The Xadari

Discussion in 'Inactive' started by PrivateNomad, Oct 10, 2017.

  1. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    The Xadari

    Pitch: Spiritual astral projecting molluscoid scientists escaping stellar tragedy

    (Above: Highmind Xelani Thalos, chosen leader of the Xadari Technocracy.)


    Allow me to tell you this. It is hallmarked upon any sapient species' history the wonder of discovery, that questions answered manifest more questions unanswered yet, that the universe exists to solve its enigma shrouded in mystery. The limits are not limits, inevitable in the face of progress and sapient wonder. When we were young, we gazed upon the skies with eyes. We then matured, and created the telescope to see for us. When telescopes failed us, we devised mathematics, to infer for us, to calculate for us. Then, when questions answered manifest more questions unanswered, the only path left is to fly upwards.

    Is it the spirit of my species to wonder questions unanswered? To prove that limits are the constructs of pessimism, to engineer the sciences to cast away burdens, to gaze upon the stars and wish with absolute covet to visit them yourself?. This day was inevitable, inevitable for any sapient species who failed to destroy themselves. These questions answered manifest into questions unanswered, and the only path left is to fly.


    The Xadari (Zuh-dar-ri) are a species of highly intelligent yet physically weak molluscoids, possessing raw psionic power from generations of evolution near a subspace anomaly in their home system. Their large brain mass allows them full use of their astral projection, embedding within them a deep scientific rationale and spiritual connectedness. In appearance, Xadari possess octopus-like faces with large craniums, deep-set eyes, and a cluster of smaller tentacles formed around their sharp small beaks that are their mouthes. Their other limbs are also a cluster of tentacles, with their elongated chest holding most of their vital organs. Most Xadari are able to levitate with anti-gravity modules worn on their bodies. Xadari reproduce sexually, lain in singular eggs that are left for nearly a year until they hatch and grow. Xadari females lay eggs sparsely, resulting in a naturally slow population growth. Female Xadari do not produce mammaries; instead, female Xadari tend to have more vivid colorations on their bodies, and often have tentacles that are flattened or streamlined, their bodies slim while male Xadari have more pronounced features such as tighter skin on their cranium and duller colors. Xadari possess a singular lung that filters out the methane-nitrogen mixture of gas native to their home planet, breaking methane into basic hydrocarbons that sustain the production of their blue blood that carries nitrogen-based compounds to the rest of their bodies. They exhale carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that is processed by the native plants of their planet. When venturing outside of their native atmosphere, Xadari usually must wear gasmask filters that provide them with a methane-nitrogen mixture from small tanks, unless they possess certain advanced lung augmentations that are able to breathe in normal oxygen-nitrogen air mixtures. Xadari are omnivorous, evolving past carnivorism as their beaks flattened with inner teeth indentations that allow them to consume both plant matter and meat. The cranium of a Xadaran holds a large brain nearly twice the size of a human brain, allowing them a much higher magnitude of intelligence than many other species, on the level of a genetically modified apex mind or even greater.

    Xadari also have an organ section in their brain called the "Xadichi”, a part of their brain that contains more neutric activity that makes it to be a type of phase matter organ. The Xadichi is able to be utilized by them due to their vast intellectual awareness, and is what makes their astral projection (explained later on) possible.

    (Above: A style of Xadari lower tentacles.)

    They are governed by a body named the Xadari Technocracy, headed by a council of intelligent specialists that guide the Xadari to progress. The Xadari only currently have one planet that they inhabit, named Xalara, a moon orbiting a large gas giant named Yttaisa. Xalara is an alien planet exposed to a low number of cuils due to a subspace anomaly present in the system, orbiting around a quark star collapsed from a supernova; the star system is called Zari.

    (Above: The Xadari capital supercomplex known as the Citadel. Xalara's native environment is shown.)

    Xadari technology is, ironically, rather primitive because the Xadari are a fairly young species. They have explored their own system with probes. The species on their planet are catalogued and they have produced technology that can be controlled with their own minds, essentially being in the advanced-modern era of their species. The only barrier left is to invent the FTL drive, an occasion that is monumental for any species ready to let loose their starbound shackles.

    Xadari culture is embedded with a strange mix of rationality and spirituality. Xadari possess a deep bond with each other, believing that great minds combined create even greater minds. Xadari possess a love for science, and enjoy pursuing it whether it be for themselves or others; they do not see any purpose in locking knowledge away, ready to share it provided others are ready and that they provide something worthwhile in exchange. Many Xadari consider foreign minds to be inferior if they openly display this; their rationality often causes them to act neutral in many situations, not possessing any moral scope that could be considered good or evil. Many Xadari are okay with concepts such as slavery, but will often dislike a concept if it is too brash and overextending, such as genocide or the murder of their own species. Otherwise, Xadari are enthusiastic about what they study, and make willing friends with even inferior minds of people who also pursue science or engineering. Things such as brutal combat, however, are below them. 

    Xadari utilize psionic powers that they call "Psyche”, utilizing what they consider to be the "raw” psionic arts of astral projection. Their Psyche is the evolutionary result of hundreds of generations under the effect of the subspace anomaly in their history, inducing them a low number of cuils. Their reliance on this power also reduced their physical strength, causing their bones to become more brittle and their muscles small and weak, arguable making them weaker than novakids. Their psionic powers are embedded in their culture; despite being extremely intelligent in rationale, they are spiritual, believing in the force of Psyche as a means that allows Gods to exist. These gods hold no effect on their lives, but they are able to infer that they do exist - generally, Xadari believe in a spiritual force that propagates all of the rules of nature, as well as being the source of their psionic power; they call this force the "Mist”. The Mist is intangible and inaccessible, believed to exist throughout the realm they know as hyperspace as Dark Energy. Xadari are generally pacifist in nature due to their frail bodies, preferring instead to take a neutral stance in many conflicts. When forced into self-defense, Xadari rely purely on their own technology that they possess. Most Xadarans are scientists, specializing in a field of study of some sort. Most Xadarans are also often realists in worldview, finding the most rational option to be the best options. Many Xadarans are also egotistical due to their high intelligence, something they often are not afraid of showing off.

    A Xadari, under intense meditation, is able to create an "astral projection”, projecting their thought streams into a phase matter avatar projected from the Xadichi in their brains. Alone, their Avatars are very weak, able to only pick up light objects and possessing no real physical prowess; they are able to travel through thin walls unguarded by any energy fields and are restricted to the senses of sight and hearing. The sight of a Xadari while Astral Projecting is more vivid, colors becoming brighter and more saturated as they blur and warp around the greater distance from their body they are. Most Xadari are able to move their Avatar a distance of 100 meters away, though training and practice can increase this distance. In addition, Xadari possess a unique bond with each other, allowing multiple Xadari to meditate near each other and resonate with each others' thoughts. They are able to combine their Avatars into one, increasing the strength and link distance of their avatar exponentially, as well as size. Avatars take an ethereal appearance of whatever their bearer has an affinity to, features sometimes being animalistic or otherwise strange in appearance, each avatar unique to their own bearer.

    (Above: A unique Avatar created by a Xadaran. This one is abstract, others may appear as actual beings.)

    If an Avatar is slain during its venture outside the body by means typical of destroying other phase matter creatures, the Xadaran controlling it will suffer from a sudden loss of sensory input for up to five minutes with a fear as a result. Massive headaches and migraines will follow for up to a week, gradually reducing in intensity. The death of a Xadaran's avatar damages their Xadichi, preventing them from projecting until it naturally heals within two weeks.

    [[ As a Xadari player, your character's story, personality, etc. is completely up to you, provided they conform with the lore itself. Select a scientific field of study for your character. When we begin the first RP, you will play your character during the day that the Xadari Technocracy plan to activate their first Hyperdrive. This way, you will be RPing an event that will actually allow you to experience the Xadari homeworld as well as Xadari culture in general. You will be permitted to research much of the unknown phenomenon and given results by Staff. To create a character, you can just DM me and we will talk about it. This species was created as a means to gather players interested in ICly researching much of the scientific phenomena left unknown by the staff team to promote scientific research. An attempt at an interesting species that is able to excel at something other than combat, their neutrality allowing them to interact with many different people and factions. Cosigners will also be able to help with the Phase 2 application if they want to.]]

    Play a Xadaran if:
    • You want to engage in science RP that will actually bring you results
    • Want to be influential on server events
    • Want to interact with others as a neutral force rather than having to pick sides
    • Want to build something from the ground up with other players of the species.
    •  Skid
    •  Jackalope
    •  Zecon
    •  Yongzhi
    •  Bulphrog
    •  EPS-Reborn
  2. Skid

    Skid God Incarnate Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    you know the words
  3. TriReef

    TriReef treef Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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  4. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    What took this long to get pseudo-Illithids in GC?

  5. Bulphrog

    Bulphrog The All-Phrogger Staff Member Community Monitor

    Sep 9, 2017
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    Sure, why not.

  6. EPS-Reborn

    EPS-Reborn New Arrival

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Co-sign because I REEEEALLY want Lost to interact with these guys. They seem to have quite a bit in common.
    Also, they're just really freaking cool. Good work on this race. I love the concept and the combination of research pursuits and spiritual insight.
  7. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    are you going to play one or no
  8. EPS-Reborn

    EPS-Reborn New Arrival

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Yes. I will give it a shot.
  9. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Hi @PrivateNomad I'll be grading the first stage of the Xadari app.
    This app is well-written, though perhaps a bit long for a first stage species app. They're an interesting species, with a unique point of view in how they view life, and promise to bring roleplay and meaningful interactions between species. It will be interesting to see such an extremely intelligent species advance from their current tech-level.
    I will be calling upon my astral projection to give this stage one app a pass.​
  10. TriReef

    TriReef treef Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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  11. Bulphrog

    Bulphrog The All-Phrogger Staff Member Community Monitor

    Sep 9, 2017
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  12. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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  13. EPS-Reborn

    EPS-Reborn New Arrival

    Jun 26, 2017
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  14. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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