I've been trying to get back into the swing of things around here but it's just a bit odd. Any chance we could go back to a simpler time before there were a million different discords you needed to join before you could properly RP on GC? Like, I get it, I do. It's fun when you build up a faction or a group and you can have your own space and coordinate and RP without needing to log on and all that, I know it's hard to get everyone together on the server at times and that it'd be silly to make a new hub for every single location that exists but I can't help but feel things have gone too far. Am I the only one that feels this way? That RP on GC is much more of a chore now than it was before discord became an official part of it all? I mean when there's 12 public discords and god knows how many private ones (like 30?) and each one of them has 10 different channels for different aspects and areas, you have to start to wonder what the point of an actual starbound server is. Feels more that it's just a tradition than anything else, hubwise it seems Haven and Calypso are the only ones used by the majority and the way things are looking Haven's going to be gone depending on the outcome of this invasion The ones that use the server are more often than not either a handful of minor or major antagonists that stay in their cliques and groups to ICly pick on or stir up trouble with an individual or the characters are loners without any faction or need to hang around on the discords so they just sit around and do idle chatter until one of the aforementioned antagonist groups comes along. I don't know, maybe it's just because I'm from a less active time zone but it just seems very static on the server and all the actual RP is happening over on a discord that I'm vaguely aware of and when I wake up there's a trillion notifications that if I don't want to stay out of the loop I probably need to trawl through rather than say, hearing about it IC on the server through word of mouth. Just as an example, say two characters wanted to meet up and discuss something, before discord they'd need to meet up on the server and that presents the opportunity for a lot of external factors and characters to come into play. Maybe they have to hang around in public, send a messenger, travel around asking if the person they want to meet has been seen recently. Now? It's just a case of PMing someone on discord with a digital message. I don't know, just feels like GC has strayed away from being a starbound server to a Discord server network with a starbound theme. These might just be my opinions on things and I'm just not getting something about the new systems, I don't know. I guess it'd be good to get some opposing views, why people think it's better this way, healthy discussion and all that, who knows really. It's quite late here, just felt I wanted to type this out of my system.
I actually completely agree with Magic here. I miss the old 2014 days of actually doing stuff on the server. I know people now that don't even go on the server, they purely stay in discord, which I feel is bad for the RP. I get that GC is supposed to be "better" now and more sleek, but it definitely feels like it's lost its way. IDK, maybe I'm just too nostalgic of the old days, and it definitely seems like I'm in the minority, but part of me thinks that Discord has hurt GC rather than helped it much at all.
its because discord RP is the only interesting RP, the rest(usually on server) is pointless banter that repeats the previous day or is something that nobody really cares about >inb4 "BE THE CHANGE"
For the record I expressed the same feeling myself when news of my retirement became public, in a voice chat. In addition to this, many in the Staff team itself have been concerned with how RP has moved away from the server in favor of Discord. We're trying to think of how to move it back to the server within the limitations of the platform itself. There's at least 40 discord servers that are related to GC where RP takes place, out of which we are only able to monitor less than half. So... No. he is not the only one who feels this way. The majority of the staff team has voiced similar concerns.
I goof around on the server more than I do the Discord, though I still do both. I will admit, being face-to-face with other characters and the environment itself has a bit more substance than just seeing the words in a chat room. It might not seem like much is happening with all the stuff in the server, but looks can be deceiving. Some characters are making plenty of progress and development that isn't documented in the Discord. Lots of action was happening at the Muse earlier that used the staircases, the bar counter, the various levels of the theater, the art gallery, the fancy tables, and even the bathrooms. Character and prop placement in a scene can definitely play a part in a session's outcome. Can't really see that stuff in a Discord. Honestly, I think the Discord's great for stuff like OOC chatter among players and actual discussion of the server events themselves. In fact, one thing about the Discord I kind of like is how Haven's chat has a little ping system where you can @ the Haven Guard and one of them might pop in on the server itself to see what's happening. If all channels had something like that, it might make a small difference. That being said, I myself am also tired and incapable of coherent thoughts at this time.