// Several posts are uploaded to the Nexus, on several sites visited by individuals searching for freelance jobs. It's a simple text post, with the picture of a young Human woman's face tacked onto the top. Her auburn hair is cut short, and her face sharp and pointed. It'd be hard for one to tell what she was feeling at the time, as her face seemed forced into a neutral expression. In case it isn't somehow obvious, the applications are all kept private.// Dear Readers, To those who will hear out my cry for help, I have quest for. Ever since my loving husband met his early end at the blade of Talos, I have known the bitter thirst for revenge. Talos' blood is the only thing that will quench my thirst and I shall reward those who can bring me that. So come, show me your potential so that I may choose out champion to carry out my greatest desire. ((Hi Hi, this is all OOC info that you don't really have to read but you might want to.)) ((After getting myself too excited for this campaign, I decided to kick things off a little earlier than planned (By an entire day!). The campaign is planned to start this Friday, with pre-session RP being possible before that if people are interested. Sign-ups will be closing tomorrow at 12pm est, so make sure to send in your application before that if you're interested. I suppose that's all, PM me with any question you've got.))
NAME: Gene AGE: 512 SPECIES: Glitch (Mostly) EXPERIENCE WITH THE UNDERCRYPT, IF ANY: Travelled with Lord Red-Bolt to help him reclaim his kingdom and joined in the expedition to Highreach. SKILLS: Swordsmanship, taking hits, drawing attention, diplomacy, using a shield PHOTO/DESCRIPTION OF YOURSELF: ((nevermind here's a casual one)) MISC: I don't need to eat. ((Discord Tag: @Captain Nemo#5740 hmu boy ))
NAME: Morgan Snip AGE: 40 SPECIES: Human EXPERIENCE WITH THE UNDERCRYPT, IF ANY: Veteran, Three Trips + Two Expiditions. SKILLS: Sword and Shield, Vampyric Tech, Healing, Crossbow. PHOTO/DESCRIPTION OF YOURSELF: (( You know. )) MISC: N/A ((Discord Tag: Nin#0569 ))
NAME: Tallis Xiokhan AGE: 28 SPECIES: Vampyr (Avian) EXPERIENCE WITH THE UNDERCRYPT, IF ANY: Undercrypt resident. Lives in telltale. SKILLS: Creation and usage of Vampyric technology. (Staves, Masques, Matrixes.) 28 years of experience in Erebus, of course. Dagger usage, PHOTO/DESCRIPTION OF YOURSELF: // Tallis Xiokhan is a 5' 6" Vampyric Avian. Like all other Vampyric Avians, they have a head completely devoid of all feathers, red eyes, dark feathers, and arm-wings too small to do anything. They also have a beak similar to that of a bird of prey. They are wearing light armor with a lot of furs with some leather dyed with a pattern of red, black, and blue while holding a staff. // MISC: My first time adventuring. (( Discord Tag: You already know this, but Capslock#4570 ))
NAME: Tigrovi AGE: 25 SPECIES: Human EXPERIENCE WITH THE UNDERCRYPT, IF ANY: Went to highreach SKILLS: Swordfighting, fighting in general, ok at talking PHOTO/DESCRIPTION OF YOURSELF: [[ you know ]] MISC: ((Discord Tag: you know ))
NAME: Ryder Ayron AGE: 28 SPECIES: Human EXPERIENCE WITH THE UNDERCRYPT, IF ANY: I have been there before and in my time down there I helped free the town of Eldsmith from this Hytol Woman SKILLS: I can use a gun, sort of use a sword (in fact I have one i got from the Undercrypt, I also have knowledge on things on precursor tech, and to top it of I have this amulet thing I got down there that lets me control water. [ I also am very skilled with computers but that won't help down here.] PHOTO/DESCRIPTION OF YOURSELF: [Insert photo thats in my signature here] (( and u know my discord ))
NAME: S.A.M. AGE: 3 SPECIES: Synthetic Intelligence EXPERIENCE WITH THE UNDERCRYPT, IF ANY: None SKILLS: Hacking (might not be useful), melee combat, quick calculation which allows for quick reaction time, novice firearm skills, language translation, and medical experience PHOTO/DESCRIPTION OF YOURSELF: *A picture is attached of a female purple robot with a ponytail head mod, pink eyes, wearing jeans, a white T-shirt, and a black leather jacket. With an attached description that reads* I am built to serve so I shall serve you. MISC: I am going to use my combat shell (above) which has a variety of weapons and high damage resistance. ((Discord Tag: NublarRex #7553(?) I don't remember the numbers (might be #5337), but you should have my tag.))