Iolanda Nakata

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by Guest, Jul 16, 2017.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    General Information[/b]

    Iolanda is an Avian of green feathers, some (those atop her head) she will occasionally die random colors. She is round and plump and usually full of energy that she tries to spread around. Iolanda is currently looking for a planet where she can set up shop, open a bar, and spend her days in the sun and by the beach. She doesn't talk about her pat, but she doesn't quell any rumors either. Some say she was a mercenary, others say she was a pirate; only she really knows and she wont tell.


    Physical Appearance[/b]

    Iolanda is about average height, standing just under six feet tall. She is slightly overweight but that doesn't see to slow her down any. She constantly moves about, doing something be it swaying back and forth or simply moving her arms. Iolanda usually dresses loose, if at all (when she is alone), a grass or reed skirt around her waist and a long strip of cloth around her chest is what she normally likes to wear but she does have other things to wear should the need arise. 


    When approaching Iolanda, people notice that she is not all bubbles and happiness. Hey amber-colored eyes, sharp as the beak on her face, judge them silently, measuring them silently. While Iolanda speaks honeyed words with a smile and reassuring gestures, it's her eyes that put people off.



    Born to be a priestess for Kluex, Iolana grew up in relative comfort (as far as Avians have comfort). The finest hay and stray for her bed, the juiciest meats and seeds for food, silks for clothing; surely she would never want for anything. She was being groomed to replace the head priest in her village (who was growing old and would soon pass into Kluex's arms) but despite the life of luxury she was destined for, Iolanda wanted more, she wanted her life to be hers, not her gods. So, one night when she was given peace, she bolted; leaving behind her priestly robes and crown, her warm hay, her sweet food, she grabbed a sword from the armory and a pistol and took off into the night.  She traveled the surface of the planet until she found a ship of traders who were willing to take her into space. She paid for her trip with work as a cabin girl (because there was no mistaking her for anything else) and worked until they reached a space station; then she got off and vanished within. No one heard from her again for seven years.


    When Iolanda appeared again, it was on that same space station, only now she had money. The air about her changed too, the once stary-eyed girl was no more, now she walked around like she knew where she was going and with a sense of relaxed control. She purchased a small ship for herself, all up front, and took off again; this time not hiding herself. Some of her village, and a group of hunters for Kluex, actively follow her, trying to capture her and bring her back to where she belongs, but so far, she has been able to out run them.
  2. Loridanna

    Loridanna New Arrival

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Somehow it logged me out before I could post.....

    DUWANGO New Arrival

    Jun 28, 2017
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    RIP lol