// The New Basra Pact \\

Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by Partisan, Aug 19, 2017.

  1. Partisan

    Partisan Deo Vindice

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // An Islamic Caliphate newsreel blog loads up, the page well organised with lovely Arabic lingo at the side hugged by mellow green borders.\\

    Salaam dear readers, today I'd like to address the Caliph's people and any Fringe-goers regarding the signing of the New Basra Pact by Lloyd of Atlas, Malacoda of Nova Australasia and our benevolent leader, Syed al-Quiche.

    //A screenshotted version of the signed document is provided.\\

    The New Basra Pact is a semi-permanent intergovernmental military pact, the creation of which was announced on Dhul-Qa`dah 27 (August 19) 3284 in New Basra (ICIF territory) by the Islamic Caliphate in the Fringe, the Holy Dominion of Nova Australasia, and the Atlas Corporation.

    The New Basra Pact pursues its internal policy based on the principles of mutual defense, mutual benefit, mutual consultations, and a desire for common development and military success.

    A tenet of the pact is the sharing of medical research as to promote and encourage the well-being of the citizens of each member state. This is achieved through the sharing of medical research concerning neural implants and post mortem synthetic research, although further medical research of any kind may be requested by any of the member parties as to best encourage cooperation and ease of relations.

    As a result of the historio-philosophical preservationist nature of the Caliphate, it is stipulated that the three member states must work in conjunction as to preserve the cultural and philosophical tenets of Terrans past, ensuring that the native traditions and practices may not be forgotten within the Fringe. This may be through the establishment of museums and educational supplies, although this is entirely upon the member states' discretion.

    Citizens of each of the member states may migrate openly between the three territories, provided they meet the legal requirements.

    The heads of each individual state act as the supreme decision-making body in the New Basra Pact. It meets when required by the parties and adopts decisions and guidelines on all important matters concerning the success and efficiency of each member state. The heads of each state may meet to resolve current important cooperation issues, and also to approve the organisation's annual shared budget. The Pact's official languages are Galactic Common and Arabic.

    The present pact shall become valid immediately upon signature and shall remain in force ten years from the date on which it becomes effective. In due time, before the expiration of said term, the respected leaders shall, at the request of any one of them, enter into negotiations for its renewal.

    The heads of each respective member state are as follows;

    Syed al-Quiche of the Caliphate's Quichei dynasty.

    Lloyd of the Atlas Corporation.

    Malacoda the First of Nova Australasia.

    //And a handful of images are included as well, the relevant few showing the trio of leaders signing the pact inside the New Basra capital's cut-stone ziggurat .\\

    (( shout out to heid for his epic help ))
  2. insidertrading

    insidertrading Daedalus Staff Member Administrator Technician

    Jun 25, 2017
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    // The post is circulated through all of Atlas space.