// Haven Senate - Esas //

Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by Khaos, Aug 3, 2017.

  1. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // A simple website is uploaded to the nexus, regarding the upcoming election in the Haven Federation. It is for Esas, an individual who is not very well known aside from the fact he is an Echo. However, some may know his history with the Undercrypt. //

    ((OOC tid-bit. You cannot ICly translate the foreign language in the poster.
    I hate having to state this over and over.))

    Good day, Citizens of the Haven Federation! I am Esas, a Synthetic Intelligence whom has underwent Thetafication in recent past.
    What I bring to you, my people, are a series of promises, and guarantees should I be elected as Senator:
    • -  Increased security among all of our government's positions. A background check will be performed on both of these groups, and should they have any associations with any hostile or enemy powers, they will be barred from running for election or working under the Haven Guard, Military, and Navy. Whenever a Senator or the Grand Protector meet with foreign powers, they must be accompanied by a minimum of one Haven Guard and must be monitored.
    • -  Expansion to reclaim what was lost of our Corrav district. Rebuilding our industrial sector is mandatory, and I will ensure it is built back better than ever before. Businesses and corporations based on Haven soil will be promoted to build and expand to reform what was lost of our industrial zone.
    • -  I will ensure that members of the Haven Guard, Military, and the Navy improve the ways they conduct themselves, I will offer them better benefits, and I will promote their expansion. It is important for Haven to be able to defend itself at a moment's notice, as there are many who would seek our destruction. I will ensure that Haven will stand strong in this regard.
    // Q/A //
    Feel free to ask me any questions that you may have, and I will answer to the best of my ability.

    // No anonymous submissions will be permitted. //
  2. Capslock

    Capslock you're all nerds Ex-Staff Event Builder

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // User TWW posts a question. //

    What is your opinion on the other candidates for the Senate?
  3. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // ESAUCE replies //

    While I have not met with them all, I must say I have an extreme amount of respect for Roy. Previously having been a synthetic intelligence myself, I am very familiar with the discrimination against such a people. In short, I am in full support of such a man and what he stands for.

    As for Sinji Ekta, I do not know him personally enough to place a strong opinion, but I support his work through Solus. After all, his company is leading the restoration of the Corrav district as of this moment.

    As for Cleanbot... I think his heart is in the right place, however without a list of policies listed or knowledge of what he stands for, I cannot support him.

    Finally, as for Thalass Cissa, she and I share a lot of ideals, of which I obviously support. Her history may only be not much more than Prix racing, but so was senator Noose.

    All in all, I would like to meet with each of them in person, as it would allow me to offer more detailed opinions alongside constructive criticism.