The Atlas Corporation [Rework 3]

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by insidertrading, Jul 16, 2017.

  1. insidertrading

    insidertrading Daedalus Staff Member Administrator Technician

    Jun 25, 2017
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    [Atlas currently has 70 active members, we are the biggest faction in the history of the server. Our Roster.]
    [This faction is being created from scratch with custom items, hubs, clothing, armor and weapons. Things take time to do.]
    // Loading ATTP:// Atlas.nex

    The Atlas Corporation.
    "Audentis fortuna iuvat."

    -Who we are and what we do-
    The Atlas Corporation is the resurrected legacy left behind by three previous leaders of The Atlas Federation, which was partially housed here in the Fringe. Those who remember us as the Atlas Federation should know that we have dropped the old name in favor of a new identity here in the Fringe.

    The Atlas Corporation is a capitalist establishment, dedicated to increasing the total productive capacity of the Fringe, and only the Fringe. We keep Fringe business here.

    -Our Plans-
    The main goal of the Atlas Corporation is to bring as much industry as possible into the Fringe, using only the potential of the Fringe. People here strive for something to identify themselves with, something to work or to fight for, Atlas has offered a hand to all who seek their goal, whether it be a job or a new life. We stand supportive of only the Fringe.

    -Our Method-

    Long has the gun be the focus of the Fringe. Militarism reigns supreme over our skies but Atlas senses an untapped well of the Fringe's best minds crawling under the radar for fear of annihilation. Atlas is the pillar that protects the future. All those who were afraid to rise during the less organized times need not fear a thing with Atlas. We are to foster them and their gifts.

    -Our Accomplishments-
    Atlas has made many strides in the Fringe. We have proven our success to the galaxy.
    -Developed a new class of robot, the Atlas Platform System.
    -Created the Galaxy's first settlement on a gas giant. [Lapetus]
    -Returned to old Atlas Federation wreckage and helped solve the mystery of the downfall.
    -We have rapidly grown since day one, gaining both allies and enemies across the Fringe.
    -Made strides in the production of ships.
    -Revolutionized laser weaponry.
    -Created an extensive arsenal for our impressive Asset Protection Regime.
    -Created a ship factory in a gas giant.
    -Colonized molten worlds in order to gain more knowledge of their worth.
    -Created an autonomous private army out of the platform system.
    -Engaged in trade with many Fringe powers all across space.
    -Delivered profit to shareholders consistently.
    -Assisted in development of many new technologies.
    -Solved what happened to Shawn Rhodes.
    -Developed a Virtual Intelligence system that allows rapid production of VI with specific criteria.
    -Perfected modular optimizations to be uploaded into a ship's autopilot that allows easier travel into gas worlds.
    -Revived a long-thought-dead ideology within our home.

    No competition can say this about themselves, we have the proof.

    -The Roles You May Fill-
    [[ I let you request your own pay, within reason. This is to allow you to play your character in whatever economic state you want them to be in. Some people enjoy poverty.]]
    [[Take a look at our arsenal gallery. No faction has an arsenal like us.]]


    (( OOC ))
    Head of Production: Donn Hoffman.
    Engineers are a central class of Atlas, they are the main operators of the workstations in Calypso and serve as anything from mechanics to physicists. The redefined class boundaries of this generation list this class as more focused on mechanical studies as opposed to biotic.
    They can:
    -Conduct experiments revolving around anything from applied robotics, avionics or even military technology.
    -Access Atlas' extensive arsenal for self protection for free and gain access to Atlas-only models.
    -Have permittance to enter the depth of Calypso, beyond what the public is allowed to visit.
    -Access to a free Atlas ship.
    -Hop in-between projects to help others, encouraged to work where skilled.
    -Participate in Atlas events regarding exploration, combat, etc.
    -Act as civilian jobs on Atlas-owned lands. Bartenders, etc.
    -Act as programmers/whatever.

    (( OOC ))
    Head of Research: Vermillion Verticus.
    Scientists are the fraction of the Engineering firm that focuses more heavily on natural sciences. Things like chemicals to genealogy. These are also a very important class to Atlas.
    They can:
    -Perform experiments relating to natural sciences, like genetics or cloning.
    -Perform chemical experiments.
    -Study potential bio-weapons.
    -Take evolution into their own hands and create new species to fight for Atlas. (Like Wowgain's raptor things.)
    -Conduct live experiments on alien life.
    -Accompany Expansion members on exploration missions.
    -Research terraforming/etc.
    -Access Atlas' extensive arsenal for self protection for free and gain access to Atlas-only models.
    -Have permittance to enter the depth of Calypso, beyond what the public is allowed to visit.
    -Access to a free Atlas ship.
    -Hop in-between projects to help others, encouraged to work where skilled.
    -Participate in Atlas events regarding exploration, combat, etc.
    -Act as civilian jobs on Atlas-owned lands. Bartenders, etc.

    Asset Protection
    (( OOC ))
    Officers: Shawn Rhodes / Markus Aleksandr.
    The Asset Protection is Atlas' private army. They are the sapient combat force fighting aside the robotic combat force encompassing all non sapient soldiers. They are given immediate access to weapons and armor.
    They can:
    -Engage in combat against enemies of Atlas.
    -Guard Calypso. (Note, guard intervention only really needs to happen if someone important to Atlas is in trouble.)
    -Participate in combat training paid for by Atlas.
    -Test military technology.
    -Access free ammunition from Atlas.
    -Access Atlas' extensive arsenal for self protection for free and gain access to Atlas-only models.
    -Have permittance to enter the depth of Calypso, beyond what the public is allowed to visit.
    -Access to a free Atlas ship.
    -Participate in Atlas events regarding exploration, combat, etc.
    -Act as civilian jobs on Atlas-owned lands. Bartenders, etc.

    (( OOC ))
    Manager: Elsie
    Our esteemed medical program. If you're more of the pacifist type, the one that likes to help people, you can apply for this job and consider yourself a bonafide doctor in Atlas' eyes.
    They can:
    -Act as doctors inside Calypso or on the field, wherever it may be.
    -Test new medicine or chemicals.
    -Experiment on life.
    -Access Atlas' extensive arsenal for self protection for free and gain access to Atlas-only models.
    -Have permittance to enter the depth of Calypso, beyond what the public is allowed to visit.
    -Access to a free Atlas ship.
    -Participate in Atlas events regarding exploration, combat, etc.
    -Act as civilian jobs on Atlas-owned lands. Bartenders, etc.
    -Hop in-between projects to help others, encouraged to work where skilled.

    (( OOC ))
    Expansion are the explorers of Atlas, those willing to leave the red banner flying on new worlds. A high paying class, though pay is based on performance.
    They can:
    -Have access to an upgraded scouting ship courtesy of Atlas.
    -Encouraged to explore on Pinkbat's Discord.
    -Access to squadrons of Atlas robots to setup tachyonic comms.
    -Access Atlas' extensive arsenal for self protection for free and gain access to Atlas-only models.
    -Have permittance to enter the depth of Calypso, beyond what the public is allowed to visit.
    -Participate in Atlas events regarding exploration, combat, etc.
    -Act as civilian jobs on Atlas-owned lands. Bartenders, etc.

    (( OOC ))
    Logistics is the replacement for the RAT team. They are the transporters of Atlas, the pilots. They transport orders, supplies, resources, troops, etc.
    They can:
    -Have access to Atlas star maps in order to efficiently travel around.
    -Have a ship with upgraded jump range.
    -Discounted erchius price.
    -Access Atlas' extensive arsenal for self protection for free and gain access to Atlas-only models.

    -Have admittance to enter the depth of Calypso, beyond what the public is allowed to visit.
    -Participate in Atlas events regarding exploration, combat, etc.
    -Act as civilian jobs on Atlas-owned lands. Bartenders, etc.

    (( OOC ))
    Management members are the web that connects Atlas in my absence. They are to report to me on goings-on or in special cases may apply as a spy. That could be done privately, as to avoid metagaming. (They don't have to be in Management to spy)
    They can:
    -Give directions to Atlas members from Lloyd.
    -Report back to Lloyd on the goings-on in his absence.
    -Organize events based on my directions or things that need doing.
    -Coordinate missions.
    -Spy. ((Apply privately. ))
    -Access Atlas' extensive arsenal for self protection for free and gain access to Atlas-only models.
    -Have permittance to enter the depth of Calypso, beyond what the public is allowed to visit.
    -Access to a free Atlas ship.
    -Participate in Atlas events regarding exploration, combat, etc.
    -Act as civilian jobs on Atlas-owned lands. Bartenders, etc.

    Civilian Labor
    (( OOC ))
    Civilians are just workers that have no interest in any of the above things, they serve as janitorial staff, bartenders, waiters, etc.
    They can:
    -Literally just do whatever job they applied for. Like janitor or bartender.

    You will never have another opportunity like this.
    Apply below:
    //Full Name:
    //Career Request:
    //Annual Pay Request: [Be reasonable.]
    //Affiliation with other organizations:
    //Additional Notes:

    [-OOC BUFFER-]

    Members accepted will be PM'ed a discord invite to Atlas Discord which serves as our primary IC and OOC communication service. Tylenol#0478 is my name. Atlas Discord is considered a private server.

    If a company or faction wants to submit and assimilate with Atlas, you should contact my discord.

    Questions and shit can be sent to Discord. Tylenol#0478
    I do allow members to set their own pay, but insane pay will be declined and changed to more reasonable income. This is to not lock players into any type of economical RP. If you want to play an impoverished character, you can do that.

    I felt that doing OOC job descriptions would give people a better idea of what they'd be doing once on the job. Current members can just change into any new class they feel like being in. Atlas is very unrestricted.

    This is a quick rewrite of a few things on the Atlas page as well as an expansion to career paths for people who may not have liked the compact original list.

    Expect a major rewrite soon :^)
    Endiie likes this.
  2. GodDinoKillDinoGodManKill

    GodDinoKillDinoGodManKill New Arrival

    Jul 13, 2017
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    [/b]//[/b][/b]Full Name: Rosie Shiner[/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Age: 28[/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Species: Human[/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Career Request: Management[/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Qualifications: Neutral and loyal, assertive, generally intimidating. [/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Annual Pay Request: [Be reasonable.] I don't care. 5 thousand per month? Your choice.[/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Affiliation with other organizations: Part Time security guard at Amethyst Entertainment. [/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Additional Notes: I can jump pretty high and I'm strong if I say so myself.[/b]
  3. Shawnx17

    Shawnx17 Novakid main through and through Diamond Donator

    Jul 3, 2017
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    [/b]//[/b][/b]Full Name: Wester Lund Jr.[/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Age: 23[/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Species: Novakid[/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Career Request: (Preferably) Engineer or Scientist.[/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Qualifications: Brought up with some of the best education Apex could provide, Very familiar with robotics, Loyal, and polite.[/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Annual Pay Request: Around 4-5 thousand is enough for me I'm very flexible about it.[/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Affiliation with other organizations: (Not sure if this counts but I'd like to let you know anyway) I was raised by a group of scientists and Engineers that worked for the Miniknog but I hold no affiliation with them besides being raised by those few Apex (Now deceased due to a rebel attack that wiped out the team while I was spared).[/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Additional Notes: I'm extremely familiar with Miniknog tech if you need someone to handle anything you find related to them, I'm pretty handy with a guitar, also Dr. Anne whom I meet at Calypso and chatted with for a while had recommend to me that I apply if that helps at all. [/b]
  4. insidertrading

    insidertrading Daedalus Staff Member Administrator Technician

    Jun 25, 2017
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    [/b]//[/b][/b]Accepted. Welcome to the fold.[/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Welcome to the fold.[/b]

    [/b]- Note, additional things may be asked once you are indoctrinated to ensure loyalty. Spies are prevalent now. -[/b]
  5. Rude Dude

    Rude Dude New Arrival

    Jun 29, 2017
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    //Full Name: Ira Rotherford

    //Age: 27

    //Species: Human

    //Career Request: Logistics (Preferably attached with Asset Protection)

    //Qualifications: Piloting Experience, Combat experience (Hand to hand, and Weapons), People Person, Reliable, Experienced in living in the Fringe(While it was a few years ago experience none the less.)

    //Annual Pay Request: 60K Yearly

    //Affiliation with other organizations: N/A

    //Additional Notes: I suppose I should confess I have poor eyesight without my glasses, or contacts. I've never exactly had the money for corrective surgery, nor have I ever wanted it in my life. That being said with my glasses, or contacts though I can see perfectly clearly, I somehow doubt I'll get the position based on that fact of my poor eyesight. Only other thing worth mentioning is I have worked in goods transportation before, finding it incredibly boring, but if it's available I wouldn't mind the position. Final Notes: I would also like to know Shawn Rhodes was instrumental in my choice to actually go through with filling out an application, really selling me on the idea.
  6. insidertrading

    insidertrading Daedalus Staff Member Administrator Technician

    Jun 25, 2017
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    //Shawn Rhodes has demonstrated to have changed in the past year, we will take his recommendation. Welcome.
  7. Autumn

    Autumn New Arrival

    Jul 17, 2017
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    [/b]//[/b][/b]Full Name: Quantum Quartz[/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Age: 276-8[/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Species: Novakid[/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Career Request: Scientist[/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Qualifications: I'm a zoologist, I study animals and their behaviors in different climates.[/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Annual Pay Request: [110k Pixels][/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Affiliation with other organizations: N/A[/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Additional Notes: Shawn Rhodes recommended me to join.[/b]
  8. AmaraVitali

    AmaraVitali New Arrival

    Jul 31, 2017
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    Full Name: Amara Vitali

    Age: 21

    Species: Apex

    Career Request: Asset Protection

    Qualifications: Previous Experience in Security teams, especially in crowd control. Experience living in the fringe, combat and survival experience.

    Annual Pay Request: 45,000 per year or 35,000 per year with bonuses based on performance.

    Affiliation with other Organizations: Unaffiliated.

    Additional notes: Recruited and endorsed by Shawn Rhodes
  9. Roval_Jax

    Roval_Jax New Arrival

    Jul 1, 2017
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    Full Name: Audiclann Curieur

    Age: 22 years old

    Species: Human

    Career Request: Medical

    Qualities: Certified medic, with a year of work experience in various public hospitals (their appraisals included in resume, should) and a major in Medicine and Biology.

    Annual Pay Request: 10000 to 20000 pixels. I can manage myself with mentioned pay.

    Affiliation with other Organizations: None.

    Additional Notes: I have sent copies of my resume which includes appraisals from several public hospitals in Civil Space and my diplomas on Medicine and Biology. If you wish to recieve further information or have any questions regarding myself, feel free to ask.

    ((Character Sheet))
  10. Kol0r

    Kol0r New Arrival

    Aug 10, 2017
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    Full Name: Jesper Donovan
    Age: 19
    Species: Human

    Career Request: Expansion
    Qualities: A willingness to work and a need for income.
    Annual Pay Request: ~20,000
    Affiliation With Other Organizations: None
    Additional Notes: I'm willing to fill other positions if this one isn't available.
  11. YeastBeast

    YeastBeast New Arrival

    Jun 28, 2017
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    [/b]//[/b][/b]Full Name: Armon Samuel [/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Age: 31[/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Species: Human[/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Career Request: Scientist[/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Qualifications: Skilled in a wide variety of sciences, including biological where the two cross over. [/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Annual Pay Request: [Be reasonable.] I am unsure what is reasonable, but my plan is to commission an android body, so whatever will make that possible. [/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Affiliation with other organizations: None. My work I have kept to myself for a long time. [/b]

    [/b]//[/b][/b]Additional Notes: Atlas was recommended by Shawn, I'm assuming there's only one 'Shawn' so that will not be confusing. I refer to myself as 'Tangent', and so do most people. [/b]
  12. insidertrading

    insidertrading Daedalus Staff Member Administrator Technician

    Jun 25, 2017
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    //All four are sent private messages containing communication codes.

    [[ I apologize for taking so goddamn long, these forums are a nightmare to get used to and the topic itself seemed to need more attention than thr applicants. I'll PM you your join codes. ]]
  13. Nate-sch

    Nate-sch New Arrival

    Aug 10, 2017
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    Full Name: Nathan Schroeder
    Age: 24
    Species: Human

    Career Request: Asset protection
    Qualities: not afraid to do what needs to be done, spread far and few one of the worlds wonders... a non edgy assassin.
    Annual Pay Request: ~69k (hehe XD)
    Affiliation With Other Organizations: i help a chick named hydra explore planets.
    Additional Notes: i hope to work less as a foot soldier and more as a scout/assassin depending on the situation, but i wont be afraid to take the foot soldier role if needed.... please don't give me a gun and let me embarrass myself, i do blades, let me keep doing blades.
  14. dafta

    dafta New Arrival

    Aug 10, 2017
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    // Full Name: Jennie Bell

    // Age: 31

    // Species: Human

    // Career Request: Engineer

    // Qualifications: Lifelong experience with engineering, interest in technology, adept with all sorts of engines and propulsion systems, programming and software knowledge.

    // Annual Pay Request: 60K Yearly? I honestly don't know how much that is IC. I'm fine with whatever, though.

    // Affiliation with other organizations: None

    // Additional Notes: Ship running on a modified aneutronic fusion reactor.
  15. Crab

    Crab New Arrival

    Jun 26, 2017
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    //Full Name: Kra'uz Yeme'a

    //Age: 31

    //Species: Cervidani

    //Career Request: Asset Protection

    //Qualifications: Was a guard in my colony, I have a lot of experience with firearms, as they are my main weapon, and also pretty decent at hand-to-hand combat.

    //Annual Pay Request: 40k yearly, and would also like to request new cybernetic arms, chest and leg, as they are falling apart, and beginning to become rusty, also rather hard to control.

    //Affiliation with other organizations: None.

    //Additional Notes: I am up for any guard duty you give me.
  16. insidertrading

    insidertrading Daedalus Staff Member Administrator Technician

    Jun 25, 2017
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    //Invites are distributed to the Nexus accounts belonging to the posters.
  17. greed23

    greed23 New Arrival

    Aug 14, 2017
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    Full Name: Dr. Nazuki Rainguard

    Age: 37

    Species: Hylotl

    Career Request: Medical

    Qualifications: Medical Doctorate in Xeno-Medicine. 5 years of free-lance experience.

    Annual Pay Request: 50-70,000 a year. (Flexible.)

    Affiliation with other organizations: None.

    Additional Notes: My doctorate covers the primary species here in the Fringe. I will render aid to any race to the best of my ability if I am not trained on a species seeking it, excluding domesticated animals. I also own a personal ship that was retro-fitted as a Hospital ship, so I can provide care to those injured in places far from Atlas HQ.
  18. reformed

    reformed New Arrival

    Aug 16, 2017
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    Full Name: Liam Cox

    Age: 25

    Species: Human

    Career Request: Chef

    Qualities: Quite literally one of the best chef's you'll ever meet, able to make any sort of food you tell him as long as you lay him in on the general idea. He's an amazing trumpeter, too.

    Annual Pay Request: 15,000-17,500 Yearly.

    Affiliation With Other Organizations: None. Was in a fraternity in college, though.

    Additional Notes: He's a really friendly guy, and he'll do anything for spare cash. He's willing to work any hours, and he really loves his job- when he has one. He just likes to work.
  19. Boruba

    Boruba New Arrival

    Jun 26, 2017
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    //Full Name: Velka Polak

    //Age: 32

    //Species: Apex

    //Career Request: Civilian Labor, (Specifically to be a bartender), however maybe Medical in the future if I could be offered the education to learn to be a doctor?

    //Qualifications: I would find myself attractive.

    //Annual Pay Request [Be reasonable.]: 60,000 px

    //Affiliation with other organizations: None.

    //Additional Notes: Shawn Rhodes sent me.
  20. Catfan6

    Catfan6 New Arrival

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Full Name: Lead
    Age: N/A (doesn't remember much of history, as per usual for Novakids)
    Species: Novakid
    Career Request: Pilot
    Qualifications: very good at shooting pistols or other light arms (should there be any boarding incidents), extreme reflexes and observation skills.
    Annual Pay Request: 20K - 25K
    Affiliation with other organizations: None
    Additional Notes: I think I covered everything