//Engineers of the Fringe: Atlas...//

Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by Khaos, Sep 18, 2017.

  1. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    //A video is uploaded to a nexus video-sharing website, by the nexus user-account of Rope_Man37//

    //The video opens up to display a real-time view of Lapetus, and its swirling clouds. The known location of Atlas' Calypso.
    A voice would speak, easily identifiable as Gary's should one know him personally. He sounded tired, yet his voice was assertive.//​

    "It's been a year, a year since I've signed up for the white and red company known as Atlas. I've made friends and allies there, made enemies, too. While working for Atlas certainly has had its ups, the downs have been far too many as of late, and that's why I'm making this video. You see, under Atlas I've been injured a considerable amount of times. I lost two limbs that they are partly responsible for, one for being affiliated with them and the other afflicted by an awol employee. I've been paid terribly, all employees of Atlas have been paid terribly, honestly. I've seen people be so accepting of it, too..."

    //A pause, before a distinct 'tsch' escapes him.//​

    "From way back in my old home, minimum wage was higher than the paychecks you'd see in Atlas. I've seen violence occur countless times on Calypso, often caused by Atlas' own employees, as they haven't been particularly careful about recruitment. A fellow employee of mine nearly got her jaw broken by a madman Atlas hired, I've been punched and shot in the same week. Hell, it's the Fringe for sure, but you'd think my own place of work would be much more strict with non-employees and stricter about recruitment. And despite voicing my concerns as well as the concerns of others? We get blown off. A member of management that I'll leave unnamed would always get irritated and impatient with me if I so much as bring up things that concern his very job. He's a friend of mine... I don't resent him. But if he and Lloyd himself won't try to improve the conditions that their employees work under, then what's in it for me and other employees? It's... simply a line of work I don't want involved in, and I'm sure many others would agree."

    "I've been with Atlas for quite awhile, but I think today is the day I take my leave. If you're an engineer, or an employee of Atlas? Look elsewhere for a safer and better-paying job. That's not to say I wish anything against Atlas, but I can't comfortably work under them anymore, and well-- maybe they'll change eventually. Who knows?"

    "Atlas is just too much of a dangerous work environment, and the pay just... It's horrible, despite Atlas' capabilities. So, Lloyd? If you've stumbled upon this, I'm sorry. There's no hard feelings, it's just my time to go."

    //And like that, the video ends. The website in question does indeed allow comments.//
  2. insidertrading

    insidertrading Daedalus Staff Member Administrator Technician

    Jun 25, 2017
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    // The post is shared around the Atlas net, denouncing Gary as one of those people not able to read the application, specifically the part about the Fringe being dangerous and the part where you get to REQUEST YOUR PAY.
  3. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    // A commend is added by user SOLUS in response. //

    SOLUS Industries provides a safe and healthy work environment within the confines and protection of the Haven Federation, giving to its workers opportunities to pursue their own talents and ambitions while fostering skill and productivity in everyone.

  4. SilverGallium

    SilverGallium No-Bark Noonan Impervium Donator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    /User monstrumFramea leaves a reply./

    /yeah gary/
    /stick it to the man./

  5. insidertrading

    insidertrading Daedalus Staff Member Administrator Technician

    Jun 25, 2017
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    [quote='Silver "]
    /User monstrumFramea leaves a reply./

    /yeah gary/
    /stick it to the man./


    (( >No space for comments.))
  6. insidertrading

    insidertrading Daedalus Staff Member Administrator Technician

    Jun 25, 2017
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    "Atlas has long provided it's employees with equipment necessary to operate in hazardous environments. Your choice to not use it while operating under a threatening week shows your foolishness, not our incompetence. Atlas allows members of the fold to request pay when applying for a position, simply paying what people ask is not low pay, it is a job that you have sabotaged for yourself. Gary promised his loyalty to Atlas not a month ago, and now is seen leading not only himself, but others from Atlas because of his own foolishness. To all future employers, please consider his loyalty, even after being allowed a senatorial term, this person will leave any trusting fold if he feels he is not being paid enough when he has requested and still has the ability to request what he feels his services are worth. Do not be fooled, this display is one of childishness, and the lack of brainpower to simply request a raise."

    "Addressing the one psychopath that was hired is shorter, he was killed in a fight with Atlas Security. This was reported to high command."
  7. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // A reply to @"Lloyd" is made

    It isn't all about the money. I myself never really requested anything higher because I was content, but I've heard complaints from others that I'll keep unnamed. My main personal issue is the violence. You could have stopped the psychopath from happening, you could have had better job security and could have been more careful when you hire employees. Letting people choose their pay yes can be their fault if they're ignorant as to request a small pay, but what's to say you won't deny requests for reasonable pay or simply let people suffer because of their ignorance. That's actually abusing one's ignorance.

    I like how you state I was 'allowed' to work a senatorial term when I was clearly not operating as an engineer during that time. Atlas isn't a nation, and you shouldn't dictate every decision of your employee's lives, currently working for you or not. I might also mention that Loyalty comes both ways. From the employees to the company, and back. I've worked with Atlas since the dawning days you have begun to lead it. Keep in mind that I do not personally resent you, but I left of my own accord because I had disagreements. There wasn't anything for me in Atlas anymore.

    Calypso is a violent place, and simply me having equipment is no excuse to allow terrorism to such a degree. Someone could have killed Loo a few days ago, when someone easily placed a paint-bomb in Calypso's fridge. I've been hit, and shot. Rusto was still kept around after he sawed my fucking arm of, too, you know. And you have people like Hjalmar, and I need not elaborate on him. I felt that I could no longer trust some of my fellow employees, and I feel like Atlas had no loyalty to me, and a few friends had the same feeling. We took our leave, and it was my hope for it to be on good terms. I think Atlas CAN improve and be a good workplace, but for myself right now it is not.

    If you want to continue this discussion, I suggest you message me directly.

    // END //
  8. Loo

    Loo Guest

    //L0x2 would reply to Rope_Man37\\

    You claim you don't care about the money yet you continue to complain about the pay. I told you before you could change it, I told you you could request higher pay, yet to my knowledge you never did. People who choose too little pay, we have spoken to some of them before, letting them know that their pay seemed a bit low. As of recently we did look into fixing this problem, yet to be honest, you're the only one complaining about it.
    Also, you assume that we'll deny someone's pay just to make them suffer? How negative that is. You really think we're that bad? That makes me sad.

    Stop the psychopath from happening? How in the world would we have known this man was going to attack that poor woman? So many people expect us to be like psychics, being able to predict these random grudges or random acts of terrorism. Also, before you go on about having security systems, we do have them. We have our guards to stop situations, yet we are not police. We cannot simply pull up background records, as this is the Fringe. That man Varro, god forbid I hear his name again, was with us for moments. He hadn't even gotten access to weapons and armor before he threw that little tantrum of his. Yet oh, so many people use him as an excuse to claim Atlas's hiring system is awful. Once again, one cannot simply pull up a background record or take a peek into people's pasts. What he did was an act on his own, Atlas had nothing to do with it, and we got rid of him after he pulled that stunt. People will find any excuse to shit talk Atlas if they don't like us I can assure you. And before you start saying we don't listen, oh, we do. We listen over and over, as they repeat themselves, over and over. You might say, "Well if they're repeating themselves, doesn't that mean something's wrong?” No, not in all cases. Some things cannot be prevented, such as an act of terrorism. While measures CAN be taken place to try and stop it, either way it will still occur, and that's just what happens on Calypso. Calypso is in high activity right now. So of course there's going to be increased violence due to the amount of people. We can do things to neutralized said violence but we will not be able to fully stop it. Atlas is not at fault if some random stranger decides to throw a punch at another person. We can do something to stop it, but we can't prevent that stranger from throwing that punch, since it was unexpected. Now replace the punch example with blowing something up, ripping out someone's vocal cords perhaps, since that's a popular example as well.

    When Lloyd says allowed you take it in a manner that he's attempting to dictate your life. He's simply saying you were allowed to because why in the world would Atlas stop you from doing that? Tone of voice cannot be used within text, I understand, but assuming that just continues to show your views on us being dictators. I mean, you've claimed we were before.
    Don't assume we dictate every single action our employees do. We do not know what goes on in our employee's lives outside of Atlas nor do we wish to know, as it is not our business. What matters is what they're doing in Atlas and how they're making Atlas look.

    Calypso is violent as of recently because we seem to have a trend going of people who oppose of Atlas attacking us. People you agree with, by the way, though you both may not share need for violence.
    You know, not only Calypso is violent however. While places as of lately are limited, do you recall ClopClop? Everybody wore their armor back then. That place was pretty violent yet nobody complained of it to this extent, as it was the norm back then. Of course though, not saying we should stick to the norm, as there HAS been improvements to prevent violence. Yet as of recently, people feel the need not to protect themselves, which is dangerous in a place like the Fringe. Always protect yourself, never expect others to do it for you. As for that paint-bomb, that's another example of terrorism. I chose not to wear my armor and it was a stupid decision, and I indeed could have been hurt. In a result of that though, that girl got into trouble. You were there.
    Here at Atlas, we respect all of our employees, and those who act up, we keep a close eye on. Those who betray us, hurt us, we eliminate.
    Also, simply leaving isn't an act of betrayal, before you accuse me of that by taking what I said to a negative degree.
    I don't care if you left, you're on your way. Yet seeing you think of us so negatively is rather amusing as most of these situations have been already explained to you or, there was a solution but you just didn't use said solution.

  9. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // A reply is sent to L0x2 //

    I care about the money because I see employees left and right getting paid shit just because they're ignorant. It's simply unfair as some employees could be paid more than others even if they do less work. It's an unfair system. Doesn't matter if Atlas has paid myself fairly or not. I pointed out the denial of higher-pay as ANYONE could exploit that with Atlas' current pay system. That doesn't mean they do exploit it, but it is something concerning regardless. All that's needed to fix all this is a consistent payroll system.

    Varro could have easily been ratted out as unstable before hiring him. And I'm sure the same can be said for others. You don't need a background check to sum up a man's character. And yes, he was with Atlas for mere days, but look at the damage he caused within that time. God forbid you guys actually wind up hiring someone with actual malicious intent against Atlas, see where this is going? Things like this are preventable, even if you don't think they are. Stricter programs to ensure only good applicants are hired are needed. For example, test applicants to see how they perform under pressure, perhaps question them as to how they would react to a series of hypothetical situations.

    And yes, I did take it in that matter because there was no reason for him to speak that way. Of course he allowed me to be a Senator, I never said he didn't. But by stating he allowed me, it implied that he had power over me and what I was able to do regarding my own employment. Anyone, including you, should be able to realize that. It may have been unintentional, but it reflects poorly and you should understand that.

    ClopClop was a dangerous rock in space, I know that much. However, Calypso is different. It was my place of employment, a place for Atlas employees. Even if the station had to be restricted to employees-only, there's very clearly easy ways to ensure the safety of its inhabitants. I'm not saying you can't do anything about it either, I fully believe you can. And who said nobody felt the need to protect themselves? I can't leave my ship without a weapon regardless of where I go. That definitely does not mean I want to risk being shot every day, as I'm sure you wouldn't either. The Fringe is dangerous yes, but there's a solution to everything and I think making Calypso safer is very possible.

    This isn't an attack or slander. I want to see Atlas improve on things I fully believe they can handle. I'm bringing this to attention so that you are encouraged to fix the number of problems that exist, I feel like I must go to this point to help. But, with that said, I've been stressed out for a multitude of reasons. I just felt it was my time to go and pursue a quieter life for the time being. I've got people that worry about me, you know.
    I still have friends in Atlas, and people I care about in there. Stay safe while you're out there still, Loo.

    // End //
  10. Loo

    Loo Guest

    //L0x2 would reply to Rope_Man37's reply.\\

    You have access to our employees pay wages? I doubt it. They're not being ‘paid shit'. You realize how getting paid works right, Gary? You do things, you get paid. They have wages but you get bonuses as you successfully work and create things. We cannot allow our employees to do absolutely nothing. Once again, you are the only one complaining about this. Everybody else seems fine. As of right now we're working on a system that will prevent people, or a person, from complaining about it.

    The thing is though, Varro wasn't "ratted out”. We had absolutely zero clue he was a terrorist. This is not a solution at all. You know most serial killers act like completely normal human beings right? They're not going to just jump out at you and announce they're a serial killer, or a terrorist. They're not going to give away their position willingly.
    "Look at the damage he caused within that time.” Yeah, terrorists kind of do serious damage within short periods of time, that's what a terrorist does, Gary. Also, look at how quickly we neutralized him.
    I'm not saying they're not entirely preventable, as we are currently working on figuring out a way to prevent this from happening again, but it certainly is incredibly difficult. Even a simple series of questions isn't going to call out a terrorist.

    YOU THINK he was implying he had power over you. He is the leader of Atlas, but he does not dictate how employees live their lives outside of it. It doesn't reflect poorly, I'm sorry Gary but you're just nitpicking things that aren't even relevant or important in my opinion. It's very obvious he's not controlling of our lives outside of Atlas.

    We currently have a way to protect civilians by having robots on every corner. While it's not entirely predictable when someone is going to try and attack us, our robots pretty much neutralize them in seconds. It's the civilian's responsibility to ensure extra measures of caution by wearing armor to be sure they won't be harmed in /the Fringe/. We're not forcing them to wear armor, but it's pretty much common sense when you live in a place like this. Also, not dissing on Haven as I'm just using them as an example,  but Haven security couldn't even stop terrorism, yet look, no complaints for that place am I right? They're pretty much on the same level as us when it comes to handling terrorism in my opinion. One is just more restricted than the other. Either way, terrorism will still find ways to slip through. I remember too when terrorism was high in certain areas due to increased activity, and now Calypso is getting its share of it. We are becoming more aggressive in our security measures in order to prevent this from happening.

    Not an attack or slander no, but I do certainly feel as if you're being a bit passive aggressive, despite me not being able to hear a vocal tone. Also, we are already working on fixing some issues, and we hope to prevent these morons from constantly bombarding our station with their inane reasons. I must say though Gary, you are the only one who has ever spoken out your actual thoughts, while pretty much everybody else just repeated themselves with no explanation, a bunch of broken records, a bunch of petty excuses. Thank you for at least putting thought into your word. Also I do hope you stay safe as well, Gary.
    After all, the Fringe is a dangerous place.

  11. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // Haha another reply to L0x2

    I don't have access to pay wages, but I've known of people who got paid to do nothing, and then others who were unsatisfied with their pay. Yes I understand it's frustrating that I'm not naming names, and I'd rather keep people anonymous. It's not the biggest issue, and if what you say about this new system is true, then this won't be an issue for much longer anyway. So good on that, yeah?

    I think it could have been pretty easy to test how varro did under pressure. I still think it's something achievable. But yes, you did a good job of stopping him after he went AWOL. I'd just hope there's better measures to prevent AWOL moments from happening, such as better recruitment. No system is flawless, but there's ways to at least stop a huge portion of unstable and undesirable applicants.

    Obviously he's not doing that, but I felt it necessary to point out. If I can nitpick something, others can too. Just be more careful with wording was all I was trying to say there. It's the nexus, people can take things out of context unfortunately.

    Good, I'm glad to hear security is upping in response to the violence and terrorism. I'm actually happy to hear that.

    If I've been passive aggressive, then I apologize. And from what you say I can see that you're working on those issues. My criticism is an attempt to help sort things out, and I at least hope it has had a positive impact in some way. Petty excuses are not great, I understand, as management I get that you must hear all of it.

    I'm always up for a chat, you know. If you want to talk about this more, well you know how to contact me. And I'll do my best to be safe.

    // End //