
Discussion in 'Approved' started by Yz2, Jul 16, 2017.

  1. Yz2

    Yz2 Galactic Enforcer Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: Kaiju, as a collective name. They have a variety of other names given to them. Words that mean 'giant' or 'titan' in the languages of the other races. Or individual names assigned to each Kaiju.


    Description: 'Kaiju' is the classification given to giant organisms, standing at least fifty metres high. Though they are usually much bigger. Similar to Cosmithans, engineered Kaiju are all of the same species. Though differing in outward appearance and abilities. They can be natural or engineered, though the latter is more common. The massive monsters have a variety of different traits. Spikes, projectile weaponry such as acidic spit or fire breath, and always their huge bulk. Kaiju can be bipeds, quadrupeds, serpentine, any shape. Even biomechanical as long as they're more monster than machine. The ones found in the wild are almost always apex predators, only outclassed by other Kaiju.

    Natural Kaiju tend to have longer lifespans, and are almost always semi-aquatic, to put less strain on their bodies by living in water. They tend to use their titanic size and bulk as their primary weapon, seldom possessing special abilities (Though still possible. Things like colour changing or spitting acid.). Spikes, spines, fins, horns. Naturally occurring flying Kaiju are extremely rare. They can live hundreds of thousands of years, though they usually hibernate. Putting themselves into stasis-like states to conserve their internal reserves.

    Engineered Kaiju, by comparison, are much shorter-lived. Typically created to serve as terror weapons, they usually have a biological expiry date, allowing them to wreak their havoc and then die without issue. Placing one on a planet typically involves dropping a young, easier to transport specimen into an ecosystem. And then just watching as it swiftly grows and develops to its full size, raining hell and death down on the inhabitants. Engineered Kaiju can have a myriad of abilities. Such as breath-based weapons, toxic bodies and regeneration. Their appearances and abilities vary greatly depending on their creators and their intended uses. They can even be used as guardians, having the ability to hibernate until they are needed.

    Kaiju are extremely durable due to their size and bulk. Though nuclear weapons can easily decimate them, not much else below that will do the trick. Certain Kaiju can grow up to be absolutely titanic. As long as they can fit on a planet, it's a Kaiju. Thus, things like the Ragknarok or Cosmithans are not considered to be Kaiju.


    Behavior: Natural Kaiju will almost always ignore people. Or people-sized things. Smaller Kaiju may go after them as food. Engineered Kaiju, their usual purpose being bioweapons, will likely try to kill anything smaller than them. Especially sentient races. Usually by going after population centres or by destroying larges swathes of the environment. 


    Tamability: Natural Kaiju cannot be tamed. Engineered Kaiju can have loyalty implants embedded during their conception to somewhat control them. Preprogrammed directives can be implanted from birth as well, for those used as weapons.


    Where is it found?: Natural Kaiju are usually found on planets with huge bodies of water. Or those with lighter gravity, allowing them to fare better on land. Engineered Kaiju are created from birth.


    Rarity: Very rare to find these beings in the wild. Engineered Kaiju require huge amounts of resources to make. Some random Joe can't just whip one up on the spot in a dingy lab.


    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: Omnivorous. Can't afford to be picky with how much they need to consume. Certain Kaiju can survive during hibernation through photosynthesis, absorbing heat and the ever cliche 'feeding off radiation' thing. Basically just using natural sources of energy.


    Products?: Engineered Kaiju are in and of themselves products. If a Kaiju is killed, they provide enough meat to feed a country for ages. Their tough bones or scales can be used as construction materials or taken as trophies.


    Reproduction: Natural Kaiju tend to lay eggs. Live young is rare. One or two offspring that take a long time to reach adulthood. Engineered Kaiju are usually sterile. Though they may be able to reproduce asexually. To engineer a Kaiju would be similar as artificially creating any other creature, though on a much grander scale. Firstly, one would have to be very well versed in genetics and of bio-engineering. They could also modify natural ones or use them as a base. Typically, massive amounts of resources would have to be spent to house one as it's developed, taking the form of space stations or facilities explicitly for this. It would indeed be an extremely difficult undertaking. One would have to spend a massive amount of resources to feed and develop one that they're engineering.


    Size: The first criteria an organism has to meet to classify as a Kaiju is being at least 50 metres long or tall. The upper limit is determined by other conditions.


    Weight: Varies. Thousands of tons.


    Lifespan: Naturally occurring Kaiju have long lifespans. Hundreds of thousands of years. Though much of it is spent hibernating. Engineered Kaiju usually die after their purposes are fulfilled. Or require constant care provided by their creators to stay alive.


    Abilities: All the advantages being a giant monster bring. General Kaiju abilities. Breathing fire, regeneration, things like that.


    Flaws: A bombardment can easily hit a terrestrial Kaiju. It takes a massive fit of incompetency to miss such a target. That's a constant. They require massive amounts of sustenance, having to resort to hibernation to regain energy if they are unable to receive it. Engineered ones are shorter lived.


    Other: Using engineered kaiju to attack groups/hubs/colonies is considered to be an event weapon, and thus requires consent by the owner.
    schizothotep likes this.
  2. Yz2

    Yz2 Galactic Enforcer Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    please dont just straight out use godzilla monsters if ya'll use these on planets and such ok that's shameful
    schizothotep likes this.
  3. Yz2

    Yz2 Galactic Enforcer Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Bumping and requesting a grade. Been about a month.
  4. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Hello @YongZhi !​
    Okay, I've looked through the Kaiju and I'm happy to say that I find very few issues.​
    I have a question and a request, however.​
    How does one go about engineering a Kaiju? Does it require extensive study of genetics, natural kaiju, and use of many resources? This should be a daunting and difficult task.​
    And second, I would request that you place a label or warning somewhere that's easily noticeable that states something like the following:​
    Using engineered kaiju to attack groups/hubs/colonies is considered to be an event weapon, and thus requires consent by the owner.
  5. Yz2

    Yz2 Galactic Enforcer Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    To engineer a Kaiju would be similar as artificially creating any other creature, though on a much grander scale. Firstly, one would have to be very well versed in genetics and of bio-engineering. They could also modify natural ones or use them as a base. Typically, massive amounts of resources would have to be spent to house one as it's developed, taking the form of space stations or facilities explicitly for this. It would indeed be an extremely difficult undertaking. One would have to spend a massive amount of resources to feed and develop one that they're engineering.
  6. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Alright, could you edit that into the application? As well as the consent warning for whenever they're used as weapons, as I've asked for previously.
  7. Yz2

    Yz2 Galactic Enforcer Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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  8. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Alrighty, I hereby bestow upon this application a pass.
    Here there be giants.