I'm just about to return to dis community so I don't have dat much of a stuff going on ; v; A feesh. Trash I did while away (Latest > Oldest order starts from above): Spoiler A very tiny note Spoiler [size=-2]Requests are now closed, SFW only no kinky stuff. ( ?° ?? ?°)[/size] 5/5 slots taken, requests are currently closed atm. (+2 more requests coming from fb page, might delay a bit since I'm preparing to travel back home in Friday.)
If I can get a screenshot in the morning can you draw my character Kiki with gaming headphones and a controller?
Could you draw Boombox leaning against a wall and smoking a ciggy? That'd be... fresh and cool http://i.imgur.com/oNEo9V6.png
Can you draw my Chinaut, Zrak-Tha? Just an upper body picture is fine. Refs The sprite itself. https://images.discordapp.net/.eJwFwUsKwyAQANC7uI-_OOrkDoVCDiBiRAOJBp2uSu_e977sMy62sUr0zE2I45ypj4NP6iOWzEvv5crxOSdP_RaRKKZ650ZTaA8WHWjpQYJ1yqLQ6BBWZwFXbzQiaLGnkXMLe-0UtFRukWaRKkQKyI3ixoX3iz-tsN8fZU4qkA.DPvvRjYKC3q0woG80tKYSk4NDLg The general look of Chinauts, made by pinkbat5
Could you draw Valeria? Preferably in a saluting pose with her Haven Guard helmet under one arm as she smiles. Reference: Spoiler A 6'2 human female with light brunette hair that is braided together into a plait at the back of her head. Her pony is fixed with a single golden hairpin, otherwise her hair is a little bit messy. Her face is mostly defined by her blue eyes and freckles that run along her nose and cheeks.
Can you do one of my character? I have one picture of the sprite and one of an art I got done of her a while back. Also, not sure how to provide a reference, but both her arms are robotic. Thanks.