// The Haven Border Act \\

Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by PrivateNomad, Oct 17, 2017.

  1. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    The Haven Border Act


    Digitally Signed: Sinji Ekta, M, Esas, Anne Hager


    (( Sorry for eye gore, cant left align lists. Doc is here.))​
    Section I: Purpose
    In the wake of the Federation after an age of war and devastation with the Black Empire, the Radec Isolation Act was written to close off Haven to the galaxy, to stabilize the federation, and to build the foundation for the Federation to thrive in, away from the foreign influence of the Fringe. In time, the Radec Isolation Act proved to be detrimental for the health of the Federation. Haven's growth was in the steep negatives due to the lack of immigration and natural population growth; diplomacy from the rest of the Fringe was cut off, and the interior economy of Haven was suffering due to a complete lack of imports and exports. Seeing this, Grand Protector Mael Radec, the second Grand Protector of Haven, in his wisdom and deep care for the future of the Federation, urged for the removal of the Radec Isolation Act.

    It was removed as necessary, sparking a chain of events involving new immigration, new business, new politics, new betrayal and new tragedy. While immigration to the Federation rose high, the crime rates rose with it in the face of an unprepared Guard. The loose restrictions on citizenship requirements and government election resulted in an unprecedented chaos as a result of individuals joining the Senate, individuals who had no loyalty to the Federation, or even ill will towards it with allegiance to other nations. Numerous individuals rose in power quickly in the Federation in this way, using their status and power to benefit themselves, their nation, and to harm the Federation they swore to protect with an oath sacred to their integrity and character. By breaking this oath, these individuals have proved themselves vile, contrary to the cause of the Federation, and a face of disgust for the nations they actually represent. These individuals have proved to the Fringe, and to themselves, that they would betray an Oath made to millions, to the values of freedom and justice, to propagate their evil into the lives of innocent people. The Senate, thus, denounces these individuals with full clarity on their station, full understanding of their actions, and full commitment to the oath that They have broken in order to further aid the cause of those powers that they may represent, God or man, that they have disrespected on the breaking of their Oath. On the passing of this act, the following individuals are for Life barred access from the Haven Federation and her territories:
    • [size=small]Ahsanullah al-Saqqaf, for his departure from the Haven Senate to the Islamic Caliphate of the Fringe, who falsely renounced his Caliphate citizenship in order to rise to power within the Haven Federation, only to return to the Caliphate later as a member of its government after resigning, and for his repeated arrogance towards the important matters of the Senate of the Haven Federation and its members, and disregard for the laws or values of the Haven Federation. As a result, all Dmmareh assets will immediately be transferred to its Maladh headquarters, the company expelled from the Haven Federation due to the actions of their Chief Executive Officer.[/size]
    • [size=small]Saif Cassio, the Traitor Prince, he who shattered his oath in the most treacherous of ways, he who, with full knowing deceit, allowed the Shifters of the Ascended Empire to invade the Corrav District of the Haven Federation. After this vile act of betrayal, Cassio fled Haven to join the Islamic Caliphate as a distinct member of its government, there his name free from the weight of betrayal of the 7 million sapient peoples of Haven and the 3 million souls that lost their life as a result of the Shifter infection, their eternal home as a result of his treasonous actions, and the tragic devastation of the Yggdrasil, home to 3 million more, desecrated as a result of its inhuman harvestation by the Ascended Empire. For the enemy known as Saif Cassio, entering the Haven Federation is a death sentence, fully appointed since the day of his betrayal, and forever bound to his soul regardless of his location nor his station. The Traitor Prince owes a price of blood for what havoc he reigned over Haven.[/size]
    • [size=small]Zel'Nara al-Quiche, who is a part of the Ascended Empire who invaded the Haven Federation from the result of the actions of Saif Cassio, and willingly engineers for the Ascended Empire the life material of the Yggdrasil, the Sacred Tree of Haven. The same shall apply to any other Shifter of Ascended Empire allegiance.[/size]
    Despite these downfalls, however, it is noted that the removal of the Radec Isolation Act may have proved beneficial to Haven. It sparked an increase importance in Havenite affairs in the politics of the Fringe sector, allowed us to build stronger diplomatic relations, caused us to strengthen our naval fleet and military, and expand to increase both our production and our variety of resources. With a recent massive boost in business, the economy is skyrocketing to its highest it has been since the Federation was first founded by Grand Protector Leda Portia. Aside from the mistake of free government access, it is the opinion of the 123rd Senate of the Haven Federation that the Radec Isolation Act should not be reinstated in favor of the future of the Federation that we swore an oath to protect.

    Section II: Immigration Restriction
    This section shall serve to restrict immigration, and in turn, granting of citizenship, to certain individuals wishing to immigrate into the Haven Federation.
    1. [size=small]An individual may only immigrate to the Haven Federation and be granted citizenship under the following circumstances of their immigration:[/size]
      1. [size=small]That they immigrate from a Crisis, War, or Other situation of emergency as determined by the Senate of the Haven Federation, granting appropriate temporary asylum.[/size]
      2. [size=small]That they immigrate for the purpose of useful labor within the Haven Federation.[/size]
      3. [size=small]That they immigrate for the purpose of study within the Haven Federation's Gaia University, with purpose to later serve the Federation with their intellect.[/size]
      4. [size=small]That they immigrate for the purpose of artistic or educational work, including but not limited to, engineering, the sciences, and any of the accepted Arts.[/size]
      5. [size=small]That they have close members of their blood family as citizens of the Haven Federation.[/size]
      6. [size=small]That they immigrate, with full loyalty and integrity, to serve the Haven Federation within its Armed Forces, Navy, Guard, or other similar station.[/size]
    2. [size=small]Immigrating individuals must undergo a blood and basic medical test if they are applicable.[/size]
    3. [size=small]An individual may not be granted citizenship fully until a month of residence within the Haven Federation.[/size]
      1. [size=small]After this set time, an individual must affirm their loyalty to finally gain full citizenship.[/size]
    4. [size=small]All immigration regarding citizens holding allegiance to the following entities or nations are prohibited. The actions of these entities or nations have barred any of their citizens citizenship rights within the Haven Federation:[/size]
      1. [size=small]The Islamic Caliphate in the Fringe[/size]
      2. [size=small]The Ascended Shifter Empire[/size]
    5. [size=small]Once an individual attains citizenship, they may not hold allegiance with any other major Fringe power other than a dual citizenship with their place of birth.[/size]
    Section III: Election Restriction
    This section shall serve to limit the type of citizens that may enter any important government position of power, including Senator, High Admiral, High Commander, High Judge, High Guardian, etc. This is necessary to ensure that only those who are loyal to Haven and experienced in its politics are able to attain power through election.

    1. [size=small]To enter a government position, the requirements are:[/size]
      1. [size=small]One must be a citizen of Haven for longer than 3 months.[/size]
      2. [size=small]One must not hold allegiance to any nation or entity other than the Haven Federation.[/size]
        1. [size=small]Any renunciation of another nation's citizenship must be longer than 3 months passed in order for the person to be eligible for government candidacy.[/size]
      3. [size=small]One must pass an Intelligence Quotient (IQ) test with a score of at least 100, and possess no notable mental deficiencies or other conditions that may impede their ability to govern or otherwise perform the duties of their station.[/size]
      4. [size=small]One must not possess any criminal felonies.[/size]
      5. [size=small]One must take primary residence in the Haven Federation.[/size]
      6. [size=small]Swear upon the Oath according to their station.[/size]
    Section IV: Health Standards
    Enacted by the signing of this Act, all businesses and other locations are subject to stricter health standards as managed by the Ikeda Hospital's Cleanliness Board. In addition, bodies of water and pipeline sources are to be tested weekly for any health hazards. This is to detect and contain any potential disease outbreak such as the Shifter virus. In a continuity and extension to the former Grand Protector Von Quinn's executive order, all government officials are to have a blood test conducted monthly with their results sent to the Senate and the Ikeda Hospital management. Citizens will have blood tests done biannually to line with their ordinary check-ups.

  2. Hjalmar

    Hjalmar New Arrival

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // User AhsanAS replies. //

    "I thank the senate for my time as a steward of the Haven Federation. The ability to garner both political expertise and grow a greater network of like-minded individuals has been invaluable. Perhaps, in time, I will learn of the laws I've apparently broken and the arrogance I've apparently shown during my brief tenure. For now, that knowledge lies only with the senate and Allah.

    Concerning the physical assets of DMMAREH, these are mostly neglible as any fiscal assets remain based in Maladh or in the hands of the individual shareholders as represented in the board of directors. I am sure the board will not mind being excluded from a minor market in the Fringe.

    I would gladly discuss this in further depth with Senator Ekta, if only to dispel the fog of my own ignorance to these pithy accusations.

    I wish the Federation the best in these troubling times.

    To any of my dearest employees that require severance due to the sudden government-forced removal of their livelihoods, it is recommended that you consult the head office for further details."
  3. Hastur

    Hastur the assad regime will reclaim syria

    Jun 26, 2017
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    ( bumping an important thread due to the Ukrainian attack )