently assigned under the Fringe Arm of the USCM shall be reassigned to the new division until such time that the Fringe Arm of the USCM can be fully reestablished under a new Officer Corp.

    Outlying Fringe USCM colonies have been established as bases of operation until such time that a full reclaiming action upon the capital of Nova Australasia can be undertaken.

    Consider all other information surrounding the control and administration of the Fringe Arm of the USCM to be null, void, and henceforth shall be understood as splinter cell activity.

    Perpetua vivere hominis, Perpetua vivere terra.

  4. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    //Originally reported on 10/18/3283//​

    //Articles of similar topic to this would begin to flare up around the Nexus, entire discussion boards popping up simply for the sake of talking about this occurrence. By now, most of CivSpace would be chattering about it, nearly all of the Tachyonic broadband being used for discussion and relay of this information//



    Reports surrounding the recent fall of nearly all of the Kotari Outreach Branch of Civilian Space are rocking the galaxy, with many wondering how such a drastic military failure could occur without much resistance on the part of the United Armadas.

    Early speculation points to a lack of available resources for the sector, with Human and Avian forces expended on the their threats to the South, and the Hylotl and Florans nearly all but abandoning their posts, instead devoting their ships to the ever intensifying war between the two species. Whatever the case, this is clearly a tragedy for the sanctity of the galaxy as a whole, one that will not soon be recovered from.

    Although the majority of Tachyonic transmission feeds from the area have been silenced, the few reports which were able to escape the cluster of outposts and colonies seem to draw blame toward the enigmatic "Black Empire", a recent cropping of Glitch kingdoms which have slowly united over the past decade shortly after the end of the Galactic War.

    Although there have been a multitude of aggressive and questionable actions by the Umbral Armada toward ships from Avos and the Earth Armada, leading to a series of sanctions and blockades, dubbed a cold war between the nations, this would be the first true act of war from the nation against a neighboring body. The Empire remains silent on the situation, all silent air from their regime, for now.

    //On this article, an area for comments exists. Many people are already flooding it with various discussion points, varying from helpful, to devil's advocate, to downright stupidity. Such is the Nexus.//​
  5. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    //Originally reported on 3/13/3283//​

    //A transmission would cut across the majority of all airspace. It begins with a patriotic military march, lyrics in a Glitch language. It continues on for a few seconds before fading into the background as a booming Glitch voice cuts in, seemingly modified to allow for the interpretation of inflection by non-Glitch recipients.//​

    "Our might has been proven, tempered by the heat of battle into a steel blade that shall cut down all who stand in the way of our deserved victory! Any attempts to bypass this Holy Dominion shall be quickly brought to a standstill. We have cut a swathe into the empires of the Avian and the Humans, and they have shown to be pitiful as opponents to this conquest.
    This is our statement, denizens of the Galaxy:
    Join, or be swallowed by the growing umbra of our King's Empire.
    This is the only warning that shall be given, those who dare to contest this shall have no chance of redemption."

  6. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    //Originally reported on 5/12/3283//

    //A post is made on a syndicated news source//​

    There are "Signs of recovery in the Galactic Markets", so say representatives from the Mercantile Guild of CivSpace. These statements follow attempts at the reconstruction and reconstitution of Pixel Mints by the Foundation, which have been quoted to "Be going well so far". These achievements by international organizations have led to a re-crediting of the value of the Pixel. Though minor, it is a sign of restoration attempts working so far.

    Things are looking up for the economic structure of the Galaxy following the December Crash of 3282, but a return to the once universal use of the Pixel as a currency seems, at least at the moment, out of the question for the foreseeable future.

    //END POST​
  7. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    //Originally reported on 3/6/3283//
    //Relayed across deep communications would be a signal, repeated on a loop every other hour for a period of eight hours. It opens with the voice of an Apex, automatically translated to Galactic Standard. The sound of static and a bleeding radio frequency could be heard during its duration, as if it was competing for the airwaves. The sound of MiniKnog Fanfare would push into the audio every now and then, coupled with dim chants of "Hail Big Ape!"

    "-Don't know how long we'll have the ability to get through their jammers, took us this long just to get this far. *The speaker takes a breather, collecting their thoughts.* Greetings, citizens of the galaxy. For what has been a process in the last few months, starting at around the time of the Economic Crash, the MiniKnog have been attempting to suppress our calls for help. We have been fighting for our freedom from their constant silence and oppression, and their weakness during this time of economic despair has been our golden key to what might just be hope.

    Hope for freedom of all Apex-kind. Hope for freedom from the disgusting acts of the MiniKnog and their Devil King, Big Ape. Hope for a day when all Apex can rejoice and be proud of their homelands without being forced to adulate at the end of a gun.

    We will tear these monsters down, and now is the time when we finally can make our years of fighting a reality. We will not be ignored. We will not be pushed aside and forgotten. We will prevail.
    *The speaker becomes more energetic in their speaking, becoming heavily invested in their announcement.*

    Today marks the day when the Apex will finally have their say! Today is the day! We shall not stand by and wait for our saviors to come for us, as we will take our title as Apex, and use this to tear down the silence!

    For all of our kind! Unite!

  8. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    //Originally reported on 3/1/3283//

    //An announcement would be signal boosted across the galaxy, being aired on many major news outlets both in CivSpace and the Fringe. It appears to be a television signal, the camera pointed at a podium with several flags on either side of it. Behind the podium is the emblem of the Hylotl Empire. After a few moments of silence, only accented by the sound of camera apertures clicking, a male Hylotl of experienced age would step in front of the podium, pulling the microphone toward his mouth. He appears to be wearing a form of official armor, much like that worn by a shogun. The speech begins with an opening, spoken in native Hylitia by a soft, feminine voice. This is followed by the Hylotl at the podium speaking in an authoritative voice, subtitles showing translations to Galactic Standard.//
    "By the Grace of Paradises, Emperor of Axolotia, High Shōgun Tokùkoto, seated on the throne occupied by the same dynasty from time immemorial, enjoin upon thee, Our loyal and brave subjects:"

    "After the latest atrocities of the barbaric savages in the Floran Concordat, the Heavenly Throne and Empire of the Hylotl has found that We have no choice but to open all channels in which war must be taken up against the Floran threat. It has been many years since We have found ourselves made to bare witness to these battles, and just as my Grandfather set the foundation for the protection of our Illustrious worlds, it has come time again that We must take up the sword against the Grim powers that stand at the gates, willing and ready to attempt to tear down the beauty of a proud Race.

    These crimes shan't go unpunished, and these animalistic attempts to damage the hallowed waves of Our Great Sea of the Hylotl Empire shall not stand, but merely flail and collapse at Our Grand Might.

    Let it not be said that the fair hand of Justice has resorted to bloodshed primarily, as Our diplomatic and economic attempts to create ties to their nations have been widespread and varied. For what seemed like a Golden time, there were sights in which a future could have been forged in the name of cooperation, though these visions have been crushed thoroughly by the malcontent of Our aggressors.

    We have come to this realization. A declaration of total War upon the Floran Concordat, cultural and militaristic, we cannot relent, we cannot give quarter, and we cannot stop, until Our confident expectation that the task bequeathed by Our forefathers will be carried forward and that the sources of evil will be speedily eradicated and an enduring peace immutably established from Axolotia to the far hinterlands, preserving thereby the glory of Our Empire."

    //The Hylotl would salute before stepping away from the podium, amidst a torrent of fervent adulation from the crowd, supplemented by the shouted questions by journalists at the front, microphones extended. The sound of the crowd would quickly fade out, once again the feminine Hylotl voice would narrate//

    "In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hand and caused the Grand Seal of the Empire to be affixed at the Imperial Palace, Axolotia, this twenty-fifth day of the 2nd month of the 20th year of Kùrito, corresponding to the 2,400th year from the accession to the throne of Emperor Kotùsu."

    //End of Broadcast//​
  9. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    //Originally reported on 2/2/3283//
    //A Fringe-based broadcasting system would go on air, taking up a large amount of the airwaves with an emergency broadcast//

    *A rather exasperated sounding newscaster would begin to speak, they seem to be Hylotl from their voice.*

    "This is Takiya Yamioto, reporting in on the highest signal bandwidth possible from our station to report on a breaking news story, truly, CivSpace has reached critical mass. Merely hours ago, several key grid-points on the unified power grids went down.

    At this time it is unknown what group was responsible for this event, but it has left the majority of CivSpace without power. These unified grids of wireless energy transmission have been a blessing for the sectors, allowing massive planetary generator hubs to produce massive amounts of power to supply the many cities throughout CivSpace, but it appears as though the unthinkable has truly occurred.

    These happenings are coinciding with recent reports of mass militarization and introduction of martial law in the sectors, as well as the dissolution of several peace treaties between the nations, including a crucial Floran-Hylotl Armistice Agreement, one that has kept the war between the two nations without incident for several decades. Surely, these events will increase the already strenuous amount of CivSpace refugees fleeing to the Fringe, as well as the tensions between Governments and their peoples. Please, if I can ask that we all take a moment, and look into our hearts for compassion for these people, displaced by these horrors, and offer them a hand so that they may find their way, and a moment of silence for those who have fallen in these happenings."

    *She pauses for several seconds, silence cutting through the broadcast.*

    "And until the next story breaks, this is Takiya Yamioto, signing out."

  10. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    //Originally reported on 12/25/3282//
    //Amateur footage would be leaked to the Nexus, it would be spread quickly but it appears as though the source must have been posted within the past few hours//

    *The video starts shakily, appearing to have been done by some sort of built-in camera. The person filming appears to be inside of some form of large warehouse, it seems as though the building is owned by GromTech, as evidenced by several large logos on the walls and other materials in the building. Many people are running about, quickly, a person learned in the latest of robotics would recognize them to be Yin models of androids, with bright white skin and reddish hair/fins/etc. They seem to be scattering at the sound of gunshots from various corners of the facility. The Yin recording turns its head to face one of the sources of these shots, several other robot-esque intruders running about with various weaponry, taking down or capturing Yin as they go. One stands at a distance, firing what appears to be some form of automatic crossbow gun at fleeing Yin while laughing in an almost jolly fashion. Some of the louder speech from the bot is picked up in the mania, but is quickly drowned out again.*

    "..HAHA! What a glorious hunt, I do believe the doctor was displeased at the lack of fleshies around to bag and tag, how sad.."

    *The footage cuts out, coming back in at a timestamp of around ten minutes later. The Yin is on board some form of escape pod with others fleeing the scene. The one recording looks out to a large ship orbiting the warehouse, seemingly preparing to leave. It bursts away into FTL space, leaving the warehouse behind. Several seconds later, an explosion would go off in the warehouse, a bright flash resulting from a wall of the facility, starting to eat away the very field itself, asteroids starting to fall apart as if they were being dissolved in acid, fading away into a momentary burst of bright energy. The camera holds the scene for around ten more seconds, the passengers of the pod in shock and awe, silence cutting through the air like a steel knife. The video ends.*
  11. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    //Originally reported on 12/30/3282//
    //A post would be made by a Fringe-Based news network. It would quickly blow up on the Nexus, on most, if not all, forms of social media and micronews sites within two hours.//

    Based on information given by the DDWJ Industrial Average and the Unified Pixel Mint, at approximately 7:45 PM UST, a massive crash has occurred across all shares, an unprecedented drop in economic health. This trend mirrors an almost simultaneous massive increase in the inflation rate of Pixels. This sudden change follows reports and rumors of civil strife in CivSpace, including riots and strikes at several key Pixel Mints that ended up in the destruction of many of the needed press-machines to facilitate the creation of pixel manufacturing. Many people have been rushing to their banks, finding it impossible to withdraw their funds into a physical form. Whether this latest change is connected to the recent surge of insurgence and terror-inspired attacks on several locations, it is unknown at the current time.

    //Attached is a file, it appears to be a snippet of the averages around the time of the crash//

  12. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    //Originally reported on 12/25/3282//
    //An news article would source from a major outlet, published within the last half hour or so//

    Recently confirmed are the results of a massive attack on the USSS systems, now home to the country's entire populous as of their recent extraction from Fringe operations. As it currently stands, much information is still unknown, but rumors are being substantiated that two of the planets within the various star systems have received major damage. Several other high-population public and private areas are currently experiencing high casualties. More information will be given as it is discovered. Be safe, citizens.
  13. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    //Originally reported on 12/12/3282//

    //An intro would begin, outlining a background of Grom's history with his company and its growth for those that would be unfamiliar with who he was. The intro would fade out to an Apex interviewer and Grom Grimm, sitting in mirrored chairs.//
    "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Galaxy, this is your weekly broadcast of 'Stars in the Stars', today we have Grom Grimm, CEO of his self-started company 'GromTech' here with us. So, Grom. You've made quite the name for yourself rather quickly, how's that fame been for you as of late?"

    "Well, after finding out how easy it was in some outer colonies, I figured I'd have some fun with it and see how far it goes, and see if it outgrows my fame as a musician. So far, so good. I do spend lots of time in the Fringe though, where I'm much 'Famous'. People crowding you can be tiresome when you want to get a drink without wading through a mob."

    "It must be rather draining to have such an active following going on around you at all times. So, what compelled you to start with the direction GromTech is currently going in?"

    "Boredom mostly. I mean, it's more or less going in every direction, which I'll be returning to shortly, but the direction it's been going up until now has peaked my interest, so I followed through on it. Eventually I'm sure the question will arise 'Why is it still called GromTech?' to which I preemptively reply, 'Because I'm using tech to do everything'. I'm sorry, getting off topic. So yeah, what compels me to take any action most of the time is mostly boredom. Having everything you want, turns out, pretty boring after a while."

    "I see, and has it mostly been smooth sailing for you? I imagine there must have been some rocky goings for you in the past, like with any company taking such a risk."

    "Surprisingly, I'm currently experiencing the closest thing to a 'Rocky patch' as I assume I'll get. Mostly it's been an easy rise. A lot of people try starting their own business, but they always leave some part of the work to other people, or other companies. Whether it be for manufacturing, shipping, mining, etcetera. I decided the easiest way to keep expenses low was simply to cut out all the middle men. So, other than a few retailers, I haven't had to deal with anyone or anything. Some competitors were angry over the years, but they were either ignored, or bought out."

    "Oh? Could you shed any light on what this recent trouble may be?"

    "Oh, I was under the impression that said trouble was why I was here. Well, with the recent destruction or whatever of the outpost, some guys decided to team up and figure out who or what caused it. As such, they're going around to random companies that have to do with manufacturing and or shipping and stopping their workflow so they can investigate and hopefully get some minor clue as to who and or what they are looking for. I happened to be next on their list, and now I'm down to about 40% productivity, which, while still generating lots of income is still pretty lame. Hence why I'm going to start branching out more. That, and boredom."

    "I see! Do you have anything to say about the actions of this so-called 'Task Force'? Others in the industry have been rather vocal lately."

    "Eh. I'd care more if they were competent. As it is, I'm just having fun watching them find nothing. Chances of the 'Attack' being anything more than an accident are fairly low."

    "So, you believe the destruction of the Outpost wasn't intentional? What leads you to say this?"

    "I've yet to hear of any groups with enough technology to intentionally affect the outpost in any way. And if anyone was going to know about tech-related groups, it would be me."

    "You seem rather sure of yourself. So, what about these new ventures you've been looking into? Anything you might tell us about that?"

    "Well, besides getting close to a breakthrough on Hard-light, and getting N-space re-legalized, I've been thinking about making a unified bank for the Fringe, and starting a small blog/news site. That, and getting back into advertising, and showbiz in general. Also I have this little project on a planet I created, yes created, which should implement Hard-light once it's complete."

    "Sounds like you're quite the busy man! So, do you have anything to tell the viewers out there about all that's been going on lately?"

    *He looks at the camera* "Unless someone does come forwards with proof they can, and did, attack the outpost, there's nothing to worry about. And even if there was something to worry about, I'm sure there's something I sell that will help you worry less. Meds, weapons, defense tech, personal home protect-o-bots, you name it, I'll probably sell it to you. *Cue smile and wink* "Gromtech, because why not?"

    "Well, thank you for allowing us the pleasure of interviewing you. Ladies and Gentlemen of the Galaxy, this has been your segment of 'Stars in the Stars', and have a safe night."

    //The broadcast would end with its closing segment, moving onto the regular programming shortly after//
  14. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    //Originally reported on 11/22/3282//

    //A large news media outlet would have a new head story, relayed through most micro-news websites and social media within a few hours//

    Rumors have been spreading like wildfire ever since the sudden disappearance of the Mass Immigration Hub known as the "Outpost" by local Fringe citizens this past week's end. Though the reason for this sudden incident is unknown, some details have been grasped at by a few who claim to be an eye-witness of the fall. No Civil Sectors have taken any stance on a reason that this might have happened, but several officials asked have spoken of upcoming efforts to get to the bottom of this horrible situation, and bring justice to those who have been reported missing as per a result of these attacks. What has been known so far is that these attacks were very much deliberate, and that a form of advanced explosive was used to "detonate the Outpost into kingdom come", as quoted by an Apex who claims to be an eye-witness to some of the attacks.

    "[The Outpost] was pretty normal, y'know? Just a bunch of losers hanging around, talkin' about nothin', until this cloaked up guy walks in. Now, its pretty normal to see someone dressed like they just got out of a vampire cult round here, but when this guy walked up by the entrance to the big buildin', he just pulled his cloak open and started yellin' bout "The Source Code will Rule" or somethin'. Think he mighta been a glitch, but when I saw he had some big tickerin' device strapped on his chest, I hightailed it outta there with a few others who were by the exit teleporter too. Next time I tried to beam in, there was only that weird shippin' station er whatever."

    For more information on the current "replacement" to the Outpost, it seems that all teleportation traffic has been re-routed through to a backend Immigration Hub, mostly used for the purpose of shipping, it isn't normally accessible by the teleporters used by the public. How long this replacement will be around, no one knows. Until the next breaking story, this is Takiya Yamioto, signing out.
  15. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    //Originally reported on 11/22/3282//

    //Another article would be made, its source from the same news outlet. Quickly a wildfire of discussion would mount over it on online forums//

    The destruction that roared over the Outpost little over several days ago may be finally settling in the minds of the general population of the Milky Way, but the leaders of the Civil Sectors have been working hard at discovering the cause of this damage, and making sure that it could never occur again. The joint forces of Avos, the United Systems, and the Axolotian Council have resulted in the formation of a "Joint Task-Force". In a press conference by the new head of this allied force, Cavat Bol, we were given a mission statement of sorts.

    "These travesties shall not go unanswered, and those who were responsible for supplying the monsters who look to destroy our way of life. This is not merely an attack on those citizens of the Fringe who were the greatest inhabitants of the Outpost, but an attack on all life in the Galaxy, big or small. We shall root out the cause of this evil, and bring them into the light of justice."

    What this means for the Galaxy as a whole, no one can tell at this moment. Prayers go out to those damaged by the actions of those villains responsible for these attacks, and may recompense swiftly come their way. Until the next update, this is Takiya Yamioto, signing out.
  16. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    //Originally reported 3/22/3283//​

    //A post would be made, being signal boosted across a few larger news outlets, those of which that had already banked to their full extent on the latest stories of conflict and strife//
    In the latest of stories, this might be something that could quell the worried hearts of those who have found themselves in a rut of depression from the current news of the Galaxy. Keystone Synthetic Rights Activist Martinez Roy Jackson has been making rounds across areas of both CivSpace and the Fringe on his latest of Speech Tours.

    At the end his most recent press conference, the 45-year old Synth was quoted with the following: "Too often have [the people] been absorbed in their conflicts over meaningless aberrations and differences in us all. Let this be the era when we finally cast aside these minuscule deviations, and rather unite by what holds us together, in unison."

    These remarks are likely in response to the series of Anti-Synth protesters that have been following this campaign on its tail-coats, whose presentations have led to several increases of the local securities present at each event. These security forces can only be expected to increase at his next speech, which will be located at the popular local sector city of Margury. In response to the coming visitor, Mr. Sykes, governor of the Steel City, had the following to say:

    "The goals of this man are one of the core standards on which Margury was built several years ago. To be judged by your looks, your flaws, what you have or what you lack; To be oppressed based on who you are and what you stand for; To have one's rights taken away because people consider him or her different, or even less worthy than themselves, can be worse than the physical pain these people suffer sometimes. This freedom taken away from these people is the freedom we offer here to those in need. To share our visions and goals, we are more than happy to welcome this brave man, Martinez Roy Jackson, to Margury to plead for his cause."

    Perhaps these words will be just what the worried masses of the Galaxy will need to hear. No one can say for sure, regardless, let us pray that these words do not fall on deaf ears.

    //END POST
  17. Jestephos

    Jestephos Galactic Commoner Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
    Likes Received:
    //Originally Reported 11/30/3283//
    // A small-time news site would post several articles about a recent attack on a Miniknog Frigate, the Galatia //

    "It is believed that the attack carried out on the Miniknog Vessel "Galatia" was carried out by a group of previously thought to be dead anti-miniknog rebellion movement. The Galatia was seized using crude weaponry, believed to be created by rebellion-affiliated Dakkma "Iron Legion" forces, as well as several outside mercenaries brought in to take the ship for unknown reasons. The ship has been lost off Miniknog radars and anyone on-board has believed to have been killed by the unknown assailants. The ARK III program has refused to respond to any attempts to communicate and the Miniknog themselves are unwilling to talk to outside groups, albeit inside sources claim that the Miniknog is repressing any ideas this was carried out by the rebellion, and is pinning it on pirates.

    // A small video clip would be playing in the background of the news reporter speaking, the clip itself being slightly distorted, showing two cloaked women,a small rodent in an exoskeleton, a red-feathered avian and a man in grey decimating several miniknog troops. Two robotic spiders come off of the rodents shoulders and are shown later to be latching themselves onto the miniknog and detonating plasma in their faces. The two cloaked women are seen beating up a Miniknog soldier before one of them shoots the soldier in the face. An additional distorted clip shows what seems to be a swarm of nanites or insects of some sort tearing Miniknog soldiers to shreds. //

    "The attackers are believed to be highly dangerous and have their hands on possible super-weapons, including the controversial "Black Blight", and are possibly going to use this against the Miniknog in future. We have gained much of this knowledge from the Anti-Miniknog hacker group "Chaos Team", who leaked much of the video footage and information surrounding the attack and continue to support the exploits of these freedom fighters. More news, as it comes."

    // There is a space in the bottom for comments //​
  18. Jestephos

    Jestephos Galactic Commoner Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    //Originally reported on 12/10/3283//​

    // A News Network posts a video on their site for anyone to view. It would be rated quite high on the "breaking news" area of the site //


    Following the attack on the Miniknog ship Galatia two weeks ago, another daring attack has been reported on the Fringes of Miniknog space. A stronghold on the jungle world of Xenai is currently under attack by what appears to be a mixture of mercenaries from the Fringe. They breached the stronghold's defenses using the Galatia and according to inside sources, have taken control of the command room and the communications tower, and appear to be readying it for use. It is believed they will not be able to hold the stronghold for much longer before Miniknog reinforcements begin to arrive and destroy the would-be rebels

    // A short time later a radio signal would be beamed across Miniknog space as well as much of the galaxy. The man speaking would have a posh British accent, and it could be either modulated or he could be an android due to the metallic sound it produces //

    "Denizens under the control of the Ministry of Knowledge, and those outside. This radio signal is being beamed from within a Miniknog stronghold. We are sending this signal out to the galaxy to show that the rebellion is not yet quelled and that it will not be silenced. We have footage from across Miniknog space that show the rebellion is still alive, contrary to what the Ministry wants you to think, they did not eradicate those who would stand against this tyrannical filth. To the rebels listening to this who are too afraid to speak up, join the fight. The rebellion movement will have the full support of both any mercenaries from the Fringe willing to be hired, and those among the Iron Legion of Dakka. After this signal is sent, we will finish taking this stronghold and begin our burning path to retribution."

    // During the signal's message, images and videos would be sent to major news sites in the Fringe and CivSpace of Apex revolutionaries fighting Miniknog forces in numerous environments, many of the clips showing those rebels to be winning the fight //

    // The News network posts another breaking news feed //

    "The attack on the Miniknog stronghold on Xenai is gaining traction. It is reported that Apex Rebel ships have arrived in the system, as well as small bombers from the isolationist nation of Dakka, who have been warring with the Miniknog for years. The two groups have began bombing runs on the planet's surface, as well as landing troops to fight the Miniknog on the ground. The Apex rebels are using some form of guerrilla warfare and as of now, we are sending our reporter in to get footage from the fight itself. The group who initially laid siege to the stronghold are fighting their way out from the inside, and three members have been identified as Lillith Northman, Daz Bistan and his droid associate K2, while the other 4 mercenaries are wearing some kind of concealment to protect their identities."

    // All the while why the news is being read out by the presenter, clips are playing in the background of junky looking ships bombing the jungles of Xenai, parts of the jungle becoming crystallized in Erchius, as well as easily recognizable rebel ships dropping off troops and trying to fight off what remains of the Miniknog starfighters and automated defense systems. There is a short clip from the news site's war correspondent running alongside a squad of Apex rebels through the jungle as they gun down numerous Miniknog soldiers before the reporter is hit by a stray laser and falls to the ground, being tended to by a medic //

    // Posted directly from Miniknog Administration's "Education" project //

    "Many of those outside of our space in the last day have seen what could be considered... evidence that the rebellion within our group has not been destroyed, and was simply in hiding, but we are here to reassure you that they are not. The news websites and reporters filling the general public in on these events are lying to you, and are using fake and falsified news footage, and we still have images and video of the surrender of the Rebellions leader.

    // There is a small video of an appropriately dressed Miniknog Rebellion "Leader" shaking the hand of a Miniknog Official before walking away, commanding his troops to stand down. //

    // A short while later there would be a post from the War Correspondent on Xenai, as well as video. //

    "We've got reliable info here on.. ugh, Xenai that the Miniknog are planning something to wipe out the rebels here. We're trying to get off the planet as quickly as we can in the case the rebels are unable to defend this position, but here's hoping. The groups of Dakkma and Apex have currently finished off the last of the fighters and defense forces bu- Holy shit. Okay people, we've got to move, there's a Battleship here as well as some kind of.. bomb.

    // A Voice interrupts, presumably that of a Dakkma and a Rebel //

    "Daz has seen bigger. Used bigger, too."

    "That thing's going to kill the entire biosphere, we need to get forces up to that ship, take that thing down. I'm sending boarders up as well as some fighters. Wherever general Boz is, get him to do the same. "

    // It cuts back to the reporter //

    "We're currently experiencing interference, though we have reliable information Dakkma and Fringe elements are on their way to take down this battleship. The rebellion movement believes they are able to drive the Miniknog off by making it too much of a hassle to deal with them."

    // The videos playing would be of Rebels cheering, before a massive ship appears out of no-where with a very obvious bomb strapped beneath it, ready for detonation. The clip would pan to a small Dakkma and a bearded Apex, talking from earlier, and then back to the battleship as some of the Dakkma bombers take out the main-board turrets, while auxillary turrets pick off several of the ships, the Apex try to cripple the Ship's engines in their mobile strike craft and are forced to Kamikaze into the engines, causing them to fail. On the ground it appears not all of the Miniknog are defeated, as a small platoon descends on the correspondent and their party. Just as they're closing in, a red-headed woman shoots two of them in the back while the other 3 are detached by the Rebellion leader on the planet. The War correspondent follows the Redhead, small Dakkma and the Rebellion leader off into the jungle, constantly trying to get a better shot of the battle currently occurring in the skies. //

    // There is a Comment section for those who want to comment //

    //Following the previous news reports from the Miniknog, there would be several hundred since then denying claims of a rebellion and showing evidence that it is simply doctored footage of a war, as well as claiming this is a vile act of piracy and calling for more industrialization in the system of Ociapex, as well as calling for help from other Civ-Space groups. Several videos of what would appear to be the rebels pleading for mercy from the MiniKnog and asking for sparing in exchange for double-crossing are posted, they are well-made enough that it is unsure if they are false or not. The War reporter continues posting//

    "Okay guys, we gotta keep moving, that bomb's gonna drop soon. The Battleship appears to be fighting a fleet comprised of 4 Dakkma destroyers, two rebel frigates, a platoon of strike craft and a large group of Fringe frigates. The two cruisers accompanying the Battleship are currently taking heavy damage, one of them appears to be breaking apart, while the Battleship itself is moderately damaged. There is a gasp One of the destroyers has been.. destroyed. The Battleship is making its' way towards the planet while being pursued by the rebel forces. There's heavy losses down here, the Miniknog are retreating but the Rebels are trying to get into the stronghold to use it's anti-air weapons.

    //The film is of the reporter running alongside the Apex rebellion leader, referred to as Gendry, as they get inside a bunker alongside a group of fringe mercs, including a Dakkma and a redheaded woman and someone claiming to be 'MacGuyver in space'. The reporter looks at several consoles showing video of outside the bunker, showing the heavily crystallized landscape and what looks like to be piles of bodies, undiscernable of what side they are from. Rebels are still fighting the Miniknog in this environment, despite the damage posed by the Erchius. The reporter continues following Gendry and his forces as they continue to fight through the nearby bunker, making their way to the nearby turret and hiding inside that room.// "I'll update when the Battleship makes it here. Stay safe, I love you Jenna."

    // An update from the War Reporter, dated 12 hours ago //

    "Okay.. the.. the Battleship's in the atmosphere of the planet now, it's been heavily hit by the destroyers, and we think most of the electronics aren't working. The bombs inside the Battleship are unable to detonate due to the heavy pressure by the destroyers, of which 2 remain, many of the Fringe frigates have been taken down and the rebel frigates have begun to retreat outside of the planets atmosphere. Gendry thinks the Battleship is going to crash into the planet alongside the 2 previously damaged destroyers, while the surviving 2 leave to defend Xenai. We're currently making our way out of the projected blast zone of the ships. The Dakkma and Human are fighting their way out of this bunker alongside Gendry and some rebels, but it's been reported that a Miniknog official and a small death-squad are making their way down to the planet to prevent us from getting off the planet."

    // The reporter keeps the camera trained on the currently encroaching Battleship, it's flaming and appears to be heading for a spot on the battlefield coated in Erchius. There are small silhouettes of soldiers running away from where they think it will land while many others continue to fight unawares. The camera-man turns around a corner to find Gendry and his group of rebels shooting down a squad of Miniknog, he follows Gendry into the jungle as more miniknog arrive. A small group of Dakkma also intercept and begin blasting down the Miniknog alongside Gendry and his squad. They continue running for quite a while before the camera automatically shuts off //

    // The next update is dated around 8 hours ago, the camera is shown to be covered in dirt and for the first time, the war reporter shows his face as it is covered in blood and he is hiding behind some debris of a Rebel strike craft. He looks terrified and is whispering into the camera //

    "I got seperated from Gendry's squad. Followed the group of Dakkma and the small group of apex following them. An Apex is here, he's with some kind of.. death squad. They killed everyone, I dont know where Gendry is but he's going to be trying to get off the planet."

    // In the background there is the soft chatter of Miniknog communications before the reporter gets up from behind the Debris and starts running. The sound of yelling is heard and laser fire as he sprints through the jungle as fast as he can. He runs out of breath and the camera starts fogging up as he lays against a tree to rest. A few seconds later, an armored hand grabs the camera and flings it away, as the Miniknog official and his troops are now surrounding the reporter. He is lifted up off of his feet and dragged away in silence by the caped official and his armored death squad. //

    // The next update is dated 7.5 hours ago, The Camera feed switches to that of a helmet cam from Gendry and his forces, he appears to be in a heavily decimated area of the jungle, where a small cruiser has landed, everyone around is covered in blood and grime, and the ship is quite damaged. The helmet-cam looks up to the Battleship which is falling into the planet. The group runs into the ship, shoots as many Miniknog as they can to get to the shuttle and as they start up the engines, they try to fly away as far as possible //

    "Holy fuck that Battleship's going to decimate our forces. Sergei, Anasti, I need you to clear the rest of the ship with a squad. We've gotta get communications up and get those destroyers ready to prep defenses. This stronghold is heavily damaged, but not lost."

    // Gendry walks towards the back window ports of the ship as the Battleship crashes into the battlefield alongside one of the destroyers and several frigates and cruisers. The shockwave causes the ship to shake as several rebel troops hang onto nearby pieces of equipment. It takes a moment for the camera to readjust but the battlefield is now covered in charred landscape, large pieces of ship shrapnel are scattered everywhere and it seems any bodies that were once there have been vaporized. The erchius from within the Dakkma destroyers has crystallized some of the landscape but isn't spreading for some reason. Gendry turns to his group as the ship begins it's ascent into the stratosphere to board the destroyer //

    "I dont know how many people have been viewing this, but know this. Anything the Miniknog says are lies, we are still alive, we have won this fight and we will be able to salvage from this stronghold. This war is just beginning and we're going to burn Ociapex to the fucking ground. Rise up rebels and we'll try to help you take back what is rightfully ours, and has been so for many decades."

    // There is a post from the original small time news site, the woman presenting looks sad and disheartened, as if she was about to cry //

    "After the attack on the Jungle planet of Xenai, we have reports the death tolls are somewhere numbering in the tens of thousands, not including the lives of those on the ships destroyed during the battle, nor those who will be killed by the Erchius still on the ground. Rescue shuttles are evacuating as many rebels as possible, and any rebel strike craft or bombers left are destroying the last bastions of Miniknog forces on the planet. The rebels are seeing this as a victory and the Miniknog are still refusing to comment, though their propaganda machine continues to spew out fake news. It is reported around Miniknog space via inside sources that there are small rebellions occurring, not enough to actually influence any control on these colonies, but there is still a rebel presence. To end this report, I wish for any of our readers and watchers to mourn the death of our reporter in the field, Jason, who died during the battle, doing what he loved, reporting the news. Goodnight.
  19. Jestephos

    Jestephos Galactic Commoner Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    //Originally reported 12/16/3283//​

    // A CivSpace station logo appears on the screen //​

    "As the war in Miniknog Space rages on, it appears the Miniknog are employing brutal tactics in an effort to kill as many rebels as they can. After they attempted to glass their planet of Xenai, it appears according to inside sources, that they are purging many soldiers within their own ranks believed to be rebel informants. A rebel base were destroyed today on the border between Ociapex and the Fringe. We have received video evidence, believed to be of a Ministry Deathsquad, destroying the rebel base. The Miniknog themselves have continued to deny any evidence of a rebellion, citing numerous reasons to why it could not exist, claiming there is doctored footage of the war, while outputting their own propaganda videos. The rebels themselves are not appearing to be founded on good morals, as the civilian death toll rises due to bombings by the Isolationist nation of Dakka on outlying Miniknog colonies. The colonies of Asen 3 and 4 have been captured, alongside Prazza.

    // As they have previously mentioned, there is an attached video at the bottom of the page, showing the inside cameras of a small rebel base in some kind of plains area. There is a small group of rebels hunched surrounding a large bulkhead door, behind numerous forms of cover. The door explodes and several figures in black armor appear from the smoke and blast into the rebels, one of them being hit by a stray bullet but it seems to deflect off their armor. The rebels are quickly killed as a large Apex in a black uniform walks in behind them, directing them into different areas //

    "In other news it appears Extragalactic life has been confirmed after a long period of research by the Rantori of Camdor. It speaks of a race of people from the nearby galaxy of Triangulum who were conquered by another unknown race due to their inability to co-exist with the other races of the galaxy. Many are seeing this as a call to action on the entire galaxy to unite in the case that these extragalactic invaders ever find their way to our slice of the galaxy. Many see the video as a hoax, others see it as a prophecy of sorts and are devoting themselves to the goal of peace. That's all for now."
  20. Jestephos

    Jestephos Galactic Commoner Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    //Originally reported 12/31/3283//
    // A CivSpace news logo is on the front of the site, before changing into a video link. It contains a news report, a short redheaded human woman speaking into the microphone with a large city in the background //

    "The rebellion against the MiniKnog, started a little over 4 weeks ago, is still going strong, despite the heavy and brutal attacks carried out by their oppressors. Over 10 rebel cells from within MiniKnog space have been completely and methodically destroyed, while the battles on the fringes of Ministry space continue to lead to victories for the rebels. Several hit and run attacks have been used on Ministry strongholds and colonies, with heavy civilian causalities. It appears the rebels are using these attacks to steal intel and resources from the MiniKnog for usage later, for what purpose, we do not know. The MiniKnog's usage of biological weapons has continued to draw flak from other nations in CivSpace, though none have officially condemned the actions of the Ministry, not wishing to draw them into a cold war conflict."
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